so sorry guys i am truly sorry my laptop got broke nd i had to buy another nd my parents asked me to buy on dushhera only so i was not able to upload till then . hope u guys understand nd like this epi.
So the epi starts with sona reaching home where everyone was waiting for her
Sona: why are you guys looking at me like that?
Asha: we were eagerly waiting for u …..so how was the meeting with dev?
Sona: mom first of all we didn’t meet at coffee shop or park to call it a meeting ……..nd it was actually a patient and doc meeting so what do you expect from it ………….nd ya why didn’t you guys informed me that dev was at my hospital
Asha: oh really! How many times I called u but just ignored me as u thought I was calling to scold u for not coming to the dinner ……………..nd yeah why didn’t u came at that dinner how many times I reminded u to be on time but you
Sona: u could’ve texted me I would atleast see that …… mom actually speaking I was late because of dev only…….he was the person who came to the hospital emergently and the other doctor was late ………………
Asha: I know u would see my text but it was your punishment for not coming to dinner plus ignoring my calls knowingly
Ele: leave that sona so say did u like dev?
Sona starts thinking about him
Ele: see massi now only she is lost in his thoughts
Sona: shut up ele ………..nd I think u have started talking so much now-a -days looks mom we should also get ele married
Ele: sona! You ……….
Nd both runs here and there in the whole house. Scene changes it’s evening, sona gets a call
Sona: hello! …………..oh it’s you …………….ok I’ll be there in 20 mins
Sona leaves for xyz café nd she sees a guy sitting in chair back facing nd goes to him
Sona: yes dev! why did u want to meet me ?
Dev: actually first of all i am sorry I didn’t recognize u when I saw u at the hospital
Sona: it’s okay ! actually I too didn’t recognize
Dev: that I thought so seeing ur expression when u got ur mom’s call ( dev smile’s remembering her expression nd sona gets annoyed luckily waiter comes to take their order)
Waiter: what would u like to have sir and maam
Dev: one black coffee and sonakshi what would u like to have
Sona: (directly to waiter) cancel the black coffee nd get two orange juice
The waiter leaves
Dev: sonakshi why did u cancel black coffee
Sona: you should avoid it atleast for one week as ur health is not good nd u should drink more fruit juices ……don’t forget that I am ur fiancée later and ur doctor first ( she realizes after saying that she said mistakenly fiancée which a little shocks dev )
Dev: actually I wanted to get things get cleared between us before we start our relationship…………….i might not be the perfect person u wanted as a life partner but I would try my best ……….nd I expect only one thing from my life partner is that she can do her best in keeping my family happy
The waiter brings their orders and serve them
Sona: dev I understand even if u have not said I would do my best to understand ur family …………waise I too don’t have much expectations from my life partner
Dev: waise may I know how come u agreed to marry a guy whom u didn’t even see nd specially in this century
Sona: as u love ur parents I too love my parents they did everything for me and didn’t restrict me to do anything so I just wanted that they take this decision for me nd I trust that whomever they choose would be the best for me …………..nd waise speaking about this century they’re less no .of people who get married to the one they love nd have a happy ending it mostly in films
Dev: so it means u don’t believe in love
Sona: who said that I do believe in love but I feel like its lost somewhere in guys today well people don’t realize what’s the difference between love, infatuation or attraction nd plus it takes a lot of time and emotions ……………nd as u know I am doctor who rarely have time
Dev: so it means u never have even a crush
Sona: waise to be honest I have a crush and I don’t think I can forget him in my life
Dev: then why don’t u marry him only ( in a annoying way)
Sona: I would love too but he is busy in his life and career without even knowing my existences in this world
Dev: what do u mean …..without even knowing ur existence
Sona: its ranbir kapoor dev ( nd both laughs …….nd seeing dev’s smile sona says ) ……u know u should laugh more as it will make aunty more happy ……
So the epi ends here. Let me know below how was the epi nd I’ll ost the next epi tomorrow for sure
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