Saturday, 22 August 2020


Hustle bustle life⭐️💫

After spending lovely moments in each other’s embrace twinkle and Kunj sleeping peacefully..

Maybe you can’t change a few things or any incident in your life but it doesn’t matter whole life you just stick on it only.

Whatever happened that night in the farmhouse with twinkle she and rest blaming Kunj only for that.but her heart not willing that because of her mind and what her eyes saw she assumed Kunj wrong. in Their anger both of them did so many stupidities after staying together twinkle feelings changed for Kunj she feeling Lott for Kunj itself she doesn’t know what actually it is..

Thankfully she leaves everything aside and listening to what her heart is saying in which she is happy doing that only..When life gives you lemons take out the salt and the shot-glasses and fill them up with tequila.Fight for what you really want and never,ever settle for anything less. Don’t exist Live just😇.

Sunlight coming directly on twinkle and Kunj face disturbing their sleep Kunj nuzzled his face in twinkle neck more.which tickling her she finally woke up opening her eyes with a beautiful smile finally it’s arrived after Lott because of Kunj ?? What say 👅..

She remembered last night and smiling a little shy she is not before.she looks at Kunj caressing his hairs..

Kunjjj wakes up she murmured in his ears.
Hmmm, twinkle let me sleep he murmured back..

Acha okay leave me she said and side him come out of his grip.get up take deep breathe
Take her clothes and went in Washroom looking at herself in the mirror especially in Kunj shirt she looking damn s*xy in his shirt no doubt 😂her messy hairs, chipped lips sleepy eyes most important her face glowing extremely..

She palmed her face in shyness she take shower quickly while Kunj sleep full still lazy head for a change🤣he cuddles pillow blinking his eyes while after shower twinkle come back..

Kunj seeing her well her eyes went on him. She can’t maintain eye contact with him seeing room condition she grabbing all things and keep in side.Kunj just admiring her he itself never thought they will be like this Lott things happened between them still they were together but one thing is missing they aren’t happy together because of unwanted things misunderstandings important thing is their trust in each other more…

Twinkle wiping her wet hairs she can see from the corner of her eyes Kunj just seeing her only..
her cheeks turned reddish Kunj can see😛..

Kunj took the cushion and throw at twinkle…
Ahh, she irritates and facing him.
Kya hai she asked..

Leave mirror will break down he said and chuckled.
Huh, she frowned she went to bed get up fast today you aren’t getting late for your outing she said…
I’m going down come fast she added and turned..

He finally gets up shirtless looking extremely hot he comes to her gives her side hug.
Hayee I’m so tired you literally eat me last night he said she give him look.

I eat you or else you she showing him finger you started not me get it she stated Kunj wrapped his hands around her waist she is almost in his arms.

Shh my angry bird I’m just teasing you why you get angry okay fine yesterday I started for a change otherwise my hungry romantic queen he said..

She pulled his cheeks shut up don’t say anything about me you aren’t less I see last night you aren’t that much innocent she added.

When I say I’m innocent I’m not at all very mysterious man I’m 😎he said..

Great sadu she murmured.
Acha I’m joking he said.
Good boy she added and both smiling like anything.
You go in Washroom I’ll get your coffee ahem she said and went down.
Jhalli hai phar meri hai😗he muttered and went in Washroom.

While making Kunj coffee twinkle just smiling like idol Avni and Khushi saw this while they are happy for her too..

She prepared coffee filled in cup went out of the kitchen just than Kunj arrived down while folding his sleeves..

Your coffee she said..
haan thanks he said and take from her sit in side couch..

Today also in hustle why are you going?? She asked..
haan bureaucracy jana hai he said not in sense.
Whattt kaha bureaucracy she said.Kunj realized what he just said..

Not bureaucracy I mean ek agency jana hai he managed..
acha why there also what so important you aren’t doing anything she again taking his enquires..
he gets up to hold her forehead stop behaving like typical wife’s and taking my interrogations he added..

She raised her eyes first stop saying this word a typical wife’s i m your wife only and I will do this only till I’m not get satisfied she said he went a little closer.
Acha than I will be satisfied you come in room he said and winked at her she blushed pushed him.. 😂

Shut up what about breakfast she asked.
I’m full he replied and pecked at her lips and bid bye from there this seen by tej and Avantika raising one hope for them in their hearts 💕…

Kunj take his car and reached bureaucracy he entered everyone’s stand he went in his cabin..
All officers was there they all sit and get busy in their meeting.Everyone giving their point of views..

