Hai friends so sorry for late post and Thank you so much for your support through comments.Please keep commenting. Let’s go to episode.
Abir gives the gift to Mishti. She is surprised to see it.
Mishti: What’s in this Abir
Abir: See it yourself
Mishti opens it in curiosity and is amazed to see a bracelet with a heart symbol. She jumps in joy
Mishti: Wow Abir this is beautiful
Abir: Not more than you
Mishti kisses the bracelet in joy
Abir: Arrey I’m kneeling down for so long…you didn’t bother to help me up or kiss me you are kissing the bracelet
Mishti: Acha sorry sorry
She helps him up and hugs him in joy.
Abir wears the bracelet on her wrist. The scene freezes.
Scene shifts to a cafe. Tara and her friends are sitting there. Kartik comes there with Naira.
Kartik: Naira…why did you bring me here
Naira: Just like that..I wanted to have a coffee with you
Kartik smiles broad as they take their seats opposite to the table occupied by Tara and friends.
Tara: Seems like Naira is giving a treat for slapping me
Priya: Kartik should have been yours..you deserve him
Tara: He is only guy with whom I fell in love…I would not have felt bad if he had dumped me for any other reason but dumping me for Naira…oh god
Priya: Don’t tell me that you wanna hurt Naira
Tara: I will hurt her but not physically because that isn’t Tara style…but Naira will pay for her deeds.
Meanwhile Kartik and Naira finish their food and get up. Kartik suddenly remembers something and goes behind Naira and holds her closer
Naira: Kartik…
Kartik: Naira I forgot the ritual
Naira: What ritual…
Kartik: Selfie ritual..you have brought me on a coffee date today and I forgot to click our pic together
Naira: Acha…let’s take now
Kartik takes his mobile out and they pose for a selfie
Tara sees this and gets jealous. She plans something.
Suddenly Kartik’s phone rings and it is Naksh
Kartik: Naksh
Naksh: Kartik…it’s an emergency please come to City hospital with Naira
Kartik: Naksh..what happened
Naksh: We don’t know you please come.
Kartik and Naira rush to city hospital. The scene freezes
Meanwhile in Anurag’s office he is conducting an interview for his secretary post. There comes Komolika .Komolika is his college mate. She had a crush on him in college days.
Anurag is surprised to see her
Anurag: Komolika….you have applied for secretary post
Komolika: Family issues…dad passed away..brother is still studying and lot of debts so I had no choice
Anurag: I’m sorry . This job is yours
Komolika: Don’t select me without testing
Anurag: Komolika you are overqualified for this post…so should I reject you
Komolika: If that’s what the boss decides then can I change
Anurag: As of now no job is available for your qualification but I can’t let my friend suffer so you join here as my secretary then once I find a job for your qualification I’ll offer it to you
Komolika: That’s sweet of you.
Just then Anurag’s phone rings. It is Kartik. He tells him the happenings and calls him to City hospital.
Anurag: If you don’t mind it’s an emergency I must leave. I’ll catch you later. You join tomorrow morning.
Anurag rushes out. The scene freezes.
Scene shifts to City hospital. Kaira,Anupre and Mishbir rush there hearing the news.
Anurag: Naksh what happened
Naksh: Keerthi fainted suddenly.
Kartik: Ill talk to the doctor
Kartik goes to doctor’s cabin.
Kartik: Doctor sir I’m Kartik Goenka Keerthi’s brother..I’m a medical student…what happened
Doctor: Keerthi’s kidneys are failing. She needs an urgent dialysis
Kartik: Sir what may be cause for it
Doctor: We have collected the samples the reason will be shown soon.
Kartik comes out.
Naira: Kartik…what happened
Kartik is silent
Abir: Bhai bolna
Kartik: Keerthi is having a kidney failure she needs dialysis kidney transplant may be needed too.
Naksh breaks down. Naira consoles him.
Akshara too breaks down. Naitik goes to her. They share a hug.
Prerna goes to a broken Anurag and consoles him. Abir and Mishti console Kartik. The scene freezes on their sadness.
Scene shifts to Vadhera house. Jeevika puts Sara on a cradle. Viren is sleeping sound. Jeevika goes near him and admires his sleep. Suddenly Viren pulls her and she topples on him.
Jeevika: Virenji chodiye
Viren: You are my wife..I won’t leave you …nowadays you have started to avoid me
Jeevika: Woh…
Viren: Shsh…I need some time for us
Jeevika blushes and rests her head on his chest. The scene freezes.
The post Love Makes Life Beautiful Episode 52 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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