Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Hamariwali Good News 25th November 2020 Written Episode Update: Adi saves Renuka from Mukund’s anger

Hamariwali Good News 25th November 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Renuka getting intoxicated. She also dances and stops Kusum from the dance. She acts weird. Navya tries to stop Renuka. Sumitra takes Renuka with her to kitchen. She asks her to say the truth, what is Navya hiding, what is going on. Renuka says yes, there is something. Sumitra asks her to say what is she hiding. Renuka says Navya, pregnant… Sumitra says Navya has a problem in her pregnancy, I know, tell me what’s the problem. Renuka asks shall I say. She makes a sad face. Navya waits for Renuka. Sumitra asks her again and again. Renuka asks who is Navya. Sumitra says Navya is Adi’s wife, what’s the problem with her. Kusum and Indu dance. Indu asks Navya to dance for Anchal’s sake. Renuka asks am I scared of anyone, why won’t I say. Sumitra asks her to say it. Renuka asks what’s the problem, what are you both hiding from me. Navya dances. Renuka says Navya… Navya calls her out. Renuka says Navya is calling me. She goes out and asks what happened. Navya falls down. Renuka says its fine, her leg is fine. Navya says I m fine. Renuka says I will sing and dance, everyone will see. She dances. Kaan me jhumke….plays…. She gets Sumitra for dance. Mukund comes. He gets shocked seeing Renuka making fun of Sumitra by her song. He shouts stop all this. Sumitra makes a face. Mukund takes Renuka with him. He makes her stand in the shower. Renuka says its rain, I like rain. Mukund says you want to enjoy rain, get under the water. She slips in his arms. They get under the shower. She smiles. Music plays……

She holds ears and laughs. Sumitraasks did Renuka have alcohol. Kusum says maybe she drank from Mukund’s bottle. Mukund changes his shirt. Renuka feels cold. He scolds Renuka. He asks how did you make fun of Sumitra, knowing she is like my mum, I will never forget this. Navya apologizes to Sumitra. Indu gets the bhaang and shows them. Sumitra asks what’s this, Renuka played the drama herself to insult me here. Navya sends Madhu and Kusum. Sumitra calls out Mukund. Navya thinks of something. Mukund comes. Sumitra cries and creates a scene. She says I have come here thinking its your house, your wife has insulted us, she wanted to create a hurdle in the good work, tell me if we shouldn’t keep Anchal’s marriage here. Mukund asks you mean Renuka got bhaang here. She says no, I got it here to get myself insulted.

Navya goes to kitchen and thinks what to do now, who got the bhaang at home. She calls someone. Sumitra asks everyone to leave. Mukund says no, Renuka will apologize to you in front of everyone. He calls Renuka. She comes. He asks her to hold Sumitra’s feet and apologize. Renuka apologizes to Sumitra.

Renuka says I don’t know who got the bhaang. Mukund says you had to eat it, you would have got it here, how did it come. Adi comes home and says I got the bhaang. He holds Renuka. He says yes, I got the bhaang, sorry, this happened because of me. Mukund says you started having bhaang also. Adi says sorry, I didn’t it for this function, Alok is arranging Sanjay’s bachelor party. Mukund asks did you get it for Sanjay. Adi says yes, I had kept it in fridge. Navya says its same like samosa chutney, maybe Renuka and Kusum had it by mistake. Preeti says Adi, you got mum trapped. Adi says sorry, it was a misunderstanding. Mukund says Adi is going to become a father now, he always does drama like Renuka. Sumitra says leave it. Mukund warns Renuka.sumitra and Indu go. Indu says Renuka is becoming like Navya, even Mukund can change. Sumitra says Mukund can never change, just do as I say, I have a great plan. She tells the plan. Renuka says I was so worried. Preeti says it was so much fun, Sumitra was looking so weird. She gets Alok’s call and answers. Renuka says Adi lied and handled the matter, who gave me the juice. Navya says don’t know. She recalls Sumitra. She says you remember Sumitra got you to kitchen, who is the outsider now, Anchal, Indu and Sumitra. Renuka says it means Sumitra did this, but why will she do this.

Indu keeps a phone to record Navya and Renuka’s conversation. Navya says I m scared that anyone can know about my false pregnancy. A man calls out Renuka and comes to meet her.

Update Credit to: Amena

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