At sarna mansion..
All ladies finished their work called their family clothes Seller all-seeing saree and other things for them.Kunj has done with his work in the afternoon he comes fully sweating he went into the room and giving voice to twinkle she was busy…

Finally, she entered the room he was laying on the couch taking deep breathe..

Why you screaming she said went near him and looking at him.she sits beside him.
Yaar twinkle gives me something to eat i m hell hungry please he said she arching her eyes.

Acha koi subah bol raha tha typical biwi mat bano now someone getting typical husband she said and gigging 😂Kunj get it he too chuckled and pulled her on himself..

Don’t get smart jati hai yah nahi he said.
Don’t give me Oder sadu going she said and went down bring food for him..

She comes back with food and settles down with him Kunj started having his food.
Slow not rush she said.
Hmm hell hungry he said while having..

Why always in a rush you are Kunj she added and give him water..
He offers her she denies I had with everyone she said..
Okay, he said done with food.Twinkle keep everything back Kunj come after getting freshen up laid down twinkle sit with Avni and Khushi after she comeback..

Where are you madam here I’m waiting for you he said..
haan woh I sit with Khushi and Avni girls time she said.
Gossip time yah Bol na Kunj said twinkle laid down beside him..

Today free I m impressed otherwise Eid ka chaand ho tum toh she said Kunj giving her looks rest his head on her lap..

She caressing his hairs resting her head on backboard complete silence in the room..
she kissed on his forehead while Kunj caressing her knuckles kissed it..

Kunj gets call he gots up and went in the balcony..and take the call.
Huh, always privacy huh she murmured and went down..

At balcony..
haan sir I m doing till now not get anything such that we can teach him good lesson Kunj said In anger.
Calm down my boy have some patience you are not a normal person you are a secret agent caller said..
hmm, remember sir, okay I will talk to you later he said and both of them end the calls..

Kunj comes down to everyone sitting and discussing something Kunj joins them just listening not saying anything..

Kunj can you do my one work at least tej requesting him.
Okay, what papa he said and get ready.
Take this file and check out he said.
Okay but I’m not good in your work Kunj added..
it’s okay I know my son enough smart tej said and give him smile he nodded in yes.

He sits in the side and started reading the file.
So Mr Kamina Mahendra bhi hai maybe I will get some information from sarna office or else his office but he is damn smarter he will not leave any proof behind his back aaj tak ek proof hi nahi mil raha hai he murmured..

Kunj’s complete work is given by his father to him. Tej gets happy with kunj after they had dinner together.Kunj doing something in the wardrobe.

Just than twinkle entered in the room he immediately shut the wardrobe doors.
What happened Kunj haan?? She asked him and just seeing his facial expressions..
nothing just finding my shirt he lied like always she comes near him and moving her finger on his face.

Acha sadu sarna why you sweating this much as if I caught you 👅she said he giggles.
Acha what you will be caught I’m in front of you only darling he said he cuddles hers.
Acha darling I must say you getting romantic and changing day by day too soon she said making pouty lips.. tempting Kunj 😛..

Hoo, really I’m changing my god you sometimes not always make me confused and puzzled he said..
is it even you too Kunj chameleon she added and pecked at his lips.
Huh your so-called Vihaan maybe not me he said.
Hehe, you get so insecure 😟 Kunj she said and giggles..

Sone chale she asked him in seducing voice.
Stop seducing your own husband he said.
Why not when my husband is so hot can’t I do this seducing you only not another man so chill sadu sarna ji she said.. they continued their this nok jhok than both of them sleep in each other’s embrace..

Another morning.
Everyone get ready today they kept Pooja at their house so everyone busy in those preparations Taneja’s too come and few other peoples too..
Twinkle and Kunj come down after getting ready in traditional wears.All sit for Pooja pandit ji chanting mantar’s all folding their hands and closing their eyes as well.
Pooja gets over they all get up Avantika about to take parshad thali before Prithviraj.

Usha bahu sab ko parshad dedo he said without saying anything Avantika stops her hands and stands this seen by Kunj she feels bad and stands. Usha and Anita giving everyone parshad.

Prithviraj introducing some old friends with Avni and Khushi or their husbands, not Kunj when asked about twinkle than he addressing her granddaughter in law of this house..

Everyone went only family members are there.
Lata brings a box and give it to Prithviraj.
What is this dadu yuvi asked?
This is our Ancestral jewelry which I kept for your wife’s Prithviraj said..

He called Avni and give her.
Thanks, Dadu she said and take his blessing while same Khushi lastly he looking at twinkle.
Come twinkle beta take yours too he said she went to him. Prithviraj about to handover twinkle before Kunj held twinkle hand.
Everyone looking at him.

