Tuesday 1 September 2020

Part 65 Ankahee Ansunee Bateein Meri Dil Ki AABMDK

Part 65 01/09/2020

Shaurya’s POV

I woke up early as usual. Mehak was in her deep sleep. I slowly closed the door and headed to my morning sprint.  After couple of rounds around my garden, I headed to the kitchen and saw Awara preparing for breakfast, he already prepares my smoothie ingredient ready on the counter, I just blend them all and asked what he is planning to do for breakfast, he said waiting for maa to give him the menu. Usually its Mehak the one prepares the breakfast and tell him what to cook etc. I climbed the stairs and instead of getting to my room I headed to my office room. I sat there as I scroll through my Macbook. Few emails need my immediate attention and I also need to sort some business-related matters with Vicky. I have few other issues to sort with him too, my mind quickly went to incident happens two days back. Shruthi… how can I forget her easily. She easily came in to my home and create a mess and hurt my Mehak and my baby. Only I know how much I went through that very moment. I checked my mobile and find my contact, I quickly called the other person, and asked them to do some work and they told me will get things done by 2 days. I gulped down the balance smoothie and leave my study room. Mehak was at the dresser putting on her earring and she looks good in her peach colored suit.

Mehak: Morning…

I just walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her as I rested my chin on her shoulder. She hates it when I hug her after my morning sprint as I drip in sweat. I can’t help it and I want to see the annoyed Mehak now. Surprisingly she didn’t sound at me as I expected but she gave me the most beautiful smile. My other hand went to caress her bump to which she giggled gently.

Shaurya: So, did you sleep well last night?

Mehak: I did and today I feel fresh. I want to help maa a bit.

Immediately my hands turned her to face me when she said that, she looked at my face and I am sure she can read my expression which means I don’t approve it.

Mehak: what happened, why you looking at me like that?

Shaurya: You just got discharged yesterday and now you want to go to kitchen to cook, take rest sweet heart. There are plenty of people at home to handle all these.

Mehak: (pouting cutely) But I can’t be staying at room all day not doing anything right, I promise I wont do much, I will just sit and let Awara bhaiya to cook and I will tell him what to do.

Shaurya: (as if thinking hard) the answer is still no. Let me get showered and I have plenty of work to do and why your hair is still wet, sit down let me blow dry your hair.

He didn’t let her to speak a word as he started to plug the hairdryer and start working on her hair, he run his finger through her hair and she looked at him from the mirror reflection. He combed her hair and once done he planted a kiss on her hair and went to take his shower. Mehak just looked everything from the mirror and she gets up slowly from the seat, taking the dupatta from the bed and she headed downstairs to see maa. She greeted her and hugged maa.

Karuna maa: morning beta, how are you feeling today? Why did you come downstairs, I wanted to send your breakfast upstairs?

Mehak: Maa please I am perfectly fine, and you don’t join Shaurya’s gang, he just now didn’t even allow me to go to kitchen, and you also want me to stay in the room, I will get bored you know. At least I am here with you, I can spend time with you, with Naughty and I can ask Awara bhaiya to prepare my favorite dishes.

Awara who was passing there to the dining area stop by and answered her.

Awara: Bhabhi are you alright? Anything special you want to eat today?

Mehak: Bhaiya I am okay, maybe we can make Dhokla with mint chutney?

Shaurya who came there and answered. Mehak looked at his casual wear and wonders why he is not in his formal wear as he will leave after his morning breakfast.

Shaurya: Why are you here, I thought you will be in our room? What you planning with Awara now? Maa you don’t take her side okay? Remember what did Dr Geeta said?

Maa: Shaurie this time I am at your side, sorry Mehak beta, now sit down have your food and later I will get Awara to prepare your snack, now eat this and this is your juice. You must finish them up as well.

Mehak: Maa, please sit down now at least eat with us, since you started to move around on your own, you have been doing a lot of work, I will call and complain to Dolly maasi.

Maa: (as she pulls a seat opposite Mehak) Beta, I have been sitting for so long, so once I started to move around I just feel like this is a form of blessing. So, I want to do all these now. You have taken care of me very well and I owe it to you because It was you the one who were persistent for me to try Ayurveda treatment and even Shaurie’s specialist cant do much.

Shaurya: ( as he stuff his mouth with a roti piece) Maa you still need to thank me, it was me the one who searched for her around the globe and found her hiding at Manali and I bring her back home. So the credit goes to me.

