Thursday 26 March 2020

Mere Sai 26th March 2020 Written Episode Update: Sai Baba Visits Sadanand

Mere Sai 26th March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

A man Sadanand tries to prepare Sai’s idol. His wife asks him to get wood from jungle as today is holika dahan. Sadanand says he failed to make Sai’s idol even today, he has only one wish to prepare Sai’s idol, keep it in temple and pray as there is no idol maker in their village. Wife says he should continue trying and one day he may succeed. Sadanand says Sai does not him to serve, so he is unable to prepare idol. His neighbor walks in and asks if he is not accompanying to bring wood from jungle. Sadanand leaves. During sleep, Sadanand sees Sai in dream saying he doesn’t want any of his disciples to serve him, but wants them to serve humanity, he will come tonight and have food with him though. He happily wakes up and excitedly informs his wife that Sai will come to have food with them, so she should prepare special dishes today and he will invite his relatives to have food with Sai.

Sadanand calls his younger brother’s family home. Wife says he must have just dreamt, how will Sai come here to have lunch with him. His brother says it must be just a dream as even he had seen similar dreams earlier, his wife backs him. Sadanand says if Sai will come for sure as promised, so he will make all the arrangements alone if they don’t help him. Wife says today is festival and she will prepare feast though. His wife and brother’s family prepare feast and serve it. He thanks them for their help and excitedly says he will have feast with Sai today.

They all wait till evening for Sai. Sadanand assures his wife that Sai will come for sure. He hears his brother and wife discussing they are very hungry and how long they have to wait. Neighbor invites him to play holi, but he stops him saying his guest is coming and once guest leaves, he will come to play holi. Neibhor applies tilak and leaves. Sadanand asks family to start feast as he doesn’t want them to wait further. Brother says they feel sorry for him. Just then, a saintly beggar/baba comes begging. He thinks when Sai has not come, at least he can feed this beggar. He addresses him as baba and greeting him in offers him thali. Baba sits keeping his bag aside, sees feast thali and asks if he was waiting for someone. Sadanand says his respectable Sai baba was to come, but he didn’t. Baba asks how will he identify Sai. Sadanand says he will with Sai baba’s kafni/kurta, his chimta and bag. Baba finishes food and before leaving blesses him that he should meet his Sai baba. Brother finds bag and hands it over to Sadanand. Sadanand searches baba to return it, but not finding him returns home and checks bag. To his surprise, he sees Sai baba’s idol in it and emotionally showing it to family says his Sai baba came and left, but he couldn’t identify him; Sai baba can come in any form to test his disciples.

Precap: Jahnvi hearing her baby crying pleads Savi to let her console baby, but Savi warns to go away or else she will call police and shuts window.

Update Credit to: MA

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