Kya hua?? Prithviraj asked.
Nothing happened dadu twinkle will not take this I mean we can’t take this your family ancestral jewelry Kunj added.

What but why Lata asked? Kunj looking at his mother.
You take twinkle it’s your right Prithviraj said.

She will not dadu which right?? You were talking about it. When you can’t accept my mother as your elder daughter in law and this as well as your grandson how can twinkle will be your daughter in law he stated while looking into Prithviraj eyes straight.

I’m doing my duty Prithviraj said.
Really dadu duty which duty you are retired from your duty long back but I think aap rishton ko duty hi samj the hai issliye farz ki tarah use pura karte hai now you doing just.
Rishte naam se nahi hote dadu dil se hote
If I take this today from you what will happen.
Your duty get over dadu that’s it but in your heart there is no place for us.
My mother did all possible things you accepted her even my father for his love but you are not considering us your family members then why you giving your so important thing to my wife.
She is not before me after me she is your daughter in law..
It’s hurt but never mind you take your time maybe your heart and mind change for us..
One more thing you’re great in you work I feel proud I’m your grandson my father hurt you I know this.But what you doing is not correct.
Rishte kabhi zindagi ke saath nahi chalte hai rishte toh ek bar bante hai phir zindagi rishton ke saath chalti hai duty over hoti hai rishte nahi and now you just doing your duty..

Baat zaroorat ki nahi hoti qadar ki hoti hai jagah banani parti hai dil main ho ya ghar main jiss din aap ke dil me humhare liye woh jagah aur pyaar ban jaye that day I will take from you that’s my promise to you dadu he said Kunj keep back on the side table.

Everyone just standing they not having anything to say because Kunj is absolutely right at his place.

After everyone sit and chit-chatting while Kunj words leave a great impact on Prithviraj’s mind..

Twinkle called everyone for lunch they all settled down and having lunch together while chit-chatting.Kunj just teasing abeer 5-year daughter Aleena Kunj is her favorite while she is too his..

Leela and twinkle went to the twinkle room and they both mother and daughter talking.
Both sitting on the couch holding each other’s hands.
Aur twinkle how’s everything between you and Kunj?? Are you happy?? With him and most in this marriage, Leela asked her. Twinkle looking at her mother.Leela cupping twinkle one cheek.
Haan maa everything is absolutely fine between me and Kunj.I’m happy fully with Kunj twinkle answered.

Really na twinkle you are just saying for my happiness Leela said.
No maa, I’m really happy. look at my face do I looking sad with my face she said and giving her full smile Leela nodded in no. Twinkle hugged her mother resting her head on her shoulder.Leela caressing her hairs..

I’m just worried about you only twinkle thinking are you happy or not?? That’s it now I’m happy after seeing you she added.Kunj entered in the room.He sees them turning back just then
Arey Kunj beta comes why you going Leela said twinkle away from her..

Nah I’m just you continue Leela maa he said.
Come we just talking Leela said Kunj nodded in yes and sit on bed..

Kunj must be thinking his wife backbiting about him with her mother Haina Leela said with a giggle..
hoo maa, kuch bhi I never did this twinkle said.
She can I know Leela maa Kunj said.
Very mean Kunj you are sadu sarna huh twinkle said.
Even you are siyappa queen they started..
bas karo still fighting like cat and Tom but I’m really happy after so much happened still you both are same Babaji bless you both Leela said Kunj phone ring he excused them and went from there..

Kes ka call hai leela asked.
Don’t know maa Kunj just busy with phone only every time twinkle said.
Acha what he doing I’m mean your papa saying Kunj not even going office why? Leela again asked.
I really don’t know anything I itself asked him many times he just said he is not interested he doing something maybe she said.
Ho leela said and later they went back to their home.

Like this many days passed away twinkle and Kunj is happy completely they pulling each other’s legs twinkle throwing tantrums happily Kunj bear that also both ends up with romance 💕..

Kunj was even busy in his work he is not getting any proofs against MP while he and his team still finding..

@Twinj room.
Kunj getting ready twinkle closing his shirt buttons and tied up his tie.
Looking gentlemen she said and pulled his cheeks.
Thanks I’m still saying have something twinkle Kunj said.
Please Kunj we talk last night also on this topic I kept this fast for your long life it’s my first karwa chauth I wanted to celebrate fully with my all happiness and love she said Kunj smile.

You know I can’t understand you fully always you make me awestruck so many shades of yours Mrs twinkle Kunj sarna he stated.

