Friday 4 September 2020

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 7th September 2020 Written Episode Update: Happu gets saved from Mangal

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 7th September 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Happu telling Beni that he is feeling as if his life is in mess and asks him to do something. Beni says you have ruined my life and calls him selfish, not to think about him. Happu says think about me, what will Mangal do after marrying me, during wedding night when he plays with my hair, then my wig will come out, and he will kill me. He asks him to do something and acts as eloping with him. Beni says if I do this then Vimlesh will marry someone else. Happu says then act as if I am pregnant with your child and kiss on my stomach. Beni says you are really cheap and says Rajesh will kick me from this city. Happu asks him to change the city and also name, like Singhania, Malhotra. Beni beats him and asks if he is not having any shame. Happu holds him as if he is hugging him. Rajjo comes there and asks what you both are doing? Happu’s chain gets stuck in Beni’s tshirt. They free it. Rajjo says what is happening here. Beni says this Nitu. Happu says he was eloping with me. Rajjo says if you have sold your shame and shyness. Beni says it is not enough now. He pulls Happu’s wig and tells that he is not a flirt, cheap and devil etc and tells that even now I have respect in Prayagraj. Rajjo says you…Happu says yes. Beni says you couldn’t identify your husband without moustache. Rajjo shouts and tells that she thought her poor and alone and helped her. Happu asks her not to shout else she will have to search another husband for her. He tells him that the Mangal is Dacoit Mangal and tells that he got him arrested many years back. He says when he had gone then he said that he will return his favour after coming out of jail. He says that’s why I took this avatar and pretend to go from here. Rajjo asks why didn’t you tell me? Happu says I can’t trust any woman, as no woman can digest any talk. Rajjo says I wouldn’t have told anyone. Happu asks her to stop this marriage. Beni asks Rajjo to tell Vimlesh about all this Happu’s drama if she realizes her mistake. Rajjo says ok, I will tell you.

Amma scolds Happu for taking woman’s avatar, hiding from her. She says I will squeeze lemon on you. Happu says how you will do it when I am dead and tells that Mangal is a dacoit. Rajjo says he didn’t trust us. Happu says Mangal is from your village and asks her to understand him. Mangal comes there and hears him, asks if her throat is bad. Happu says yes. Mangal asks her to come to temple for marriage. Happu asks him to listen and tells that she is missing her first husband. Mangal says we will go to your home after marriage and then you can meet your husband after 6 pm, as he can’t see anything. I will not let my wife seen by any stranger man. Amma says why you are hurrying and tells that Nitu’s divorce haven’t happened still. Mangal sys he has many ideas to get divorce. Rajjo says there are no guests and no arrangements. Mangal says let guests not come. Rajjo asks him to get good mahurat. Mangal says good mahurat is the one which I like, Happu says I need to take bath. Mangal says I like stinking wife. Amma says let her take bath. Mangal asks her to get Nitu ready. Amma tells that they shall get the marriage done after 3 days. Mangal says my name is Mangal and asks them to see the newspaper. He takes out the gun and aims at them. Happu runs to Amma and Rajjo. Rajjo comes infront of Amma and Happu and asks Mangal to kill her, and tells that she will not get this marriage done. Mangal lifts Nitu and her wig falls down. He gets shocked and says Happu. Happu tells everything. Amma and Rajjo plead infront of him to leave Happu. Mangal asks do you think that I am mad to go back to jail after killing him. Happu says when did you come here? Mangal reminds him that he made him drink 5 Rs tea and tells that he came to return his debt. Happu says you came here to make me drink tea and laughs, saying I am saved. Mangal says who saved this, and says what about my heart break because of you. He says I will not leave you. Happu asks him to see the birds sitting on the tree and runs away. Amma and Rajjo gets tensed.

Later, Amma asks Rajjo to bring tea and thinks she couldn’t work properly even after 20 years of marriage. Rajjo comes and gives her tea. She tells that she wakes up at 4 am and does all the work. She tells that it is not easy to raise 9 kids. She tells about Happu’s childhood incident and tells that she couldn’t handle Happu. Rajjo says there is a difference in handling 1 kid and 9 kids. Amma says Happu was not one, he had his sister too. She asks who asked you to have 9 kids. Rajjo says even your son is involved. Hritik comes there and gets scolded by Rajjo.

Beni tells Happu that he is getting settled in life and tells that the company owner wants to come to his house and enquire with elders if he is really educated, then I will get job. Happu asks whom you will make the company owner’s meet. Beni says Chachi. Happu says you can’t get the job. Beni says then I will eat and drink at your house.

No Precap.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

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