Hey guys , I back with the new episode. I know it’s been 2 weeks since I have updated the episode. I apologize to make you all wait . Thank you my readers for your patience and support. It’s little long episode.
Here we go …..
Episode 48:-
Game of love and planning begins!!!
Dev is waiting near a godown. Intruder comes to meet Dev. Dev gets shocked seeing intruder’s condition. That man has injury marks on his face.
Dev – “ So you were caught ? Right ?”.
That man bow down his head. Dev clinched his fist in anger.
Dev – “ Shyam , did you reveal my name ?”
Shyam – “ No , I did as you said and told her rival’s name . But I had to do that because she threatened to kill me “.
Dev – “ What ? She just scared you … that’s it”.
Shyam – “ No Sir, She isn’t like she shows the world . She is dangerous, I got to see that last night . She isn’t a soft hearted person “.
Dev – “ Did she believed you ?”
Shyam – “ I think so, she checked my phone . I had saved your name as Mr.Mehra “.
Dev – “ How did you escaped then ? “
Shyam remembers Khanna’s words .Thus he tells a cooked up story to Dev ( as per Khanna’s instruction ) . Dev gets convinced but doubts if Sameeksha left Shyam to know who is the real person behind him. Thus ask him to leave the city ASAP. Shyam leaves.
Khanna’s man is watching them and informs it to Khanna.
Sameeksha is in her car.
She gets confirmation of the same from Khanna.
Sameeksha thinks – “ Dev , Iam always two steps ahead of you . Mr.Mehra is not my real rival , it’s just an illusion for the world which I created”.
Sameeksha smirks. She gets a message from Aryan regarding that girl’s information. She calls Khanna and ask him to find about her.
Then she drives off.
She reaches the project land of Raichand’s in which is has invested her money. Dev’s manager see her and greets her.
Sameeksha – “ Where is your Boss? “
Manager – “ Ma’am , He will come soon. Please come, I will show everything “.
Sameeksha – “ No worries. I will till he comes , you carry on with your work. I will be inside my car”.
Manager- “ Okay Ma’am”.
Sameeksha sits inside her car. She checks the messages. She waits for nearly 15 minutes. Then someone knocks on her window glass. She looks there , Dev is standing there with a smile.
Sameeksha opens the door and comes out.
Dev – “ Sorry for being late “.
Sameeksha – “ It’s not a good to make someone wait , especially when you invited the person “.
Dev – “ I had an important work to complete, it got delayed”.
Sameeksha – “ Leave it. But I would like to give you a piece advice , discipline is everything Mr.Dev Raichand! Try to have that quality, it will help you”.
Dev (with a smile ) – “ Nice advice, But why don’t you address me just Dev … it gives feel of informality . It too helps … it’s not an advice but my request “.
Sameeksha – “ Too manipulative !!! Haa !! So just Dev … if you are done with talks let’s get into the real work?”
Dev nods . He looks her with a smile. She laces her fingers on a hair strand that came out of her ponytail. She push it to back of her ears.
They walks in . He shows the works taking place. She checks everything properly but Dev’s eyes are over her .
But looks to other side when she notices that Dev is looking her. She stands there and looks him sternly . He walks away , he turns back to see where she is. He finds her standing still looking at him.
(Ishq Mein Marjawan romantic track played)
Dev – “ Why are you standing there ? “
She doesn’t answer. He walks to her .
Dev – “ Now Why are you staring at me like this ?”
Sameeksha – “ Nothing!”
She walks off . He gets confused over reaction. He goes behind her. As she walks forward he hold her hand from back. She turns back towards him .
Sameeksha – “ What ?”.
Dev points towards the floor . She looks down and finds sharp iron nails lying on the floor.
Dev – “ It could have hurted you”.
Sameeksha – “ Does it matter to you?”
Dev – “ Ofcourse, you are my responsibility . Afterall your are my savior!!”
Sameeeksha – “ So you remember that ‘ just Dev’ , nice !”
Dev – “ Your humorous side is getting revealed, nice !!!”
Sameeksha smiles. Dev keeps a hand on his chest and blink his eyes.
Dev – “ Hayee !!”
Sameeksha – “ Excuse me !”
Dev – “ You are smile is really killing!”
Sameeksha – “ Are you trying to flirt with me ? Oho please then don’t get into that … it’s not your thing “.
Dev – “ You really want me to flirt with you ?”.
Sameeksha – “ What?”