Okay but take care of yourself for a change today don’t do any siyappa my queen he said.
Huh, siyappa queen, you should call me something else she said..

Sochenge 🤪Kunj said and chuckled.
Come soon bye take care of yourself twinkle said.
You too I will try he said.
Today don’t try you have to because I’m waiting for you Kunj she added.Kunj kissed on her forehead and bid bye her and went for his work..

Twinkle get busy with her mother in law all ladies busy in their karwa chauth preparation their clothes new jewelry all things.
After they applying Heena on their hands.

Kunj reached Delhi due to his work.
Already car waiting for him Kunj sits in the car.
Just then he gets a message from twinkle Kunj check and sees smiled fully call her before getting busy..
hello, twinkle speaks.
Hello twinkle how’s you he asked.
I’m absolutely fine husband ji did you see how’s it looking nice my Heena she said.
Haan perfect he said..
now come soon fast she said and they talk after the ended the call.

@HQ office DELHI
A car stopped in front of headquarters office Kunj come out of the car.He process ahead before entering inside shows his ID card scan for all protections

After seeing Kunj few officers salute him.He went to the cabin knocked on the door.
Come inn voice come out from inside Kunj went inside.
He stands in middle straight position an aged man sitting his back facing to Kunj.
He turned his chair and see Kunj.
Jai Hind he salutes.
Haan kunj finally you come why so late he asked.

Sit Kunj he said.
No sir In front of you it’s against protocol Kunj said.
You just sit my agent he said both smiled finally Kunj take a seat.

Because of flight sir get late he said.
It’s okay tell me what’s going on? He asked.
Well sir mission going on all doing their best as you know Mahendra Partap he is not small thing Kunj said.

I know this Kunj but you are on this mission than no fear I know you will successfully be done this mission like always he added.

Leave about this all work you tell me how’s your personal life going on you even not invite me to your wedding He said Kunj rubbing his forehead with a tint of a smile.

You sounding like Mahendra Partap Jaidev Sir Kunj said.
Is it? you are his favorite after all Jaidev added.
Hmm, he too mines 😎Kunj replied.

Both get up and standing in front of the wall.
Dartboard on the wall small small pics sticks on the board. Kunj took one arrow.

Next?? jaidev asked him??
Kunj just looking at Dartboard he throws the arrow perfectly stick on the MP photo.Jaidev looking at Kunj.

Since the time this world has been created there’s only one war going on in every corner between right and wrong between light and darkness sir give him many chances but he still same to same this time I will wait for his move only.Play cat and mouse end of the day
A king cares less about his throne than his minister sir MP having many puppies in his life 😂so why care he added 😎..

That’s true Jaidev said..

Coffee?? He asked.
No sir I have to finished meeting and go back to Amritsar Kunj said.
Why so hurry he asked.
Bas aise hi he replied.
your professional life is secret now you keeping personal too he said..
hmm, you have to keep your both life secret only if anything spills out very dangerous better I keep my personal life private, so don’t think you know me you know what I allow you to know to keep at arm’s length he stated..

Hmm, absolutely right Jaidev said patting on Kunj’s shoulder.
What about your partner?? He asked.
Rahulll all good waiting for you missing your food he said both laughs out.
Even I’m missing my both hero’s company he added.Kunj side hugs him.
How they are? Kunj asked.
Good missing their mu he replied.

They must be enjoying Kunj said.
Haan eating my head Lott Jaidev said..

I’m missing you he said.
Me too sir you aren’t my mentor just father to me my support system you sir Kunj said.

Even you and Rahul too my backbone he added.

Jaidev called by another officer he went while Kunj went to his cabin and looking at himself in the mirror.

I M KUNJ SARNA is an ATB AGENT (Anti-Terrorism Bureau) agent, working for India’s external intelligence agency. Devoted to his duty and can do anything for his nation.

India’s top spy and an officer of the ATB.
his mind runs faster than cheetah eyes sharper he can smell it criminal from anywhere till now his records no criminal escaped from agent Kunj Sarna hands.He speaks less his eyes and gun speaks More make criminal too. Do a lot of hard work to reach on this position senior agent of his team now he is on mission Mahendra Partap confront him red handed uff MP.

Nobody knows about me what I m actually really i m not allowing anyone gets to know about my real identity secret agent Kunj sarna
Kunj thought to break down when someone calls him for a meeting.

He went for meeting all their head members come and take their respective seats and they discussing all things..

At Amritsar@
Evening time the whole house decorated fully. Twinkle went into her room and looking at all things.She went and changed in beautiful clothes red-colored while Leela come.
I will get ready my daughter Kunj will be stunned after seeing you Leela teased her😛.She just blushing unknowingly.Leela gets ready to twinkle beautifully.