Mehak: Maa, ignore him he didn’t find me, it was his accidental pure luck. By the way Mr Khadoos Kumar, you didn’t ask me or bring me back home, you kidnapped me from there. Maa do you know what he did, he gave me sleeping pill in my milk and forcefully carried me back to Delhi.

Maa: Shaurie, you did the right thing, though its sounds filmy knowing my bahu who is stubborn as you , I am glad you manage to bring her back home and now Mehak beta, no more arguments eat and lets walk around the lawn, poor Naughty been looking for you everywhere. I asked the servant to bring him for a walk.

Mehak: Shaurya, you are not going office is it? Or you are going later?

Shaurya: Nope I am not going to office for sometimes, I will let you know later, now eat your breakfast.

Mehak quietly had her food as she rolled her eyes at Shaurya who smirked at her. Vicky came to join them, he asked how’s Mehak and she replied she is feeling better and asked him to sit down to have his breakfast. They finished they breakfast and Mehak walked to the lawn to see Naughty, she brings along his treat and called his name couple of times till he let out a happy bark and ran to her eagerly, he started to jump in excitement around her. She kneels to his level and patted him and hugged him as she planted a kiss on his head. He let out a growl being happy to be with Mehak. Mehak quickly open his treat packet and offered to him. He took them inside his mouth and Mehak sat next to him as he didn’t want to leave her at all, he just wagging his tail excitedly as she cuddled him. Once he was much sober, she pointed to her bump and pull him closer to her bump and he tried to sniff at her bump. In a short while Vicky came to lawn to ask her to come in, she walked inside with Naughty following her back. She was surprised to see Kanta chachi, Jeevan chachu and Ravi chachu in the living area.

Mehak: Chachi, chachu when did you all came? (hugging chachi as chachus looks at her)

Ravi chachu: We just came beta, come sit down.

Shaurya asked them to have a seat and Maa asked Awara to bring in some refreshments but Kanta chachi told her its not necessary but Mehak interrupt and ask chachi not to say anything. She sat beside chachi and asked wellbeing of everyone at home.

Mehak: Chachi hows dadu and PD, is everyone okay at home?

Kanta : Everyone is good Mehak. Mohit called yesterday and we told him about you and he was upset, he wants to come back from Rajasthan to visit you, I told him to call you and talk first and we can manage here.

Just then Awara came to serve them the snack and some refreshment and Mehak asked them to help themselves.

Mehak: So chachi, what is the matter, you guys came here in the morning.

Jeevan chachu: Mehak beta, everyone at home were so worried about you, so we came here to see you how are you doing? (he didn’t sound normal though, as if he has some other agendas deep in their mind)

Shaurya’s POV

I sits there and just observe them quietly and deep down in my heart, I knows why they are here, I heard their conversation back in hospital when Ravi chachu suggested to bring back Mehak to Sharma Nivas for couple of days. My heart constricted tightly the mere thought of Mehak leaving me, though she is not leaving me for good even when she is away from me for a day caused my tummy to flip in pain. I can’t stay away from her, and I wont allow anyone to bring my wife away from me. I adjusted my poise as I looked at Mehak and chachi as my face plastered with the usual smile.

Ravi chachu: Mehak beta, we are here because we want to bring you back for couple of days or weeks to our home.

Mehak looks at everyone there in her confuse state and her eyes looks on at Shaurya and maa.

Mehak: But why chachu? Is it something?

Ravi chachu: No beta we don’t mean anything, is just that usually when the girl is pregnant is our responsibilities from the maternal family to bring her back home for few days to take care her and make sure she is happy and well rested that’s why we asked.

Mehak: Chachu, I am very happy here, and I am always resting here, no one here even let me even to move anything here. Maa and Shaurya always here to take care of me. Even they prepare the daily meals here after asking what I feel like eating. So, I am happy here. Besides that, now Shaurya will be at home too, so you don’t worry anything, I am perfectly fine.

Ravi chachu: But beta…. We are worried about your safety, we don’t want any untoward incident happens to you.

Mehak: Chachu, accident can happen anywhere, the other day it was not anyone’s fault. Shruthi came here, she had misunderstanding and when she was leaving she accidentally bumped into me and I lost balance. You know right, I always lost balance even in our home, I felt down numerous times at our home, see the scar above my eyebrow that’s one when I tripped and fell from the balcony and another one when I fell in the living area.

