Tuesday 28 July 2020

Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 44

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all the love and affection that you all have been showering on this story! Happy reading!

Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 44

A quick recap: After teasing Kunj thoroughly, Chinki and Yuvi finally agree to send Twinkle along with Kunj. On the drive home, Kunj and Twinkle speak about a never touched before topic in their conversations. Usha welcomes Twinkle home warmly and presents a shocker for them.

“Oh really, Usha Sarna? You think it’s alright to stop me, or even try to scare me?” Alisha spoke dismissing Usha’s warning glare and laughing at her. Usha in turn, smiled sweetly to her and then played the video recording that she had opened on the phone. It was a clear clip of Alisha confessing all her crimes before Usha that had been recorded the previous day when Alisha had mocked Usha about Kunj’s depressed state of mind after their encounter with Yuvi and Twinkle at the jewellers’. It held Alisha’s acceptance of most of her crimes-her actual intentions behind faking love for Kunj, tricking Twinkle to come to the farmhouse and then attacking her and her intentions to separate them. Kunj turned to Twinkle at that, his mind in a mess when he realised that Twinkle had sacrificed much more for him than he already knew. He couldn’t bring himself to even face her anymore now. Twinkle, on the other hand, couldn’t believe that Alisha had been faking everything all along; all she could think of right then was how hurt Kunj might have been by that disclosure. When she finally mustered enough courage to look at him, she saw his eyes land on her hands that still held scars from Alisha’s attack, and his guilty, troubled look turned to raging anger immediately. He didn’t care about Alisha’s betrayal anymore, what bothered him was that she had dared to ill treat his mother and harm his Twinkle, and he would definitely spare her for it. He had lost his temper and had just taken one step ahead when Usha turned and shot a warning glare in his direction. Twinkle pulled him back taking Usha’s cue, and he hugged her tight, not knowing what else he could do to make things better.

“How lovely! Usha Sarna has proofs against me!” Alisha cackled as she looked disinterestedly at Usha. “What are you going to do of this though? Kunj trusts me, and I could always trick him into believing my stand over yours, like I’ve always done! Remember how all your efforts to keep him away from me failed horribly? He also proposed to me over and over until I accepted it, didn’t he? You’re fighting a lost battle, Usha Sarna!” She continued, making Kunj flinch. How had he never seen this face of hers before? Twinkle gave his hand an assuring squeeze, her own thoughts had gone haywire from all the truths they were learning, but she still had to make sure Kunj was alright, she reminded herself. In a flash, Alisha snatched away the phone from Usha’s hand and put it in her pocket, smirking at her. “What now?” She jeered, but Usha still remained as composed as ever. “One big flaw in this family is that you all blindly trust everyone, and that is what became my biggest weapon! Kunj didn’t doubt my intentions ever, not even when I rejected his proposal for marriage so many times. Twinkle was equally stupid too, she sacrificed everything for my cause just because I shed a couple of fake tears in front of her. In fact, she even forgave me for trying to get rid of her once and for all! The two of them are so naïve that they made my task of getting out of that dingy rehab facility even easier. Getting in touch with Kunj was the only hard work it took me, but I must tell you that it involved weeks of planning and plotting. Kunj got me out, and even arranged a place for me to live in, just because I threatened him that I would jump off a building! Just when I was thinking your son and daughter in law couldn’t be more stupid, they proved me wrong yet again. I knew all along that it was Chinki’s engagement, but I also knew how fond of Twinkle her friends are, and put up that little stint yesterday, and it worked way beyond my expectations! Twinkle didn’t say one word in her defence and Kunj broke down completely.” Alisha continued, as she walked around Usha in slow circles, laughing to herself as she recalled her deeds.