Come fast everyone waiting for Pooja Leela said.
You go maa I just call Kunj she said Leela nodded in yes and went while twinkle calling Kunj he cut her call.. he sends her message he is busy coming.
Then she went downstairs along with all ladies she performed karwa Pooja.

Where is Kunj tej asked?
Papaji woh he went for some work coming twinkle answered him.
Okay, tej said everyone went in the garden and waiting for the moon to come. Before they enjoying dancing singing. Twinkle just waiting for Kunj eagerly.

While Kunj in meeting just looking at watch.
Not before he is so desperate to go back.He gives his everything to his work and duty only but twinkle really something is..

Hoo Babaji when this meeting will get over I have to reach Amritsar anyhow before twinkle moon come he murmured in his heart..
Jaidev can see today Kunj physically present but not mentally he leave it in the meeting.

:::Kunj abhi tak nahi aaya kaha hai leela said.
Maa, he is coming twinkle said.

Kunj please comeback don’t break my hope twinkle murmured having tears in her eyes..
All ladies waiting for the moon.

Kunj just praying sooner this meeting gets over hopefully meeting get over Kunj take deep breathe they all come out of the conference room. Kunj is in all rush. Jaidev comes to him.

My Russian ball wait jaidev called him.
Today sir let me go i m already very late I need to reach on time she is waiting for me he said in the hustle.
Break what so important than your duty today Kunj Jaidev added.
Hai very important okay bye Jai hind sir Kunj said and run from there fast.
This man is totally mysterious Jaidev murmured..

Kunj takes the taxi and runs for the airport by the time Twinkle call come.
Kunj kaha ho she yelling literally.
I’m coming twinkle just reached to the airport you don’t worry coming he said.
Come fast me tumhara intazaar kar rahi hu Kunj please she said In sad voice..
haan he said and went inside the airport..

All ladies looking at twinkle soon moon come with moon twinkle eyes showering tip tip still she having hope just looking at the main door.

All ladies along with their husbands breaking their fast twinkle just seeing them after breaking their fast aunts gossiping about twinkle and Kunj..

Kunj didn’t come till now hoo a lady said.
I told you Leela don’t do this marriage but you didn’t listen us now see we all know in what circumstances their wedding has done Kunj will really come she said in a taunting way. It’s hurting twinkle Lott she just crying.Avantika and Leela feeling bad for her while tej and rt get angry on Kunj.

Twinkle you break your fast with Kunj photo Avantika said.
Nahi mummy ji he will come I will just drink water from Kunj hand only she said and wiped her tears.all requesting her but she is determined on her decision her faith on kunj is big..

All having their meal with their husband’s hands Kunj get stuck he reached Amritsar airport anyhow.But inside stuck in rest process of security.

With each passing seconds twinkle breaking down with her tears drops which falling down..
All just looking at her.
Twinkle come inside have something Rt said.
I will not have anything papa you all leave me alone she said and holding her thali still.
Before going ladies not leave taunting twinkle..

Taxi get stuck in between road Kunj leave the taxi and run because it’s little in walk distance.he running murmuring twinkle name only.

Twinkle is totally done now after waiting for Kunj.
She went into her room.While just than Kunj entered who breathing heavily because he running.
Avantika’s eyes fall down on him.
Kunj she speaks his name.
Twinkle Kunj just said and his eyes finding seeing everyone just standing he went ahead.

Kunj where are you tej asked in a loud voice.
Breathing where is twinkle he said.

Kaha hogi she is in her room after waiting for you this much kesi hogi mehar added..
Let me see her Kunj said and run upstairs he entered in his room found twinkle standing he went to her.

Twinkle twinkle I’m really very sorry yaar I stuck before he could say he just stunned seeing her face which just drenched in tears.

Twinkleee he speaks softly holds her hand she pushed his hand.
Sorry let’s break your fast late hogya I know he said.

Late really Kunj in low voice you aren’t just late very late everything is over she said in loud voice and throw thali in side..

I was waiting for you like idiots but you least care about me haan she said while crying.

Nahi twinkle I stuck Just in my work he said.

Work work what work your work is important than me haan at least today think about me Subah se Bina kuch khaye aur pyassi I was and waiting for you will come and break my first karwa chauth but you were busy in your work what so important tell me today she said breathing at the same time Kunj hold her arms.