Dev – “ It’s my childhood habit , if someone says don’t get into something and especially if someone says that it’s not my thing… I will do it for sure “.
Sameeksha – “ Its really important to shed off those habits that can put into trouble “.
Dev – “ But what to do with those habits that keeps us engaged with life ? “.
Sameeksha and Dev look each other. Dev walks and ask her to come. They checks the on going work of the constructions.
They reach near her car. Sameeksha starts to sweat due to harsh sunlight. She wipes her sweat with her hand kerchief. She is gets irritated. Dev notice it .
Dev goes and comes back with 2 cans of milkshakes.
Dev – “ Cool milkshake is best when you are tortured by hot sun !!”
He gives one to Sameeksha . Sameeksha gets surprised. She takes and smiles. They drinks it together. Dev looks her. She enjoys having the milkshake. After completing the can she looks around for waste bin . Dev suddenly takes it from her and keeps it in his car. Sameeksha wonders as he kept it safely in his car.
Sameeksha – “ Dev, Why did you kept that empty can in your car ?”
Dev – “ So you finally gave up that additional just before my name !!! I will dispose it , I don’t want to throw it away on ground”.
Sameeksha – “ Okay fine ! Iam leaving “.
Dev – “ I had to talk to you regarding this project .. If you are free , let’s have lunch together… So that we can talk about the project without wasting your time”.
Sameeksha thinks for a moment.
Sameeksha – “ Okay , is there any restaurants nearby ?”
Dev – “ No, but there is a restaurant little far away from this place on the way back to city”.
Sameeksha – “ Okay , I will follow your car “.
Dev – “ Fuel is so precious, why to waste it ? Let’s go together in your car, don’t worry you can leave after lunch .., I will back here on any other means”.
Sameeksha agrees. They gets into the car. Sameeksha drives the car. Dev is sitting in the front seat. Dev looks her as she drives.
Sameeksha – “ Will you stop staring me?”
Dev gets surprised hearing that because she doesn’t turned her face from the road and steering for once. But she caught him staring at her.
Dev – “ But .. “. Sameeksha – “ I need not see you to know whether you are staring at me. Now tell me where is the restaurant “.
Dev tells her the way to the restaurant. They reach the restaurant in 5 minutes. They goes in . They gets them seated near the corner table.
They gives their respective orders. They waits for the food.
Sameeksha – “ So what about the project ?”
Dev ( absent mindedly) – “ What project?”
Sameeksha – “ Why did you come here with me ?”
Dev gets back to his sense. Sameeksha looks him suspiciously.
Dev – “ Yeah , about our project. I was thinking to give a space for a nursery school near the apartments . It will be convenient for the parents and children “.
Sameeksha looks him sternly. Dev smiles. Sameeksha nods her slowly as if she suspect him. Dev drinks some water from his glass.
Sameeksha (sarcastically)- “ Very good idea !! Why don’t give some space for a gym ?”
Dev – “ Its already there”.
Sameeksha – “ Really ? Is that in the plan?”
Dev – “ Yeah , I showed you space for gym , yoga and nursery in the plan few days ago.. “.
Dev stops as he understood that his tongue slipped and his excuse got caught. Sameeksha looks him.
Dev gives a smile even though he got embarrassed by his mistake.
Sameeksha calls the waiter.
Sameeksha – “ Bring a glass of lassi also , Someone is really in need of it to hide their embarrassment “.
Waiter doesn’t understand her words but goes to get Lassi . Dev turns his face around. Sameeksha looks him . She looks her phone. Then Dev checks whether she is checking the phone or just pretending. She suddenly looks him back, he turns his face.
Waiter brings Lassi. Sameeksha keeps it on Dev’s side. She signs him to have it. He looks her and takes it. He drinks it . Sameeksha looks her phone again.
Then waiter brings food. They start to have it.
While having food , Dev looks her with getting caught by her. She coughs and he gives her glass of water. She takes it. Accidentally, food particle spill below her lower lips. Dev gets to see that , he signs her. She tries to wipe off but it doesn’t go. He forwards his hand to help her but suddenly she wipes around her lips . Thus food particle wiped . He takes his hand back.
After payment, they comes out.
Sameeksha – “ Nowadays, Dev Raichand is not on his usual track. You are giving lame excuses to spend time with me !”.
Dev smiles. She looks him seriously.
