Friday, 27 November 2020

Ye Ishq Nahi Aasan #14 Death

(Okay guys… Please don’t kill me for this… but I am skipping the wedding part.. Because well… I don’t know what to write because neither I am married, nor do I have any dreams of marrying… So, Riddhima keeps making Kabir trust that she is with him, and gives him a video of Vansh pointing the gun at Ragini… But, kabir says that if the picture can’t do anything, then what would the video do… So now, we are in RiAnsh’s room on their first night… NO! I mean… I am writing what happens… we are not there… we are safe at our homes… i hope!)

Riddhima: Finally! It was a tiresome day!

Vansh: I know, sweetheart! It was our wedding! And weddings are tiresome… especially, the last ritual…

Riddhima: Vansh! I don’t know what youre talking about and I am so tired that I don’t wanna know!

Vansh: Aww! Sweetheart! There is still  a lot left!

Riddhima: Please Vansh! Not today! I’m exhausted!

Vansh: I’m hearing no excuses! I have a brilliant surprise for you! Go get fresh and wear some comfortable clothes! Rush!

Riddhima goes and changes and when she comes back, she finds Vansh’s note saying…

Come to the farmhouse… I have arranged something special for you… Vansh

(Lol! I brought the farmhouse back… apparently, I was missing it too much…)

Riddhima smiles and rushes to go out…

When she reaches there, she gets a message from Vansh…

Sorry, sweetheart, change of plans… come to the tablepoint, I promise I’ll make up for it…

Riddhima goes there and what she finds,shocks her like hell… (You will be shocked too…)

Vansh: So here comes traitor number 2!

Riddhima first thinks that he is acting, so she plays along…

Riddhima: Why are you saying so, Vansh?

Then, Vansh shows her a video… (I won’t tell you now… in the next episode… sorry guys… this ep is gonna be short… I have IEO tomorrow…)

Vansh: I really loved you Riddhima! How could you? Really? This is your truth?

Riddhima was too shocked to react…

Vansh: You know what!? Now you will have to live your life in guilt! Guilt of murdering my love! Guilt of murdering me! And believe me, I’ll make sure of that!

Ridhhima was still in shock thinking how Vansh could believe that when…

Vansh jumps off the cliff!

(Dear Reader… Please don’t be angry with me… I’m doing this for a bigger motive… you all are gonna love it when you know what actually happened… Until then, Please at least try not to dream of killing me!)

The post Ye Ishq Nahi Aasan #14 Death appeared first on Telly Updates.

11/27/2020 07:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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