I know I’m wrong you will do anything but right now come have something you will get ill he said.
Stop caring about me now I can see how much you care about me today Kunj I told you requested today come please I was so happy since the morning I will do this and that.Get ready just for you what I get in return nothing she said and throw her bangles and earrings on him apply this Heena you will like everything wasted I m not waiting for the moon that desperately but for you Kunj she said..

That ladies speaking nonsense about us and you but somewhere they are right only she grab his shirt.
We promised each other’s na we will give one more chance to each other’s and our marriage but I forgot this marriage is just deal for you toh wanted to end good Kunj sarna she added.

Listen to me twinkle he said.
What I will listen Kunj nothing is left now this marriage important for me why not for you answer me she shaking him twinkle said.

He cupped her face shh don’t cry I’m really very sorry please you have something it’s very late he said.

First, answer me where are you what so important tumhara waha hona mere fast se jada important tha she said. Kunj just looking at her.
I can’t twinkle please give me sometime he said she painfully smile.
Leave Kunj you must be tired I hate you she said and went in Washroom and locked the door while Kunj banging the door.

Twinkle sun please yaar come out I will explain to you he begging while she crying fully..

Both families are upset with Kunj and feeling sad for twinkle they went back to their home.

After sometimes later twinkle come out of the Washroom changed her clothes her sad face swelling eyes.Kunj looking at her he went near her.

Twinkle baat karte hai na please come have something he brings food for her he said.
Kunj leave and stop thinking about me you sleep and I’m very tired she said and went to bed and laid down cuddles blanket Kunj very guilty can’t see tears in twinkle eyes hurting him like anything he is rude heartless no tear can affect him but she is Lott..

I’m sorry twinkle because of me today you cry this much. I come to a crossroads where I’m stuck CHAHA KE BHI TUJHE APNE BARE MEIN NAHI BATA SAKTA HU he murmured in his heart..

He opens his shirt buttons while opening break down in anger and went to bed and laid down beside her. He keeps his hand around her waist.

She moves little Kunj away his hand immediately and understands now she needs her space he didn’t disturb her more Kunj just looking at ceiling twinkle sobbing slightly Kunj can listen..

Night over morning twinkle woke up with a heavy heart and gloomy face she looking at Kunj who sleeping. She gets up and went to Washroom and get freshen up After shower she comes and gets dressed up and went down..

Avantika and tej and grand parents sitting.
Good morning Avantika said.
Good morning twinkle beta and happiest bday to you she said and kissed on her forehead they all wished her she smiled.
Thanks, mummy ji I’m going maa house for today twinkle said she understood everything tej nodded in her eyes.
Okay beta sorry, Kunj ne she said.
Don’t say sorry please he is my husband humhara chalta hai she said and hugged her.

Twinkle went Taneja mansion their they all having tea. She went to them after seeing twinkle at this time they were surprised.

Twinkle you are at this time here everything is fine Leela asked her.
Haan I’m absolutely fine just come my home missing she added they understand.
Good, you come happiest bday darling Mehar said and give her side hug.
Thanks bhabhi she replied. All wish her cheer up her mood little but she is little off.

have you eaten anything? Abeer asked her she just looking at him and nodded in no tears escaping from her eyes.

Why twinkle you doing this haan come let’s have something the first abeer said and make her sit on chair Meher served her abeer feeding her with his hands.

Kunj ne try nahi kiya haan Meher said.
Nahi bhabhi he did Lott but I’m very angry that’s why she said.

Now don’t spoil your mood because last night he doesn’t care about you it’s his mistake today is your bday let’s celebrate what’s say abeer said.
Nahi bhai this time no mood I celebrate my bday Lott leave this time now I’m grown up she said.
What grown-up for us you are still the same to same baby doll abeer said..

I will spend my whole day with you all that’s enough for me she said they nodded in yes she happily finished her breakfast.

While at sarna mansion Kunj woke up rubbing his eyes and get up looking here and there.
Where is twinkle he murmured?
Then thought she must be down he get up and went in the washroom to get freshen up quickly.
And after getting ready went down finding twinkle everywhere than finally.

You finding twinkle Avantika said from behind Kunj turned and looking at his mother
Yes, where is twinkle maa he asked? she went near him.
She is not at home she replied to him.
What where she is?? He asked again.
She went to her home she said.
Home suddenly he holds his head I will see her he said.

Stop Kunj she went because she wanted to spend time with her family most today is her bday you don’t know this also Avantika said Kunj looking at her and nodding in no.
Very surprising she is your wife and you don’t know about her bday not good Kunj what you did last night with her she said.
I can explain myself she is not ready to listen to me once maa he said.

