Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 15th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode starts with Mirzas, Mishras, and Bittu Pappu getting afraid hearing ghost laughing. Pappu says let us go from here. Bittu boasts as usual and says he will trash ghost. Mirza and Mishra asks him not to be overconfident and risk their families. Bittu says he has ward off many ghosts from houses and asks them to give him a tester to check where is electric current. Mishra and Mirza ask each other to get tester as house is electrocuted. Bittu scolds them and says he will get tester. Mirzas and Mishra make ghost their relatives and greet him. Bittu and Pappu scold them and opening door walk down. They step on marbles and slipping down the steps fall down unconscious. Shanti, Sakeena, Mirza, Mishra walk down and thinking they are dead cry out loudly praising their qualities. They both wake up and say they are still alive and were just unconscious.
Noorjahan with children sees Brij beating himself and think he has gone mad. Brij says he is fine and is punishing himself for making joke of a son like ghost. Noorjahan says even she joked on her son like ghost and beats herself. Children also beat themselves. Bittu and Papu afraid of ghost try to escape from haveli. Shanti, Sakeena, Mirza, Mishra stop them and insist to first tackle the ghost and then leave haveli. Bittu and Pappu say they will become ghost if they stay here. Sakeena asks what if English girls call in their absence. Bittu asks them to inform girls to call them after 2-3 months once ghost is out of haveli. Their nok jhok starts. Bittu Pappu walk towards door when ghost emerges and says they are all his captives and if they try to leave haveli without his permission, they will have an instant death. They all get afraid. Bittu and Pappu discuss how will they stay in haveli now. Ghost asks what is their favorite food. They give their list. Ghost asks them to prepare it and clean the house first.
Bittu and Pappu clean house cursing Mirzas and Mishras. Bhoot Raja bahar aaja song plays in the BG. Shanti and Sakeena prepare dishes for ghost and take them on terrace calling him dadda and devarji. Their nok jhok starts. Ghost laughs and they both run inside house afraid. At night, Bittu and Pappu try to escape haveli. Ghosts throws steel pot on their head and it covers their face. Shanti, Sakeena, Mirza, and Mishra walk to them and think even aliens have barged into their haveli. Bittu Pappu say its them and ghost threw pot on their heads when they tried to escape. Shanti, Sakeena, Mirza, Mishra don’t trust them. They dance in Bittu Pappu style. Mishra asks them to stop as only they can dance so badly. Mirza removes pots from their heads. Their drama continues. Ghost says he thought of leaving haveli in 8-10 days, but seeing their drama he is entertained and will stay for at least a year.
Precap: No precap.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
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