Kanta chachi: See, I told you both, she wont listen, she wont come with us because Karunaji and Shaurya is taking care of her well and she is very happy here, you two were stubborn and wanted to come here in the morning.

Shaurya who was watching all he was elated when Mehak let her know her decision to stay here but what upset him is that she still supports Shruthi for her action.

Shaurya: Chachu, if you don’t trust in our care then let me know, I will talk to Mehak and send her with you.

The moment he said that Mehak looked at him and her eyes fixed on his stupor, she wonders if he is serious or what, he purposely wanted to be with her and all and now he wants her to go to Sharma Nivas.

Jeevan chachu: No beta, we are fully entrusted you our child to you, just we thought we can bring her back for couple of days like Ravi mentioned, but Mehak is okay here then we are very happy, just if you have time and don’t mind please do come to visit us there, Its been quiet sometimes you guys didn’t come there.

Shaurya: sure chachu, we will come there tomorrow, I was busy with few new projects and didn’t had time earlier, tomorrow we will come there and spend the whole day with everyone at home.

Karuna maa:  Don’t worry about Mehak and her wellbeing, she is our home child and we will take care of her and we will not let any rooms for complaints.

Everyone laughed hearing her. After shortwhile, all left from there, Vicky and Shaurya went upstairs Mehak chit chat with Karuna maa for a while and she also take some snack in a bowl headed to Shaurya’s office room. She heard they were serious in some conversation.

Vicky : Bhai I am so sorry whatever happen to Bhabhi, this is all my fault. I should have not Shruthi come here.

Shaurya: Vicky I told you about this earlier, its not your fault, can you stop going on about this. I have important agendas to discuss now.

Later they started discussing, Mehak walked inside the room and she left the snack on his table and Shaurya signed at her to sit down and she sat there quietly watching them both, she wonders why she need to be there as this is about Shaurya’s business matters and she know nothing, she even don’t know how many restaurants he owns in Delhi and where else he invested with partnership as she never bothered to know about all these matters.

Shaurya: Vicky, I will be staying home taking care of Mehak now onwards and you will be in the forefront of Khanna empire. I will guide you and conduct most of my meetings and discussion virtually and if anyone need to meet you will be attending them.

Vicky and Mehak was equally surprised and Mehak gasped lightly which was loud enough to be heard by Shaurya to which he turned to look at her and smirk as he continues his discussion.

Vicky: Bhai how if I do any mistake this is huge responsibilities. You know me, I have made huge lost couple of times when I did my own business.

Shaurya: That’s why now you need to take this responsibilities. You are doing well managing all my restaurant’s operations and I don’t to monitor all on my own. So now I am appointing Ria as your manager and you will supervise her, and each outlet manager’s will report to you and you will report to me. I will put on hold my investment matters etc for now and if anything, urgent I will check on them. But I am always here, you can check with me anytime and I will guide you.

After the deep discussion ends Vicky moves out from the room, leaving Shaurya and Mehak together.

Mehak: Shaurya, is it necessary you put your office work aside and spend time with me? I will be okay, maa is here and she will take care of me.

Shaurya: Mehak you and our baby mean the world to me, these business, meeting etc it’s all nothing compare to you both.

Mehak: You won’t listen to me, I will tell to maa as well, she will know how to make you understand.

Shaurya: (pulling her by her wrist to him, which made Mehak fell on his lap) my feisty s*xy laddoo, don’t waste your energy looking for maa, I already spoke to maa about it and she is with me on this decision. So I will be 24×7 beside you, taking care of you, disturb you, (he nuzzled her jawline to her neck which made her shiver) I am officially on leave to pamper my babies and take advantage of my s*xy wife all the time without any interruption

Mehak: But Shaurya…. Vicky still young and isn’t it too much for him to handle? You have built all these on your own at such a young age, how if anything goes wrong, you will be very upset Shaurya.

Shaurya: Don’t worry, I trust Vicky and now he has matured well in business matter. So, I want him to take over this for some time. Besides that, I will manage most of the important matters from home, don’t worry all will be fine. Now come sit here and let me feed you this snack.

