In the latest breakthrough in actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case, Mumbai BJP Secretary Vivekanand Gupta has revealed some shocking details which have added a lot of value to the ongoing case. His claims can turn the case upside down and well, if CBI asks him to make an official statement, it would add a lot of value.
Speaking to Republic TV, Vivekanand Gupta claimed that Rhea Chakraborty met Sushant Singh Rajput on June 13 2020, a day before his death on June 14 2020. Earlier Rhea had claimed that she left Sushant’s Bandra residence on June 8 and they did not meet after that.
The BJP leader states that he has information about Sushant and Rhea’s alleged meeting on June 13 and further claims that some eye witnesses told him that they saw the duo together on June 13 at around 3 am.
Republic TV quoted him as saying;
“On the 13th night, there was a birthday of a big politician and another politician has also tweeted about how there can be a party in the lockdown. It means the minister knows there was a party and he knows who all were present. This incident happened on the night of 13th and 14th. Eyewitness have told me that around 2 am to 3 am, Sushant went to drop Rhea till her home. So saying that she left on June 8 is not correct. On the 14th morning, he was murdered and then hanged.”
The BJP leader states that he is ready to get in touch with the Central Bureau of Investigation probing Sushant’s case. He adds that he has already tweeted about everything.
“Whenever the CBI will call me, I will go and also give the identity of the witness to the CBI. I won’t give any information to Mumbai Police,” he said.
Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti has also reacted to this and tweeted:
This is a true Breaking News in all sense, a game changer! A witness who can confirm that Bhai met Rhea on 13th night! What exactly conspired on 13th night, that Bhai was found dead the next morning? #JusticeForSSR #SaluteRepublic #Revolution4SSR
— Shweta Singh Kirti (@shwetasinghkirt) October 1, 2020
‘This is a true Breaking News in all sense, a game changer! A witness who can confirm that Bhai met Rhea on 13th night! What exactly conspired on 13th night, that Bhai was found dead the next morning?”
The post Did Rhea met SSR on 13 June? BJP minister claims, she did appeared first on Telly Updates.
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