Friday, 27 November 2020

RadhaKrishn 27th November 2020 Written Episode Update: Krishna Agrees For A War With Banasur

RadhaKrishn 27th November 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Krishna walks to Radha. Radha tells him that she can see what he described; Sam, Anirudh, and Pradymna are confined in jail there and Balram and his sons are ready to go on a war with him; their protection is his responsibility and if something happens to them, he will he held responsible, so he should take her along to solve the issue peacefully. Krishna agrees. Banasur asks guard if Krishna is coming. Guard says he is on the way. Banasur laughs that Krishna will come here and meet his death. Usha walks to jail with maids saying she has to stop this mishap and save innocents. She frees Anirudh and Pradyumna. Sam thinks she will ruin his plan. Usha takes Sam, Anirudh, and Pradyumna out of jail via a secret route. Sam silently escapes from behind.

Krishna with Balram, Nishath, Ulmukh and army reaches Banasur’s place to fight with him. Balram says Banasur is not present and insulted them thinking they are incapable to fight him, he will kill Banasur’s army and show his power. Mahadev hopes he doesn’t fight with Krishna and hopes Krishan findss a solution, else he is bound with his promise made to Banasur that if Krishna provokes Banasur, he will support Banasur. Krishna says he is bound by his karma and says he will send a peace letter to Banasur that if he returns Sam, Anirudh, and Pradyumna, he will not fight. Banasur reads letter and laughs that Krishna is pleading for peace before war, he will kill him and his family. Guard asks him to come along and see what happened. Usha reaches secret route’s end with Anirudh and Pradyumna and says they will be safe after they get out of this. Anirudh sees Sam missing. Sam returns and says he got confused and lost his way. They get out and see Banasur standing with his army. Banasur says his own daughter and her friend Chitralekha betrayed him and tried to escape captives. Sam acts and warns Banasur to let them go or else he will kill him. Banasur orders guards to send them back to jail and lock Usha in her room. Guards takes them away except Sam. Sam says he needs Chitralekha at his service. Banasur agrees.

Krishna and Bansur’s war starts. Banasur insults Krishna calling him fugitive and says he will kill him today. Krishna sends Nishat to fight with Banasur. Banasur destroys their weapons and defeats them. Balram gets angry and says he will fight with him. Mata Gowri gets worried seeing seshnag fighting with Banasur. Mahadev says it will bring a cyclone now. He destroys Banasur’s weapons. Banasur says nobody dared to defeat him till now and attacks Balram. Balram attacks back and destroying his chariot orders to accept defeat. Radha is seen praying Mahadev.

Precap: Mahadev and Krishna’s war begins.

Update Credit to: MA

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11/27/2020 01:14:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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