Tuesday 25 August 2020

RadhaKrishn 25th August 2020 Written Episode Update: Krishna Is Adamant

RadhaKrishn 25th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Arjun with Panchali wals into jungle searching for water. They reach a water pond. Panchali gets afraid seeing crocodle. Arjun says until he is with her, crocodile or anything cannot harm her. He shoos off crocodile and holding her hand walks into pond and fetches water. Krishna notices it via his super powers. They both return. Pandavs sit for dinner. Panchali serves fruits to Arjun look at him. Other Pandavs feel aback seeing that. Kunti gets angry, serves fruits to her other sons, and orders Panchali to serve fruits to even Krishna. She smiles and serves fruits to Krishna. Krishna says he can understand Panchali’s gesture towards Arjun as he is her husband. Kunti thinks Panchali should pay attention to other Pandavs also. Krishna comments. After dinner, Arjun sets a mat for Krishna in a hut and asks him to rest there. Kunti thanks Krishna for his support going out of the way. Krishna says she should consider him also as her son and says he will go and rest under a tree enjoying cool breeze. Bheem says he will protect Krishna. Arjun says he will sleep with Krishna. Kunti says it is dangerous to sleep outside in jungle, so everyone will sleep inside this hut. Panchali tells Arjun they both will set their mats somewhere in the hut itself. Krishna says he is happy seeing their love, but he likes sleeping under tree and walks out.

Krishna walks into jungle playing bansuri remembering Radha. Snakes roll around him without harming him. He sits on a bridge continuing to play bansuri. Radha walks to him. Snakes and other animals show her a way towards Krishna. Krishna stops and says animals were crawling around him, but showed way to Radha as everyone love her. Radha asks why did he call her in such a dark jungle. Krishna says yes, he has to stay here, but he is happy seeing her. She says in the path of establishing dharma, he is walking on very difficult path. Krishna says even his charioteer Arjun has to walk through difficult path in helping him and has to face a lot of problems. Radha asks the problem. Krishna says Draupadi has 5 husbands, but she loves only Arjun; this will pose a problem in Pandavs’ unity. Radha asks what will he do now, how will he help Arjun. Krishna says he will seek help from the universe’s biggest devotee. In the sky, Narad is seen chanting Narayan Narayan. Krishna emerges. Narad gets happy seeing him and asks why did prabhu come to him instead of calling him. Krishna asks why can’t he came to his devotee when he needs help. Narad says he should just order. Krishna says his help is needed on earth and asks him to visit earth tomorrow.

Next morning, Yudistra tells his brothers that its very difficult to establish their rule on this baron land, so they have to work hard tirelessly. Arjun says they all 5 have to head in different directions seeking Madhav’s help. Kunti asks them to have breakfast and go. Bheem says only last night’s fruits are left which is not enough for all, so they will find food on the way. Panchali asks Arjun to at least he have food. Narad disguised as a rishi walks in. Pandavs greet him and chsat. Rishi asks who are they, they look like kshatriyas. They introduce themselves as Pandav sons and are rulers of this baron land. Rishi seeks food. Kunti says they have left over fruits from last night. Rishi says he doesn’t mind and says they all will have from single plate. Draupadi brings fruits and serve them to Arjun. Rishi gets angry and says it is an insult to him, looks like this woman loves her husband a lot and forgot that she should serve guest first, he cannot bear this insult. Kunti and Pandavs request to forgive them and have fruits. Rishi gets adamant and tries to leave when Krishna walks in and stops Rishi. Rishi greets him. Arjun asks if they know each other. Krishna says from a very long time and asks him to stay back. Rishi agrees and says before starting food, he would like to tell a story which reminds him of Panchali. He starts story of asur brothers Shumba and Nishumba who wanted to rule all 3 worlds and praying Brahma sought boon. Brahma gave them boon that nobody can kill them except each other. They created havoc in all 3 worlds trying to rule when Brahma sent apsara Tilottama to lure them. Tilottama walks to them. They both mesmerized with her beauty ask whom she will choose. She says she is the most beautiful and best woman in all 3 worlds and would choose the best. They both start fighting and kill themselves.

Precap: Arjun promises Panchali that he will build a palace for her in Khandavprastha. Krishna says Arjun’s love for Draupadi will create a new ray of hope in Khandavprastha. Arjun warns Thakshak to go away from there, else he will destroy him. Takshak says he doesn’t know who is his protector and warns to be ready to face his protector now.

Update Credit to: MA

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