What you can explain Kunj I think the same reason you are busy or else stuck in your so-called unknown work m I right she said.
Please you don’t Kunj said.

Don’t please to me go to twinkle you hurt her she is so happy yesterday did everything just for you but no value of her hard work this time I’m not happy with you when you will understand your responsibilities she said.

If I hurt her I will rectify my mistake as well he said and went outside sit in his car and calling her.

After 2 and 3 calls she went in side and take his call.
Hello, bolo Kunj she said.
Twinkle kaha yaar he said.
Maa ke ghar I come why are you asking any work she asked?

I can call you only for work Kunj said.
Mene Aisa nahi kaha she said.
Okay leave it yaar i m sorry please milte hai na I’m coming there he said.
Kunj I’m fine I forget whatever happened last night so you too you have your breakfast or not she asked.

You are angry still caring about me he said.
Kyun care karna nahi chod sakti na she added.
You eat or not because of me yesterday too he said.
Haan, I eat you go and have something. Don’t worried about me I’m absolutely fine comeback at night just wanted to spend time with my family some space she said.
Okay, I will not disturb you enjoy your day he added both ended the call..

In anger, Kunj comes to his office and sits in anger holding his head just while Rahul entered with a cup of coffee keep it on the table.
Oyee agent, what happened where are you lost he said Kunj looking at him?
What happened he asked?? And sit beside him.

Yaar Rahul, I’m stuck Kunj said.
You stuck I’m not getting Rahul to get confused. Kunj narrates everything.
Ho you can’t do anything in this she also understands about you Rahul said.

No, it’s my mistake, Rahul, what she will understand she doesn’t know anything about me I hurt her Lott I can’t balance my both responsibilities. My duty is important than my wife also for me he added.

True now what you go do something for her she will be okay girls like this only you don’t know because your first-time superhero Rahul said.

She is damn angry at her home most today is her bday Rahul Kunj said.
Give her time do something for her surprise Rahul suggesting him.

I don’t know about this all things you know I never did for anyone sorry bolunga bas he said.
Not for anyone but for your wifey you are Experts in everything try this time Rahul said.

I will see kunj said.Both enjoying their coffee.
What Jaidev sir said Rahul asked?
Nothing asking about you just 👅Kunj said.
Even I’m missing bossy Rahul said.Both went back to their work..

They checked the files sara comes with some old files..
sir, we will get anything?? Sara asked.
You sit here and I will tell you kunj said she sits beside Kunj and he telling her rest things..

Come sara kunj give her voice both went out..
Again warehouse sara asked?
Nope, somewhere else Kunj answered her..

They reached sea side Kunj gestured her she understood both went in different directions so no one can doubt them..

Kunj sits where few mans sitting and they talking..

Ho jayega sir aapka kaam don’t worry apun ko abhi tak kesi ne nahi pakda hai fikar not man said Kunj just listening..

While sara walking slowly and saw Robert with a few men he giving them money.
Kaam ho jana chahiye Robert said before Robert see sara she went from there waiting for Kunj.

Kunj come what happened sara he asked?
I saw Robert MP brother in law sara said.
Where than? Kunj said.
He giving money to two men and telling them kaam ho jana chahiye she said and clicked their photo showing Kunj.
Great sara well done Kunj said she smiling.
Thanks after all your junior 👅she said.

They both going back just than Kunj feels like someone stalking them he turned and found nobody.
What happened sir sara asked.
Nothing just feels someone following us let’s change our way he said and both went from there..

Twinkle cut cake with her whole family and few friends small get together after this all she went back to sarna mansion..

At twinj room@
Twinkle sitting on the couch seeing gifts which she gets from everyone just than Kunj entered and see her he smiled and went to her.

Twinkle see Kunj didn’t say anything Kunj sit in side couch..
when you come back he asked.
Sometimes before she replied.
How’s your day? He can see still she is not happy went to her..
I’m sorry twinkle I know I hurt you and spoiled your bday as well he said and cupped her face.

It’s okay leave it she said.
I can’t tell me what I can do for you at least he said she looking at her.
Soch lo ?? She said.
Say it just sochna kya how I can rectify my mistake he said..

I don’t want moon and stars just you give me your time spend your whole day with me just she demanded and looking at him.

Okay, very small demand yours he said and wiped her tears kissed on her forehead happy bday twinkle even sorry as well he added.

She smiled thanks Kunj she said and hugged him tightly he caressing her hairs..

I have something for you Kunj said and he gives her packed.. she opened and found a beautiful dress.
I don’t know about this all so I bring for you this hope you like it he said.
Loved it she said and pecked at his lips..

