Hello everyone !
Well I’m back again with the next part !!
I know you all we’re waiting from a long time , sorry to make you wait !!
Do read the note at the end !!
Let’s begin !!
Chapter 36
A week later!
Everything in there life was going normal , with each passing day there love ,there feelings were growing for each other . It was hard for them to keep there feelings to them when the other’s were putting so much efforts to show it.
There was a lot to say , to show ,to describe ,to feel but it was not easy to confess , they needed confidence but the thing which insecured them was the fear of rejection from the other.
They didn’t wanted any harm to there relation in anyway after there confession or the other’s rejection but the things we’re different , both wanted the same thing and the only thing it would take was to build courage and speak you heart out and see there would be no more insecurities.
But time will tell who would be the one to take that step, Mr. Sarna or Mrs. Sarna .
It’s been a week since Kunj made those efforts and planned the surprise date for me making me realise my feelings for him and i am still wondering what to do and confess what i feel for him .
I want it to be special and different , think Twinkle think what will you do ?
Idea , it’s Kunj’s Birthday Tomorrow , i will plan a surprise birthday date for him and will confess my love for him as his birthday gift .
Babaji , please help me in this and i really hope Kunj’s response to be the same for me .
Let’s go twinkle plan a surprise for your dear Loving Husband!
POV ends :
Twinkle came back from her thoughts and went to Bebe to make arrangements for a midnight birthday celebration for Kunj as she had planned his surprise on his birthday so she wanted a small celebration with family too.
They discussed together and made all the arrangements till the time Kunj returned from office . The kids were informed of the same and they were damn excited .
When Kunj came they spent sometime together and after freshing up they had there dinner and everyone retired to there room .
After a while when Kunj was fast asleep Twinkle came out of the room and decorated the hall and called Bebe and The Kids and went back to her room to bring Kunj down .
She reached her room and gave voice to Kunj in order to wake him up but when he didn’t woke up she shaked his shoulder and called out for him making him come out of his sleep.
She made a demand for eating ice cream with the best possible puppy face and asked him to accompany her , he chuckled on her weird demand nevertheless followed her downstairs .
We they reached downstairs it was all dark , he called out for Twinkle but got no response, when he started moving towards the switch board the clock struck 12 and the lights turned on making him gasp as everyone wished him Happy Birthday.

“Happy Birthday Kunj Putter”- spoke Bebe blessing him .
“Happy Birthday Papa” chipered the kids making Kunj smile wide and last not the least his dear wife who came with a cake wished him saying –
“Happy Birthday Dear Husband” making him smile wide.
He admired the efforts they made to make his day special, from decoration to all the other arrangements .

He cut the cake and fed Bebe the very first bite and then moved towards the kid’s who have became his life and then his love , his wife .
After there little celebration they wished each other good night and retired back to there room.
On reaching there room , Kunj pulled Twinkle in a hug showing his gratitude and said –
“”Thank you Twinkle for making the start of my day so special, it really means a lot , no one ever did something so special for me and I’m very happy today just because of you.””
Twinkle smiled listening his little confession and said –
“”Don’t thank me Kunj , whatever you did for me is much more than my efforts but i promise you one thing i would do everything to make all your days special and let me tell you My Dear Husband it’s just the start of your day there is more to come . So, get ready for a blast day in totally Twinkle’s style.””
Kunj was overwhelmed would be an understatement , he did had noticed the little changes in Twinkle’s behaviour after there date and he had a idea what it is but he wanted her to initiate this time that’s why he was holding back his plan to confess but little did he knew his Wife had already planned everything in the back of her mind and was sure he would really be surprised.
After there little thanking session they went back to bed and slept in each other’s embrace to welcome the most beautiful day of there life which would be full of surprise.
That’s all for now !!
Hope you like it !!
A/N:- Well as many of you were sad as i ended ‘Falling For The Tutor’ , there is a good news for you all as i have decided to write an epilogue for the same !!!
So tell me how do you like my decision regarding it !!
Will be updating the epilogue soon !
Take Care and Stay Safe !!
Lots of love
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