Sameeksha – “ What is in your mind ? “
Dev – “ Do you care for it ?” Sameeksha – “ I don’t”. Dev – “ But you are loving me company , right ?” Sameeksha – “ Excuse me, I don’t enjoy your company”. Dev – “ You are lying. Then why do you entertain my lame excuse and spends time with me ? “. Sameeksha – “ It’s not like that “. Dev – “ It is like that ! You like to spend time with me , you care for me , you like to get my attention “. Sameeksha – “ Oho , stop it ! Nothing like that, and for your kind information… I don’t want you to be around me . But Iam cooperating as we are working on a project. I thought to help you as I thought you are good at business. It’s not anything new for me. That’s it. Purely professional thing ! So don’t think beyond that “. Dev – “ Really ?”
Dev walks towards her as she standing still there. He reaches close to her. She feels weird. He looks her. She looks into his eyes.
Sameeksha – “ Yes , really”. Dev – “ What if I prove that it something more than a professional relationship “. Sameeksha – “ You cannot prove it “. Dev – “ Challenge?”
Sameeksha – “ Yes “. Dev – “ Okay fine . Challenge accepted. You told me that you don’t want to see me around you and you don’t care for me . By 7.30pm tomorrow , I will prove you wrong. I won’t meet you But you will come to me “. Sameeksha – “ I know that you make meet you for any project related things . Then you will say that you won , right ?” Dev – “ I won’t meet you on any professional or family related things and won’t come to a place where there is chance of our meeting. If I do that , then you will win the challenge “. Sameeksha – “ Okay fine “. Dev – “ If I win , you have to obey my one wish “. Sameeksha – “ Okay , But if I win you will have to do the same “. Dev – “ Sure “.
Sameeksha walks off towards her car . Dev calls her from behind.
Dev – “ Would you please drop me back to the site ?” Sameeksha – “ Challenge time started ! So find your own way to go “.
She gets into her car. Dev looks as she drives off. Both of them smirks.
Night , Sameeksha’s house.
Sameeksha , Mr.Chowdhary & Mrs.Chowdhary is having dinner.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ Sam, we have a puja tomorrow evening. I hope you will stay here , no excuse will be entertained”.
Sameeksha – “ When you are giving me order why do you mask it with request ? “
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ It is his old habit to convince someone. Psychological move”.
Sameeksha smiles.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ Sam , is Dev coming to the track ?” Sameeksha – “ Yeah seems so . He started to his side of drama”. Mr.Chowdhary – “ Be alert ! Don’t fall into his any trap”.
Sameeksha nods ‘Yes’.
Raichand Mansion.
Dhruv see Daksh is busy on phone. Dhruv goes near to him, he sits beside him.
Dhruv- “ I got to know that Sameeksha scared on your date “. Daksh – “ It’s not like that “. Dhruv – “ Really ? “.
Daksh turns his face away.
Dhruv – “ You are so stupid”. Daksh – “ Oho , please! You don’t know what happened there”. Dhruv- “ I know everything . What if she was testing you ? Seriously, why would she kill you ? Just think”.
Daksh thinks for a while.
Dhruv smirks.
Daksh – “ Yes , you are right . I didn’t thought about it “. Dhruv – “ She tried a trick on you . You believed it and left . Even though I do have differences with Dev , I must say he is intelligent. He was trying hard to get close with Sameeksha . He even used your plans in his benefit . Afterall that is the difference between you both. He knows how to manipulate situations in his favor and you even don’t how to execute your small plans “. Daksh- “ How do you know that Dev used my plans in his favor?” Dhruv – “ Iam your elder brother, I know everything. I don’t indulge much into every matter but nothing is out of my eyes , Bro “. Daksh – “ So I made a mistake “. Dhruv – “ Exactly. Now he will take advantage of it. Iam sure that he broken the engagement with Trisha only for getting close to Sameeksha . Trisha loves him madly , why would she agree to it ? Iam sure he manipulated her with his sugar coated words “.
Dhruv shows some photos of Sameeksha and Dev at project site and restaurant to Daksh . Daksh gets irritated.
Daksh – “ Dev is so mean !” Dhruv- “ No , he is brilliant. He grabs everything he wants. If you want to get her , you have to make her away from Dev “.
Daksh looks him.
Daksh – “ Bro , Why do you have so much interest in that ?” Dhruv- “ Its a deal , I will help you get her and you will help me to get that township project back under my control “. Daksh – “ That’s it . I was actually wondering when did my Bro became so good “.