After they sleep have a cake which Avni made for twinkle..

As per twinkle demand, Kunj going to spend his whole day with her and do something as well which makes her happy.he takes off from his work.

I will pick you twinkle in sometimes Kunj call her..

At Cemetery Mahendra come out of his car wearing shades he having flowers in his hands and move towards the grave.

He stands and looking at the gravestone
LATE MRS JUILLET MAHENDRA PARTAP written on the gravestone.
Mahendra sits in the front grave and keeps the flowers on the grave. Caressing the gravestone.
Sad music in bg💕💕..
My juilettt MP murmured having tears in his eyes.
You went but alive in my heart always my love he murmuring and hallucinating about here she giving him smile..

Very sad someone speaks MP turned and found Kunj standing in front of his eyes..

Kunj went near him having flowers in his hands.
I know you are here only after all Romeo kaha hoga kunj said.
Tum yaha kunj kaam kya hai MP said.
Tere se kaam toh bhut hai abhi nahi off duty pe hu bas maan kiya tere se milne ka kunj said and give him flowers.

Take no hard feelings for her you know this Kunj said mp giggles and take from him and keep on grave..
I know this agent MP said and get up just looking at grave..
come out of your pain Kunj said.
It’s not my pain but my love for my Juliet you will not understand this officer because pyaar nahi kiya na kabhi when you will have then understand my situation MP said.

Really sometimes I feel bad and your this lover side makes me confused too😂Kunj said mp keep his hands around kunj shoulder.

Me too even you aren’t less by the way you are here just come to put these flowers here on my wife you have your own beautiful life enjoy with her because of your duty you don’t know when you have gone 🤪mp added.

I know everything You please don’t worried about me big brother Kunj stated.
Calling me big brother how can I’m not worried till when this rat and cat game will go on? Mp said.

Till when I find the best place for you Kunj said and both giggles and giving each other’s Tashan smile

Next scene AMRITSAR
@ headquarters
A huge building was shown where many people were working with full enthusiasm somewhere busy in their desk while some were talking on the phones while some walking here and their checking the on going process
A women enters in the headquarters she was so gorgeous with her greekgodess figure her hazel brown eyes with minimum curved hairs she was the epitome of beauty in her own she was walking ahead with her confident smile when
Stella someone called her from behind while she turned and smiled at the person …
Oh hello, how are you ???? She asked her co-assistant, Elena
I am fine it’s good to see you back after so many days Elena added while Stella smiled
Yeah, I had to well where is boss ?? Is he there in his cabin Stella asked while the other person nodded
I’ll meet him Stella added while Elena too left from there

Soon she went ahead and reached the cabin Mr. Abhinav Tyagi It was written outside she knocked on it only to get the response.
Come in the voice said and she entered to find her boss who is in his mid-fifties
Welcome back my girl how was the vacay ??? He asked in a sarcastic voice.
Seriously sir vacay Stella asked back while both of them giggled..
You don’t know how much proud I feel when I see you so confident he added while Stella nodded ..
It’s because I had the best mentor Mr
Abhinav Tyagi she added proudly
well, sir now coming to this mission I had tried my best to the information but he is really smart Stella added sighing.
I know that’s why I chose you for this he replied to her and kept pictures on the table which was of mp kunj and some unknown
I have my eye on him she added marking kunj picture and also on Mr. Mahendra Pratap urf Mp he looks so nice in a person but he is a demon in disguise of a saint Stella added and cross marked mp picture.

Hmm, any more information ??? Did you find out about kunj sarna ?? Mr. Tyagi asked
Not much but I am trying as I said he is so smart and keeps everything so confidential but I am also Stella I will get anyhow what he is planning to do she added ..
Good, I trust you with this I thought it may be a simple case Mr. Tyagi added tensed.
Yup even I but the more simpler it looks the more complicated it is but it will be fun solving it Stella added with a smirk
Go ahead I know you can do it mr Tyagi said while Stella nodded
See you soon sir she said and left …while she came out and saw the pictures which she picked up.
I have my eyes on you MR KUNJ SARNA and sooner I’ll find out what you are planning she said determinedly.

To be continued…
Hello hi everyone keso 👅👅.
Thanks for your comments I’m so happy😽😽😍😛..wanted your more love👅😂,.
I glad you all loving the story my hard work is worth it 😛😉somewhere.
Do read episode and tell me how’s it??
Don’t give trouble to your minds 😂🤣..
Bye love you all
Next episode more blast 😂in bucket for you all episode depends on your comments 😎

The post DIL KO KARAAR AAYA TWINJ~SHOT4 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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