Friday 23 October 2020

Akbar Ka Bal Birbal 23rd October 2020 Written Episode Update: Birbal returns with all looted Royal fortune

Akbar Ka Bal Birbal 23rd October 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

In the palace, people gossip that the Prime Minister and Rafiq might not be able to save the fortune which Birbal failed to protect. They also felt pity for the soldiers who go missing each time.

Vijay and Rafiq were ready to leave. Rafiq locks the cart. Vijay foresee himself getting his hands on Birbal.

Akbar arrives in his court. Kamran says today there will be two good news from the Dark Valley. Firstly the fortune reached safely, and secondly that Birbal will be caught with his gang of robbers. Akbar did not believe Birbal is a thief. Kamran laughs that Birbal was a thief named Insaf, Akbar must not let his decisions be influenced by his emotions and deep thoughts for someone.

In the dark valley, a strong thunderstorm hit Vijay and Lal Langot. Vijay asks why these horses do not move ahead. Rafiq says this happens when the horses can foresee a ghost or spirit. The storm was over. Two of security men were missing. The wheel of the cart was also out of order. The wheel mender points towards the royal keeper who takes Vijay to increase the hopes of their security men. The wheel mender pokes his head inside the cart from under it. Birbal gets hold of his head. Vijay was insistent that all past robberies were conducted by Birbal. Soon, they hear fighting from inside the cart. The wheel mender fells off the cart. Birbal jumps from behind and boastfully chews almond. Vijay was shocked to see Birbal. Birbal says this is the robber. He also questions the royal caretaker. The caretaker tries to flee but the security guard get hold of him.

Akbar was restless. Kamran was hopeful of good times. He says Vijay requested for more security, which he sent. It seems Birbal and his fellow attacked Vijay. A solder comes to inform that Vijay and army has returned. Akbar awaits them in the court. Birbal victoriously walks into the palace. He notices Akbar was furious. He questions how he dared to came to his court after his traitorship. He orders an arrest of Birbal. Birbal allows Akbar to do as he wishes, he is here. But he requests to listen to him once. Akbar orders the guards to back off.

Birbal says he brought something for him. The security guards bring boxes of missing fortune. These were all the three installments of fortune. Kamran says firstly Birbal stole the fortune and now he brought it back. Birbal corrects Kamran that he wants to present the ghosts. Kamran objects that these must be his own men. Birbal claps and Vijay comes in with the Royal caretaker, the wheel cart mender and a bunch of people. Birbal says there are a number of other men standing outside the palace, all responsible for the robbery. Birbal says their soldiers went missing along with the fortune. Those missing men were actually the men from their clan and wanted to terrify people of Raka Daku. Birbal tells Akbar that When he fled Akbar’s custody, he read a history book. It mentioned about a village which has now turned into a small town. The people living in the town had one peculiar thing. There was a peculiar mark on left arm of those men. He points towards the mark on the wheel mender’s hand. The Royal caretaker also had a mark on his arms . He raises hands of other men of the small town, showing their marks as well. When he went to inspect the shop of this heel mender, he found an underground passage at the place exactly where cart stopped. Vijay asks Birbal how he reached the inside of cart. Birbal says that beforehand, Vijay must know when Birbal reached the small town he was caught by the men. He had to fight them to save his life. Now, when in the palace Rafiq was about to lock the cart he got inside. When the wheel mender slipped under the cart he was caught. Birbal says this is how, the robbery was conducted.

Birbal says every story has history. He tells the Royal caretaker to narrate Akbar his history. The caretaker says their town was a flourishing town in the past. When the ancestors of Akbar came to the region, they plundered on the resources and their town turned into a broken, torn and poor township. He, along with his men decided to rob the fortune of royalty. He accepts his crime but requests apology. Birbal defends the Royal caretaker and requests mercy from Akbar. Akbar was emotional. He apologizes the caretaker. He promises to turn their town into a State. Birbal happily chants slogans in favor of Akbar.


Update Credit to: Sona

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