They smiles .
Dhruv- “ But we need to get Trisha into our team . Only she can make Dev away from Sameeksha “. Daksh – “ She won’t believe us even if we instigate her “. Dhruv- “ What if we show her his true colors ?” Daksh – “ That can be considered!”
Next day , Morning.
Sameeksha is standing outside her office. She is talking to someone over phone. She suddenly notice , someone coming with flower bouquet. His face is hidden by the big bouquet. She gets suspicious that he is Dev . She looks the person, but that person turns back as she noticed her. She goes behind the person. She reaches to him. He stops .
Sameeksha – “ I knew it , you will come here . Your challenge is finished. Turn and show me your face”.
That man turns to her and shows his face. Sameeksha gets shocked.
It is not Dev , but someone else.
That man – “ What are saying? “
Sameeksha – “ Oho , Iam Sorry. I thought you were someone else”.
He leaves. Sameeksha gets angry.
She goes to her office. She enters her cabin. She gets into her work. She feels awkward thinking about the morning of incident. She relax herself. She comes out of her cabin , then she someone near the reception. That man looks like Dev. She suspects him to be Dev but this time she goes there to check with making any drama.
She checks whether this man is Dev or not. Again it’s not him. She goes back to her cabin.
Sameeksha thinks- “ What happened to me? Iam got so involved in that challenge that I forgot everything. I can’t do that. Maybe it’s all his plan, how can I fall prey to his trap ? I need to forget it”.
Sameeksha completes her work and assign some to her staff and leaves for her home before lunch. While driving home , she see someone like Dev . She ignores it.
Sameeksha reaches her home and have lunch together with her parents. She helps them to arrange things for puja.
Puja is going to start in an hour. Sameeksha gets a call from Dev.
Dev – “ Hello , Ms.Sameeksha Chowdhary “. Sameeksha – “ Dev!” Dev – “ Are you missing me ?” Sameeksha – “ Why would I miss you ?” Dev – “ So you didn’t mistaken anyone as me today?” Sameeksha – “ Wait! So you were following me again?”
Dev chuckles . Sameeksha gets irritated.
Sameeksha – “ I know that you are playing. But It’s not gonna work!” Dev- “So are serious as well ! You are similar to me “. Sameeksha – “ Not at all ! We aren’t similar , there is great difference between us. But yes we are good competitors “. Dev – “ Oho my god! Heavy words!” Sameeksha – “ If you are done with your stupid talks, Iam cutting the call “. Dev- “ Why? Are you afraid that if you talk to me more you will lose your control?” Sameeksha – “ Keep your tricks for yourself. Iam not going to fall into it “.
Dev is driving his car. Sameeksha hears sound of horn.
Sameeksha – “ Are you driving ?”
Dev – “ Right guess ! I was all alone so I thought to know whether you remember me or not”. Sameeksha – “ Better you cut the call and concentrate on your driving. It’s not good to use mobile while driving “. Dev- “ So you care for me “. Sameeksha – “ Its nothing like that, Iam getting irritated by your talks”.
Dev – “Iam telling you , you will regret ignoring me if I go to a far away place “. Sameeksha- “ I won’t “. As she says it , she hears a huge sound. She gets shocked.
Sameeksha – “ Hello , hello.. Dev.. what happened? Are you okay? Speak up , Dev, Dev … “.
But no one answers. Sameeksha gets worried.
She calls Khanna and ask him to track Dev. He gets the information . Sameeksha takes her car’s key . Her parents see her coming with her car keys.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ Sam! Where are you going now ?” Sameeksha – “ I have an urgent work , I will be back shortly. Sorry “.
Sameeksha rushes out and her parents gets worried too. She gets into her car and drives off. She is completely tensed. Thinking about Dev. She is at traffic signal.
She see a crowd. She walks towards the crowd on the road . She is tensed and she moves people . She see something and gets shocked. She see him lying dead on the road .
A horn sound brings her out of her dream.
She continues driving.
Sameeksha thinks – “ Dev can’t die . I would be a easy punishment for his deeds. He need to live , so that I can make his life a living hell. I won’t let him die until I punish him myself “.
Sameeksha tries call him. But no one responds. She reaches at the location. She see car near a tree on the side of the road. It seems like car has hit on the tree. She stops the car and gets down . Sameeksha walks towards the car. She is tensed . She reaches near the car. She stops , she takes a deep breath. She opens the door with her eyes closed. She opens her eyes . She doesn’t find anyone inside the car. She gets confused where is Dev.