Mehak settled herself quietly to have that snack as he continues to feed her. Mehak tried to stop him complaining too full but Shaurya didn’t heed her and made sure she finishes all. The day went just like that and the next day Shaurya and Mehak went to visit the Sharma’s. The whole day the Sharma’s pampered Mehak and Shaurya.  Mehak rested her head on PD’s lap as PD tell her stories about how her mother was during pregnancy and about few others.  As the day gets late, Mehak and Shaurya took leave from there and headed to Khanna mansion.  Shaurya told Mehak about their short getaway that he planned for them and she was excited and keep asking where they are going, but Shaurya just told her it’s a surprise. He asked her to rest as he will help to pack their clothes but Mehak was so excited and not feel sleepy, so both were chit chatting as they packed for their short trip. The next morning after their breakfast, maa packed for them some home cooked meals. Little that Mehak knows they are heading to Mussorie the Queen of the Hills. Total journey is almost 6 hrs but Shaurya stopped in between for washroom break and have some hot beverages and when Mehak was hungry he stopped again to have their lunch. They reached Mussorie by evening and Mehak didn’t realize as she slept right after the lunch and Shaurya adjusted her seat to reclined position, so she can sleep well. The melodious old hindi song made him energetic as he drives till they reached the resort that he booked on the hill station. As he pulled his vehicle at the front entrance, he turned to look at Mehak and unbuckled his seat belt and move closer to her, he move the hair strand which was on her forehead and blow air at her face which made her to scrunch her face like a child.

Shaurya: Mehak, wake up we have reached.

Mehak: Hmmm, so fast we reached?

Shaurya: (letting out a chuckle) You have been sleeping past 3 hrs sweetheart, atleast open your eyes and see.

Mehak fluttered her eyelids slowly and rubbed her eyes slowly and Shaurya slowly bring her seat up as Mehak opens her eyes to see around. She looks around and was confused where is this place and looks at Shaurya raising her eyebrows.

Mehak: what place is this Shaurya?

Shaurya: Let me open the door then you will know.

He came out from his side and jogged to her side, opening the door and letting her out. He helped her out from the car and Mehak looks around and see Shaurya.

Mehak: At least tell me now, where are we?

Shaurya: (wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her closer to him) we are in Mussorie, The Queen of Hills.

Mehak: (looped her arms around his neck) Mussorie???? We are in Mussorie, how did you know I wanted to see Mussorie?

Shaurya:  You know I am smart, intelligent so I know everything.

Mehak: But, this how you know about it?

Shaurya: PD mentioned that you wanted to go for school trip to Mussorie and chachi didn’t allow you to go and chachi told you, to go with your husband once you are married right? That’s why I planned to come here.

Mehak: (her jaw dropped hearing him, and mentally cursing PD for disclosing this to him) You know too many secrets about me and I don’t know anything about you.

Shaurya: Let’s not talk everything outside here, come lets see inside the resort.

They both walked inside the resort and Mehak awed with the interior which looks crinkum crankum. It looks fancy as they walked inside. Shaurya passed his car key to the valet to park the car and headed to the concierge counter to collect the keys to their room. Once they received the key, the bell boy assisted them with their suitcase bring them to their room. Once they came inside the room, Mehak walked towards the glass paneled window which showcase the mountain view from their room. Shaurya walked to see her after the bell boy dropped their suitcase in their room. He wrapped his hands tightly around her and his palm went to caress her small bump. She rested her head on his chest.

Mehak: This is such a beautiful view Shaurya…..

Shaurya: Hmmm, so you like it?

Mehak: (turning to face him and looping her arms around his neck) Thank you for bringing me here, this view, this room setting is all so special, and I am very happy. By the way what is the sudden plan to bring me here. You were so busy with your office and etc…

Shaurya: Just want to spend quite time with a beautiful wife because after the child birth we won’t have much time to come out alone like this and spend time with each other so that’s why we are here for a week.

Mehak: (her eyes glinted when he said they will there for a week) Seriously 1 week here? That is super nice…. (pulling him towards her, she planted a kiss on his jawline) I love you so much for this.

Shaurya: really, you like this place?

Mehak: I love this place, I really love, love, love this place so much….

Shaurya: Nope you can’t love this place, you should only love me, only me for your love okay

Mehak: acha, So I love, love love so much my khadoos kumar and I like this place so much… and I love you more for bringing me here. This is such a wonderful surprise.

Shaurya: (cupping her face) I love you more, more than you can able to imagine. So if you are okay, shall we go down, their spa is must try, lets have a feet spa?

Mehak: yes lets go.