Kunj and Twinkle exchanged a glance, both of them horrified by how Alisha was playing with their lives like they were her puppets, each for their own reasons. While Twinkle was caught off guard by how Alisha had fooled Kunj and faked emotions for him for her own benefits, Kunj felt numb as he tried to understand what was actually happening before him. He couldn’t bring himself to terms with the fact that this was the very person he was once prepared to let go of his whole world for, and it turned out it was all just an illusion all along. He just didn’t know what he had to do with himself anymore. Twinkle had absentmindedly begun to draw a comparison between her love and Alsiha’s namesake emotions for Kunj, shocked at how Alisha had looked for only her own benefit at every step while she had been selfless and had only wanted his happiness the whole time, even if it had meant giving up her own peace of mind and joy on several occasions. “Alisha, the model who was so loved out here was turned into a nothing in that rehab centre! I wasn’t allowed to even find out what was happening in the world outside, let alone try to get in touch with someone. I was told that Kunj had come by several times to see me, which was when I realised that he was my only hope to get out of that place. It took me days to even be able to sneak a phone call, and I used it wisely, like I did every opportunity that came my way ever, but the moment I spotted Kunj walk in with Twinkle I realised that I no longer held the same effect on him. He was worried for me surely, perhaps he was obliged to be nice to me as well, but he wasn’t mine anymore, and I had to change things. I persuaded him to get me out by using our ‘memories’ as bait, and once out, I told him I had nowhere to go. That is how he ended up giving me a place where I could finish Twinkle’s story and nobody would ever find out. But I failed! She was rescued and she quickly returned to her place in this house that I had always dreamt of making my own.” Alisha continued, wreaking havoc in Kunj’s mind. Twinkle held onto his hand gently, knowing how he felt, but also aware that in her own state of distress right then, there was probably not much that she could do.

“Stupid love sick puppy Kunj! Ask him to come home quickly though, will you? I need to put up some pictures with him, lest people won’t believe my story of ‘us’ anymore.” Alisha’s voice broke their thoughts and Twinkle rushed forward, unable to hold herself back anymore. “How dare you!” She screamed at an evidently shocked Alisha, who had definitely not seen this coming. “How could you stoop so low! Kunj loved you, he trusted you with his entire being, and this is what you did in return? Usha Ma tried to warn me about you, but Kunj’s faith in you was so firm that it left no space for any doubt to arise in our minds. You didn’t deserve him ever!” Twinkle thundered, seething with anger. “Twinkle Taneja, what made your ex mother in law think that all she had to do to get rid of me was expose my crimes to you? And what was that thing-I don’t deserve Kunj? You think you do?” Alisha replied, trying to seem unbothered by Twinkle’s presence, but failing miserably. “Kunj deserves the best in the world, and I agree that I might not be it, but at least I didn’t try to use him and his fame like you did!” Twinkle exclaimed, sounding like she was more offended than Kunj himself was. “Either way, Kunj thinks his dear wife betrayed him and got engaged to someone else. You need to take lessons from me, Twinkle! I destroyed your deep rooted ‘friendship’ of yours that you had carefully tended to for months in just one master stroke, and there’s definitely no way that foolish husband of yours is going to trust you again, so you might as well turn around and leave!” Alisha taunted with a smirk. “Twinkle!” Kunj called out right when Twinkle was about to land a sharp slap on Alisha’s cheek. She would in no way let anyone reproach her Kunj that way. “Kunj!” Alisha gasped when she spotted him, realising that she had been caught red handed, and there was no escape now.

Kunj had been surprised when Twinkle had stepped forward to speak up for him and had been watching her in a daze as she took on Alisha like she feared nothing, but he wouldn’t let her do something that she would definitely regret later. The look in Kunj’s eyes when they landed on Alisha scared the living daylights out of her. She had never seen Kunj so bewildered by his fury before, not even when he had spoken rudely to her when she refused to accept his claim that he wasn’t in love with her anymore. “I would forgive you for utterly betraying me, Alisha, but not for what you did to Ma or for harming Twinkle! You are going to regret this for life!” He spoke coldly, reminding himself that she wasn’t worth anything that he might say to her. She had already caused enough damage to his loved ones, he wanted to get rid of her as soon as he could, even if that meant that he would have to find another way to vent his anger. He couldn’t bear the thought of her standing in front of his eyes anymore. Alisha’s eyes widened as the realisation dawned upon her that her time was up, but she hadn’t given up yet. “Kunj, these people made me say all that so that they could keep me away from you! Twinkle especially, she wants to make sure that she’s the one controlling your life all the time like she did over the last few months!” She spoke, trying to turn the tables, keeping Usha out of the discussion since she knew how much Usha meant to Kunj. She regretted it immediately because Usha slapped her hard at that. “Twinkle wouldn’t do something like that, even in her dreams, Alisha. She was the one who stood by Kunj and understood and supported him when nobody else did!” Usha retorted. The slap had echoed throughout the mansion, leaving imprints on Alisha’s face and shocking everyone else. “You think you’ll get away with this, Usha Sarna? Wait for the day when your son and daughter in law will know what you have done!” Alisha made yet another attempt, and now everyone was looking at Usha.

That’s it for now, guys. We’ll be getting rid of Alisha soon, stay tuned! Lots of love!

The post Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 44 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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