Sameeksha – “ Where is Dev ?”
A voice comes from her back – “ Not this soon Iam going to leave this world!”
She turns back and see Dev standing there. Dev looks her with a smile. Sameeksha gets happy seeing him alright. She walks towards him. They look each other.
Sameeksha ( relaxed) – “ Thank god ! You are perfectly fine . You don’t how much I worried “. Dev – “ That’s what I said you , you do care for me “.
Sameeksha’s smiles fades and she looks him suspiciously.
Dev smiles at her.
Sameeksha – “ So it was all your stupid plan to win the challenge, now I get it . It’s all can expect from you , right ? “.
Dev – “ Are you angry because you failed or because I made you scared that my life was in danger ?” Sameeksha – “ Challenges should be won through fair means , not like this . Who am I talking to ? The one who just want to win , who doesn’t care what others feel “. Dev (softly) – “ I did it not just to win the challenge but to make you realize that you have something for me in your heart “. Sameeksha – “ Just shut up ! What you mean by something? What ? Tell me “.
Dev – “ You are really strange, you asked me to shut up first and also want me to gives answer to your questions. I mean you care “. Sameeksha – “ Iam done . I don’t have time for your stupid games . It’s my mistake that I came here due to some humanity “.
She turns away and walks. Dev goes behind her and hold her hands. Sameeksha turns and looks him angrily. He leaves her hand .
Dev – “ Iam Sorry to make you scared. I just want to …. “.
Sameeksha turns her face. He comes infront her .
Dev – “ Please don’t be upset. I thought you will take it in a sportsman spirit. You have agreed that you will fulfill my one wish if I win the challenge “.
Sameeksha – “ This is cheating . Iam not going to do anything “.
Dev – “ By the way , you look really nice while you are angry “.
Sameeksha looks him intensely. Dev gives innocent smile.
Dev – “ I have heard that Sameeksha Chowdhary never back off from her word “. Sameeksha – “ See , Dev!” Dev – “ Please , please … “.
Sameeksha thinks for a while . Dev waits.
Sameeksha – “ Tell me , what is your wish?”
Dev – “ Will you spend 2 days with me ?”
Sameeksha – “ What ? Oho .. what do you think about ?”
Dev interrupts- “ Don’t take it another way , please…, I meant like 2 friends going for a 2 day trip that’s it . I understand that Iam really good looking ,my charm can attract anyone , but Iam not indecent “.
Sameeksha looks him sternly. Dev turns him face as if he is shy. She feels weird.
Dev – “ Please don’t look me like that , I feel shy”.
He bow down his face in a funny manner. Sameeksha start to laugh . Dev looks her as she laughs. Her hair is flying as cool breeze touches her hair. He smiles.
Dev – “ Thank god , you became normal “.
Sameeksha stops laughing and tries to be serious. Dev looks her. She turns her eyes away from him.
Dev – “ So you will come with me , right?”
Sameeksha – “ I need to think, since we are not friends “.
Dev – “ Okay fine , let’s be friends now “.
He forward his hands for a hand shake. She doesn’t give her hands.
Sameeksha – “ I will think about it “.
She walks off and gets into her car . She drives off to her home.
By that time, puja was over. Pandit is about to leave. Mr.Chowdhary gives serious look to Sameeksha . Sameeksha bows her head down and remain silent. Mrs.Chowdhary see this she smiles, seeing both of them behaving.
Pandit leaves.
Mr.Chowdhary goes near to Sameeksha. Sameeksha stands there .
Mr.Chowdhary – “ You came back very soon… great !! Wow !” Sameeksha – “ Iam Sorry , I got traffic while coming back.. “. Mr.Chowdhary – “ Nice Excuse!” Sameeksha – “ Not all , Iam saying truth “.
Mrs.Chowdhary (with a smile ) – “ If anyone see this , What will be Sameeksha’s image ? The girl who makes others scare is standing here like a scared cat infront of her father ! “.
Sameeksha looks her innocently. Mrs.Chowdhary smiles. Mr.Chowdhary looks Sameeksha seriously .
Sameeksha – “ So What ? Iam standing like this infront of my dad , I don’t mind being cat . Afterall Iam my dad’s favorite “.
Sameeksha keeps her over Mr.Chowdhary’s shoulder. She looks him with a smile . He looks her and nods .
