Thursday 3 September 2020

RadhaKrishn 3rd September 2020 Written Episode Update: Subhadra’s Test Of Love

RadhaKrishn 3rd September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Krishna tells Radha that if Subhadra loves Duryodhan, he will get her married to Duryodhan. He continues that he can change anything according to his wish via his magic, but he will never force anyone to love someone, love should happen itself, so he will not do anything and will wait in jail itself. She asks he has to get out of jail someday. He says an important even has to happen for that and he is sure that event will happen soon and he will be out of jail.

Subhadra walks to Balram reminiscing Arjun’s words that where there is love, there is trust, and Radha’s words that where there is love, there is no place for doubt. Balram greets her and says in this place, Duryodhan’s tilak ritual will happen and he will marry her. Shakuni with Duryodhan walks in and says its a good news and they shouldn’t delay. Subhadra tells Radha that Dau is eager to get her married as soon as possible, but she wants to test both Duryodhan and Arjun first and then decide whom she loves. Balram asks Duryodhan to take Subhadra to Shiv temple and perform pooja with her.

Arjun prays Krishna to meet him. Krishna in jail thinks meeting him depends on Arjun’s will power and him using his gandiva now. Subhadra walks to Shiv temple with Duryodhan and performs pooja. She then asks him what if she doesn’t love him, but she respects his bravery and his humble nature, should she marry him for this reason. Duryodhan says his bravery and humbleness, him being a king with a wealthy kingdom, her getting the respect and security she deserves is enough for this marriage. Subhadra then goes to Arjun and informing him what Duryodhan told asks if this is enough to marry Duryodhan. Arjun says even with all the wealth and lavish life, she will be deprived of love and loveless life is incomplete. She asks if he married Draupadi as he loves her. He says yes. She says she heard that Arjun cannot stay without his gandiva, will he forgo it for his love. Arjun breaks Gandiva and says love is important for him, hope she got her answer. She walks away happily Krishna thinks Arjun performed his duty, now he is ready to get out of jail.

Balram starts tilak rituals and asks Subhadra to come and sit next to Duryodhan. Subhadra asks Radha to do something as she doesn’t love Duryodhan. Krishna asks guard to inform Sri Krishna that he needss to talk to him right now. Paundrak walks to Krishna and taunts if he didn’t escape yet, he told he escaped jail when he was a kid. Krishna jokes with him, says his jail has a flaw and easily opens lock. Paundraka tries to stop him. Krishna pushes him down and says he was just demonstrating. Paundraka walks into jail and locks himself, then tries to open lock but fails. Krishna taunts him more and walks away leaving Paundrak shouting. In tilak venue, Balram insists Subhadra to start tilak ritual. Krishna walks in. Balram says Subhadra is shy. Krishna asks him to seek Subhadra’s opinion first. Subhadra says she is impressed by Duryodhan, but doesn’t want to marry him. Duryodhan and Shakuni stand shocked. Balram asks what is she saying. Krishna asks whom she loves then. Subhadra says she loves Arjun.

Precap: Duryodhan warns Balram to get him married to Subhadra, else accept that he cannot fulfill his promise. Balram warns Krishna not to speak a word. Paundrak attacks Arjun. Krishna says one who attacks guest doesn’t deserve to live.

Update Credit to: MA

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