Thursday, 17 December 2020


Hi, Guys. Presenting you with Episode 8

Gratitude to all the readers🙏🏼. Thank you Shivani for reading my updates with such eagerness. Thanks to Aditi too. Akansha, you are indeed sweet person 😍, keep reading. Meghu, thanks for your kind words. I could definitely say that you too are great writer. Let’s feel it (ff) is just amazing. Thanks to all of you. Keep reading🤗

Episode 8

Narrator : Let’s have a quick recap of previous episode. As we all have seen that Kunal is disturbed by Kuhu’s behavior who is just ignoring him because of what he did. Mishti can’t decide who is right. But as she is a protective sister she is taking Kuhu’s side.

Kunal is coming inside of the house. He is talking to someone on mobile phone.

Kunal : Please don’t call me again. You know because of you my mother is not talking to me. I had lost my one of the good friends.

Abir comes and snatch the mobile phone from Kunal’s hand.

Abir : Don’t call here again.

Purva is on the other side of phone.

Purva : Abir! You too?

Abir : Purva, I think if I would be in Kunal’s shoes, then even I wouldn’t had helped you for cheating or leaking the papers.

Purva : Abir, I am too sorry. I know I am wrong. But there was no other option left for me.

Abir : I hate you, Purva. Because I hate cheaters. I know I am not at all good at studies but still I don’t know how to cheat! And today also I couldn’t believe that my brother, my brother helped someone in leaking of papers.

Purva : Sorry, Abir…

Abir : You are really feeling guilty, right? Then go and announce in college that you only did leaking. Declare in college that Kuhu is innocent. And that too infront of whole college.

Purva disconnects the call. Kunal is seeing Abir with extreme happiness.

Abir : Disconnected.Uhhh (seeing to Kunal) What happened to you? Why are you so happy?

Kunal hugs Abir tightly. And says : I love you, Abir. I love you so much. You are such a nice brother.

Abir : What happened?

Kunal : Nothing happened till now, but tomorrow it will happen.

Kunal goes from there in excitement.

Abir (thinking) : Did he got crazy?

Narrator : Let’s have a look what’s going on in Maheshwaris House.

Kuhu : Mishti!

Mishti : Yes, what happened?

Kuhu : ha (thinking) ah, actually haa

Mishti : What happened to you?

Kuhu : Actually I was asking you that, What was Kunal talking about in The temple?

Mishti : He was asking for forgiveness. What else? But I also said him many thing. You don’t worry. And by the way, tomorrow is Varun’s Engagement.

Kuhu : Who is Varun now?

Mishti : Offo! Kuhu, literally can’t you remember one name also? Varun Mishra. Ananya di’s brother in law (devar)

Kuhu : Oh, yeah I got it. Sorry

Mishti : It’s okay. But we have to go to college. Okay?

Kuhu : Yeah, I know that.

Mishti : Okay, now go to sleep. Good Night.

Kuhu : Good Night.

Narrator : It’s morning. A morning full of hopes, freshness and beauty.

Kuhu and Mishti comes down.

Badima : See, both the girls came.

Varsha : Mishti, Kuhu come fast. And start your breakfast.

They both come and greets Badepapa. Soon Shaurya too comes. He heads towards Kuhu.

Shaurya : Kuhu, are you fine?

Kuhu : Yes, papa.

Shaurya : Shall I leave you both?

Mishti : No, Papa. We’ll go. Don’t worry.

Shaurya : Okay.

Kuhu : Papa, I wanted to say you something.

I am Sorry, because of me, our neighbors are talking such rubbish about our family.

Badepapa : Kuhu, we don’t care about what others are talking. And we know, what our daughters are. Our daughters are true gems. They don’t need to prove themselves.

Shaurya : We believe our daughters. And we believe our morals and upbringing too. So don’t worry about what others are saying.

Kuhu becomes emotional and she hugs her father. Badepapa keeps hand on her head. Shaurya sees Mishti and gestures her. Mishti too comes and join them. They share an emotional moment which was worth seeing.

Mishti’s phone rings. She says It’s Abir’s call. I will come in a minute. She goes to side.

Mishti : Hello!

Abir : Hi, are you coming to college today?

Mishti : Yes, why not? But why are you asking me, Abir?

Abir : No, just asking. I was thinking I should come or not!

Mishti : Why you will not come? You should come.

Abir : By the way why are you forcing me to come? You will feel alone, right?

Mishti : (without thinking) Yes. I mean No. Why will I feel alone? Kuhu will be there.

Abir : Only Kuhu?

Mishti : I mean many friends will be there.

Abir : But they’ll not be like me, right?

Mishti : You are wasting my time. I have to go to college at time. Bye

Abir : Arey! Suno. It’s okay, Bye.

(He smiles).

Highlights : Abir scolding Purva, Kunal’s excitement, Kuhu concerned about Kunal’s conversation with Mishti. Kuhu and her family members bond and Abir and Mishti’s call conversation.

Author’s message : Will come to you all with Episode 9 on Sunday. Sorry for the lack of Mishbir and Kuku scenes. Keep reading😍

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