Sameeksha – “ Isn’t it Dad?”
He catches her ears.
Sameeksha – “ Ouch !”
Mr.Chowdhary – “ Hurting ? “. Mrs.Chowdhary makes him take his hands from Sameeksha’s ears.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ She is big now , don’t do that !”. Sameeksha – “ No worries , he didn’t catch my ears so hard . Thus it didn’t hurt . Afterall , such cute moments makes my life better “.
Mr.Chowdhary looks her . Sameeksha’s eyes gets filled with tears. Mrs.Chowdhary hold her .
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ What happened?”
Sameeksha wipes her tears.
Sameeksha – “ Nothing! I was saying that these light moments keeps me balanced while playing this game of revenge. I will come down after getting freshen up“.
Sameeksha freshen up . She gets a call from Dev.
Dev – “ Have you decided ?” Sameeksha – “ Yes “. Dev – “ So are ready for the trip ?”
Sameeksha – “ Yes . When and where we are going?” Dev – “ We will leave tomorrow, early morning 4am “. Sameeksha – “ Tomorrow?” Dev- “ Yes, tomorrow “. Sameeksha – “ I can’t.. I have many things to do “. Dev – “ No excuse! Since I won you have to listen to me “. Sameeksha – “ Okay fine ! But Where ?” Dev – “ That’s surprise! I will tell tomorrow morning on the way “. Sameeksha – “ Now What’s that ?” Dev- “ Are you afraid to come with me ?” Sameeksha – “ No , why should I ? If you want you be afraid “. Dev – “ That’s interesting! Do you have any plan to finish me ?” Sameeksha – “ Yes Ofcourse “.
Dev pause for a moment.
Sameeksha – “ Afterall Iam unpredictable ! Isn’t it what you say ? I was just joking “. Dev – “ Okay , So I will be there infront of your house tomorrow morning, at sharp 4am “. Sameeksha – “ Okay “.
Dev thinks- “ Fish got trapped in the net “.
Sameeksha talks to her parents about this trip.
Mr.Chowdhary – “ I won’t allow this. What is the guarantee that he won’t harm you when you are alone with him?” Mrs.Chowdhary – “ I agree to your Dad! It can be a trap. It’s not safe“. Sameeksha – “ I know it’s trap . But I need to take this risk . Don’t worry I have plans to secure myself “. Mr.Chowdhary – “ How can we sit peacefully when you go with him? How we trust that Dev , who destroyed an innocent family , who cheated a girl who he married, and left her to die at the road “.
Mrs.Chowdhary hold his hand to stop seeing Sameeksha’s changing expression.
Sameeksha sits silent and turns little serious.
Mrs.Chowdhary – “ He doesn’t mean to .. “. Sameeksha – “ Iam not asking to trust him. Iam asking you both to trust me . I know how to handle this situation, Iam prepared . But I need your support “.
Mr. Chowdhary – “ We are always with you, dear. We are just concerned for your safety “. Sameeksha – “ I know , but don’t worry . I can do this “.
Next early morning.
Dev is waiting outside Sameeksha’s house . Sameeksha comes out with her luggage. Dev see her parents standing outside the house looking them. Mr.Chowdhary is not in a good mood. Dev keeps her luggage inside and they both get inside. Dev drives off.
Sameeksha – “ So tell me , where we are going ?” Dev – “ Now we are going to Airport, I will tell you the destination when we reach Airport “.
They reach the airport. They walks towards the entrance of the Airport with their luggage. Sameeksha stops him.
Sameeksha – “ Tell me , where we are going?” Dev- “ Shimla!”
Sameeksha gets shocked.
Sameeksha thinks – “ Shi.. mla !! What is he planning?”
Dev thinks – “ Every puzzle will be solved at Shimla . If possible, this game will end where this game started “.
Sameeksha is nervous . Dev smirks.
Precap :- Sameeksha and Dev at Shimla . They at a coffee shop. A man see her and gets scared seeing her. He shouts – “Ghost ! “. Sameeksha feels strange. Dev looks her .
Sameeksha and Dev standing near a cliff.
Dev – “ I want to confess something about my life , that you may never expect “. Sameeksha looks him.
Flashes of Samika running and her home burning.
So that’s all for today’s episode. Please tell should I update a special promo for episodes – 49 & 50 which will be a turning point of the story. Please do give your thoughts about the episode in the comment section.
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