Both went to the spa and enjoyed the feet spa. The masseuse helped Mehak to relieve her feet sore. Following that they went to have their dinner at the restaurant located inside the hotel itself. The evening went well as both retired to the room and cuddled each other for a good sleep. The next morning Shaurya woke up early but he cant move as Mehak crushed him with her weight, she was literally holding him tightly like her favorite teddy bear except him being muscular.

Shaurya’s POV

It was such a good sleep last night except Mehak hold on to me like her precious jewel. Recently she became extra clingy with me even during sleeping. Not that I am complaining is just that, her belly is growing slightly, and I don’t want to harm our baby. This is a king size bed, but my lovely wife just needs to roll on my side. I looked at my side, she turned to the other side and I can move a bit. I rolled to her side and wrap her around my hold as it in spooning position where she fitted beside me perfectly. I hear her taking a deep breath and I know she will be awake soon, but I just want to be naughty at times and who else I can be cheeky except my wife. I nuzzled her neck rested my head at the crook of her neck. She moved slightly from me, but I moved closer to her. My hand went to her bump and caress them slowly. By now I know she will be wake up soon. I heard her growl a little.

Mehak: Let me sleep Shaurya… I am so tired.

Shaurya: Do you know what time is it now? We came here for vacation and you are sleeping, sleeping beauty.

Mehak: (still in her same position) I am not coming you go on your own.

I got up in disbelief hearing her, here I planned this short break to be with her and make her feel better and calm down our mind after all the unnecessary chaos in our life. Here she curls herself inside the comfy blanket and refuse to wake up.

Shaurya: Oh really, so I need to go on my own for sight seeing is it? I am going to fresh up now and when I come out from the bathroom you should be out of bed.

Saying that I get up went off to do my morning chores, I was taking my shower and hoping that by now Mehak got up from her sleep. Or else I should have carried her with me and showered with her.

Meanwhile in the room, Mehak got up from the bed and she checked her mobile for sometimes, then she walked towards the glass wall which showcase the green mountains from their room, she was so glued to the view when Shaurya came and wrapped his arms around her chest.

Shaurya: Finally, you are awake. (nuzzling her with his wet hair)

Mehak: You didn’t even let me to sleep, properly did you? Now you are here doing all these things.

Shaurya: The one who should be complaining about good sleep is me, you slept on top of me, the entire king size bed, you rolled to my side and I left no place to even roll.

Mehak: (turning to see him) So its my fault is it? Previously when I want to sleep on the pillow it was you the one insists and pull me to your side, and now I am so used to sleep on your arms comfort so don’t blame me. Why is your hair being wet, didn’t you dry them up, such a cold weather here Shaurya come here sit down, let me get the towel?

He watched her as she gets a clean towel and made him to sit on the couch and started wipe off the access water from his hair.

Mehak: You should really consider having short hair, sometimes because of this long hair, you take longer time to get ready.

Shaurya: Now its high time you go and get ready. If you need help tell me I don’t mind having another shower with you.

Mehak: Chi Shaurya, control yourself Mr Husband. Nowadays you are always into naughty stuff.

Shaurya: What can I do? I am a man with needs and come since you are tired I can help you with a good shower.

Mehak: Shaurya, you get dressed up, I will shower on my own, I don’t need that extra hands anyway.

Shaurya: Well nothing that you haven’t seen in me.

Mehak quickly shut the bathroom door.

Mehak: But I don’t want to see anything now.

She giggled as she takes her shower and get dressed up slowly. Shaurya has packed for her some comfy modern wear with turtleneck tops and scarf.

They both get ready and went for their breakfast. While eating Shaurya explained where they are going next, since Mussorie is good place for hikers and nature lovers, being pregnant is disadvantage for Mehak who gets tired easily after walking couple of steps. Mussorie mostly is steep area and Shaurya just want to be cautious.  As per the guide’s advice he bring her to show the famous temple at Mussorie, Jwala Devi temple. They prayed and seek for blessings for their family and their baby. Later they walked around the temple and headed to Mall road for walking around the busy street. It was quite crowded but yet filled with vintage look. Arranged along a small circular path, the market oozes with gusto and radiates a colonial feel. The tiny shops dotting the arena perfectly fit into the settlement and present a compressed pretty picture of the entire place. Other than finger-licking street food, local trinkets, handcrafted jewelry, which made Mehak and Shaurya stop by to pick few to add into her collection. They spent sometimes sight seeing there and headed to the nearby restaurant to have lunch and headed back to hotel for rest well.

