Thursday 6 August 2020

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 6th August 2020 Written Episode Update

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 6th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mukund tells his brothers to question their papers as to why they killed his both wives. Bhaskar’s father holds Mukund by his collar angrily. I killed both your wives for your sake though. You were greedy and wanted dowry! Tell the truth now. You only used to say that we can take more in the next morning. I kept killing them so as to get dowry. Bhima comes there with police captain. Arrest him. He has just confessed in front of everyone that they killed both the girls themselves. Anand and Bala come there as well. Bhaskar’s family members try to cover up but Bhima says you accepted the truth in front of so many eyewitnesses. This is called a confession in legal terms. You don’t even need a witness after a confession! Bhaskar seconds him. You should be punished for your misdeeds. Mukund tells them to arrest their parents. I dint do anything. Bhima says you will be punished for being greedy and for instigating them to kill those girls. It is your greed because of which you want to get hold of the entire property. You are still greedy to save yourself! Police captain asks for the paper on the basis of which he is trying to prove that he is the owner! Mukund says it is a proof which I wont part with. Police captain threatens him of consequences. His junior takes both the papers from him. Bhima tells police captain to tear them. He got them stealthily and this will continue to sway him from the right path! Police captain tears both the papers and arrests all 3 of them.

Anand and Bala smile whereas Bhaskar looks sad. His father says there is nothing left to hear or say when both the kids have rebelled. They leave with police captain. Neighbours taunt Bhaskar instead for sending his parents to jail. Bhima asks them if they would have been happy if their daughter had been in Bhaskar’s Bhabhi’s place. Neighbours aren’t bothered. We wont even look at a son who can go against his own parents! They cut ties with Bhaskar and leave.

Bhaskar curses himself for sending his parents and brother to jail. They are right. Bhima explains that it isn’t because of him. Bhaskar says neighbours used to speak to my Baba here for hours but they don’t want to keep any relation with me today. I have been proved a criminal in front of them today. They will curse me forever! I think even I will remain in this jail till the time I am able to face them again. Bhima reasons that justice comes with a price and we must be willing to pay any price to get justice. Your Bhabhi’s soul would be so proud of you. This society can turn their back on you but tomorrow, anyone would think before killing their DIL. They will be worried that their own son might turn into Bhaskar tomorrow! Relations cannot be forgiven based on relations. Baba says criminals are mere criminals. They hold no relation to anyone. Think of the future. Bala and Anand second Bhima. They tell him to be strong. We will always stand with you in life.

Bala and Anand tell their family members everything. Bhimbai smiles. I am seeing a girl get justice for the first time in my life. Meera gives credit to Bhima. Bhimbai asks Meera to make sweet roti as Bhima loves it. Meera agrees but Bhima tells them that he is very sad. What do relations mean and why are they so complex? A son can blame his son to save himself from going to jail while the other son, who knows that his parents are guilty, wants to go to jail with them! Bhaskar ji wanted them to get justice and was also crying in the end. Why? Bhimbai says it isn’t necessary that strong people cannot fall weak ever. Bhaskar ji loves his parents immensely so he was crying. This is what true relation means. It teaches you to be strong and weak at the same time. Bhima is still confused. Meera explains that he argued with his Aayi when Manjula’s wedding was fixed. You left home which bothered her the most. She kept asking you before any ritual started. She used to get angry when you wont turn up. She would cry, scold you mentally and then make preps to complete the ritual. She would later go to a corner and cry taking your name. This is what it means to be weak and strong. Bhimbai stops her. Bhima tells his Aayi he will never leave her. She asks him if she wont grow old or die even when he will grow up. He shakes his head. She is reminded of her illness. She thinks she can assure him but she knows that she wont live for long. She hugs him tight.

Dhruv is hungry. Bhima said that he will bring food for me on time but he hasn’t come yet. I get restless when I don’t eat on time. Bhima comes there just then with food. Don’t be angry. Bala tells Dhruv not to be angry. Dhruv snatches the plate from Bhima. We are friends and have eaten food together so I can eat it in this plate too! Anand and Bala smile. Dhruv tells Bala to think of a reason to tell to the guys who play musical instruments. Till when will you give me free food? Bhima tells Bala to take Dhruv with him. I don’t see any other option now. Dhruv smiles.

Ganga’s husband tells Bhimbai that her son has sent his relative to jail. Ask your son to come to police station with Bhaskar right away. He should tell police what I want. I will see what to do next. Meera tries to reason that Bhima did the right thing but Ganga’s husband threatens that he will otherwise leave Ganga for forever!

Ganga tells him to understand. he tells her to tell her brother to do as he says or she can stay with him. She asks him if he will leave her for his relatives. He says I can leave my new relations for the old ones. Bhimbai tells him to understand that this is a fight between right and wrong. He stays put. I can leave your daughter unless you can talk some sense to her sons. Bhimbai agrees but Ganga tells her to drop it. She next tells her husband that Bhima wont go with him. What’s the point of calling myself a woman if I cannot stand with a woman in her plight? He tells her to stay with her brother then. She says Bhima says that justice has a price. I will understand that this is the price I have to pay to help that woman get justice. This will be a thing of pride for me. You can leave now. Bhima tells his BIL to think of what his Didi just said and decide what he wants. Do you want to leave your wife who is correct or if you want to help those who are wrong?

Precap: Ganga’s husband tells Bhima to keep Ganga with him his entire life just like Meera is staying with them. He leaves. Bhima asks a lady to give him water from her well. She tells him to take it from their well but he explains that a dog fell in that well and died. She makes him keep his pot on the floor and pours water around it instead of filling it. Your pot isn’t holding water! Ganga comes there just then and asks Bhima to come home with her.

Update Credit to: Pooja

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