Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Kundali Bhagya 23rd September 2020 Written Episode Update: Preeta gets ready for the reception

Kundali Bhagya 23rd September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Karan Is in his room checking through the belongings but is wondering where si his cufflinks, he then starts to search the wardrobe of Preeta however she comes from behind asking him to stop looking, he explains that he is not able to find his cufflinks and it might be because someone might be a thief or have some agenda, he again asks her to close her mouth, Preeta says that he must hurry as she knows where they are in her cupboard. She orders that he work quickly as she has to select her sarree because a lot of her time has wasted.
She starts searching the wardrobe, Karan also goes near her and starts daydreaming when he is near her, she gives him the cupboard explaining that he must leave as she also has to select her dress, Karan stands in front of the dressing thinking that he would not let her wear something that would ruin their function, he finally thinks that she has selected a dress in which they both would not look good however he finally thinks that she has selected a nice dress, however Preeta on the contrary is thinking that she would wear a dress in which she would not look nice that would ruin Karan’s day.
Karan sits on the cufflinks and hurts himself, she asks him why he is acting so carelessly as he is not in the playground so must remain calm as it is not worthwhile, Karan exclaims that he was only helping himself because the sooner he gets dressed the sooner he can leave as he feels that like a ghost in the room, they both get into an argument, Preeta exclaims that he doesnot even know how to say thank you, she trips while on her way to change but Karan catches her in the process, he leaves after thanking her, Preeta is left nervous.
Maira is calling Prithvi however he is drunk in his room wondering who is calling him, he thinks that there was a time when he was the one to cheat others however no the times have changed as he has been cheated, he mentions that drinking helps release the pain as the Luthra’s have taken his love, he prays that god has listened to his every pray so must give him Preeta as she is his love.
Prithvi gets a call from Maira, she asks him if he is drunk, he exclaims that everyone wants to know that he is drunk so what will happen if he agrees, Maira mentions that she is happy he ahs recognized her, Prithvi says that she has called him so she knows who he is, Maira mentions that he is very handsome even then she married Karan. Prithvi answers that he knows why she called him and it is because she wants to make fun of him, he answers that she also lost her love fun when Karan married Preeta in the Mandap where she was to be with him, he is about to end the call but she explains that’s he ahs not lost anything until she believes it but seeing him thinks that he has believed that he has lost.
Prithvi mentions that he is not accustomed to hearing any foolish thing because he knows that she wants to lean on a shoulder to cry however he will not let her use his shoulder so how can she help him, Maira explains that she can make him get his love.
Karan is walking when he bumps into Rishab who catches him, Rishab starts making fun of him asking if he has fought with Preeta because he can see the expressions, Karan answers that it is not the case because she has tortured him a lot by taking all his belongings and claiming that they are hers. Rishab says that everyone has to share so it is not a big deal, Karan takes him into his room, after opening his wardrobe says that he has not shared it with Sherlin but doesnot see that she ahs her clothes in half of the wardrobe, Karan gets surprised mentioning that he did not even share a single side with him but has given her half of it, Rishab answers that eh would also feel nice when he gets accustomed to sharing his wardrobe.
Rishab answers that when he starts sharing his wardrobe it would be a lot sorted as Preeta would take care of it, Karan disagrees however Sherlin comes from behind mentioning that he never wanted to share the wardrobe but Rishab forced her and she only does what he desires, she then leaves Karan says that Rishab always acts as if there is nothing but now he knows that his relation with Sherlin is not nothing for which they should worry.
Prithvi’s mother reaches the house but is shocked to find that prithvi is lying on the floor so she tries to wake him up, then seeing the photo of Prithvi with Preeta she realizes that his heart is broken and so she is worried that his brother might come really soon.
Preeta is in the kitchen looking after the preparations and she is really worried about what would happen as she is really worried about the preparations, the worker there asks her to drink some water and leave as she needs to get dressed.
Maira is standing in the hall thinking of how she convinced the worker to make Preeta drink the water by confusing her that she cares for Preeta as she would make sure that the function ruins and she has also ruined her wedding. Maira thinks that she has to ruin the face seeing ceremony as then Preeta would not be able to show her face anywhere, Preeta feels that she is having a headache as she was not able to sleep in the night.

Precap: Preeta asks Maira what she is doing in her room, Maira takes the Kumkum and fills her mang, she answers that now the world will see who the really Misses Karan Luthra is, as she cannot be the seeta but Maira has found the Rawan for her.

Update Credit to: Sona

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