The next morning, they woke up with cold weather and heavy rain. Shaurya enquired at the counter and they mentioned it was forecasted that it will be raining the whole day. Shaurya told this to Mehak and she suggested that they should stay in their room, watching TV, ordering some snacks and he agreed to that. They returned to their room and turned on the TV, though the AC in the room not turn on but it was cold so Mehak took the throw which was on the couch to cover herself with Shaurya. They watched some random comedy show on the TV with some cut fruits and nuts which was on the coffee table. Then Shaurya recalled he should ask her what is bothering her as per Dr Geeta’s advice. He saw her, and she was excited with the TV show, in his mind he started to play with the words to use with her, so she won’t get upset easily. He ordered her favorite lunch and later it was just us quietly settled down on the couch comfortably into each other’s embracement watching the rain and the lush green mountain.

Shaurya: Mehak. (playing with her tendrils) can I ask you something?

Mehak: Since when you need permission to ask or say something? Ask me anything Shaurya.

Shaurya: Are you worried of something or do you have anything to say which you hesitant to share with me? Tell me anything, ask me anything, I swear I will not get mad at you.

Mehak: Shaurya I have nothing to ask, I am happy and not worrying about anything, you are simply over thinking?

Shaurya: Oh really, then swear upon me that you are not worrying about anything?

Mehak: Shaurya, for such tiny issue you are asking me to do this, I can’t believe you are behaving like this?

Shaurya: So now you are keeping secrets from me, fine then, then I will not share anything with you. (in his mock anger tone, he knows she will fall for this)

Mehak hearing him, turned slowly to face him and adjusted herself on his lap, she cupped his face and caressed his beard with her thumb.

Mehak: Shaurya, its nothing serious just some stupid thought, don’t worry, you are already too busy with office and other matters, this is nothing you know,

Shaurya: (he pulled her hands off from his cheek and looked elsewhere)

Mehak: acha baba, I will tell you now, but promise me you won’t laugh at me, or mock me on this matter okay?

Shaurya: (looking at her) you have my word. I will not utter a single word.

Mehak inhales a deep breath and adjusted herself as she leans on Shaurya.

Mehak: I am quite worried about a lot of things recently. The other day Sonal sent me a video whereby the pregnant mom screams and cries during the childbirth and she bleeds a lot. So since then I have this paranoid feeling about the childbirth and everything related to it.

Hearing her Shaurya literally face palmed as she said that.

Shaurya: Mehak, I know you are not smart, but I never know you are a dumb. How can you blindly believe everything? Now show me the video the one Sonal sent to you?

Mehak pouted at him and took her mobile from the nearby coffee table and show him the video. Shaurya watched the video attentively and his eyes looked at Mehak who flinched a little when the woman in the video screams higher. Shaurya exit from the screen and put the mobile away and he looked at her who was pouting anxiously.

Shaurya: Mehak, childbirth is a painful process but science and medical has improved tremendously in recent years. There are pain killers, injections, and many easy options for painless childbirth. Trust me, I will be there throughout our baby’s childbirth and make sure you stay safe and healthy, okay? This video is they made up with too much noise of the woman screaming and bloods everywhere. Don’t worry, I will be there by your side and make sure you give birth all our 5 babies safe and sound.

Hearing about 5 babies, Mehak’s eyes bulged out and her mouth opened wide.

Mehak: No, no I changed my mind, we will have only 1 baby and maybe 2 that’s all. No more 5 babies.

Shaurya: How come you change your mind, no I badly need 5 kids. I already started to plan their names too.

Mehak: Whatttt?? How come you started to plan the baby’s names without discussing with me?

Shaurya: You will be busy or tired during pregnancy and I don’t want to trouble you so thought of taking over some of these tasks, so I will plan their names, which school to enroll them, etc

Mehak: You know what, you are confirmed the khadoos kahinka of Delhi.

Shaurya: Acha baba, let’s stop fighting now. Now sit quietly watch the beautiful scenery infront of us.What will our baby think when he or she sees the momma and papa arguing like kids?

Mehak: I have something else to tell you too ( in her worried tone)

Shaurya: what happened, is something wrong? (perplexed)

Mehak: I love you soooo soo much Shaurya. (giggling)

Shaurya: Pagli (insane) I love you much baby.

Saying that he wrapped her around her as he pulled her closer to him and his hand went to caress her abdomen which made her to stay quiet immediately in reflex.












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