Wednesday 22 July 2020

Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 42

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all the love and affection that you all have been showering on this story! Also, although I really appreciate the dislike as well, I would appreciate it more if you also told me where I’m going wrong so that I could work on it. Happy reading!

Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 42

A quick recap: Alisha’s actual intentions are revealed. When Kunj broods over the idea of losing Twinkle forever, Usha and Manohar come over to console him. Not wanting to give up yet, Kunj turns up at the Taneja mansion where Twinkle accepts that it is actually Chinki’s engagement that is going on. Kunj tries to convince her to go back with him.

“Kunj, this isn’t a joke!” Twinkle whispered, searching his eyes to decipher his intentions. “I know! I know that it isn’t a joke! That is why I’m here, having fought myself and if needed, I’ll fight the whole world if the need arises, because I know, for a fact, that what we have between us is all I need!” Kunj replied, surprising her further. She felt a surge of joy in her, for this was all she could ever ask for, him taking a stand for her, for their relationship. She had almost given up all hopes of ever being happy again, although in some corner of her heart, there was this little voice that assured her that he would come back for her. “But Alisha..” She began, the thought alone terrifying her. Alisha somehow seemed to step in right when things were just perfect and ruin it. He cut her short with an uninterested look and responded, “I accept that that was wholly my mistake. I’m really sorry! But I myself wasn’t aware of how to make sense of my changing emotions. How would I tell you something when I myself wasn’t sure about things? Did you have to jump into action that way though? You were so determined to make your sacrifice for my sake that you wouldn’t listen to one thing that I had to say! How could you take the decision by yourself when it would impact my life as well?” His words jolted her back to Leela’s advice to her, wasn’t this exactly what Leela had warned her against? Unknowingly or otherwise, she had still committed the same mistake. “Twinkle, I know this might seem so unlike me, but I want, I need you to know this. Never before in my life had I pictured a future with someone, not even with Alisha, but I do see it with you, I want it with you!” He continued, looking at her carefully, being surprised as he saw her eyes begin to well up again. “Unless you want it..” He said finally, unable to figure out what had made her tear up. Her smile that followed, however, cleared any doubt that his mind might have ever had about what she wanted, making him sigh in relief. He was sure that now he could take on anyone and everyone.

Before Twinkle could voice her approval, however, they heard a voice, “Kunj!” Turning around, they spotted Chinki’s mother walking towards them. “Thank goodness you turned up! I was just asking Leela Ji where you were, and she told me you wouldn’t be able to make it, but I was sure you would come! You are Chinki’s best friend’s husband after all!” She spoke, dragging Twinkle and Kunj inside along with her, while they shared little knowing glances, and for the first time, Kunj actually felt the impact of being called Twinkle’s husband. It brought him a feeling of warmth and belongingness that he had never felt before. Twinkle, on the other hand, couldn’t stop smiling, she felt almost giddy with happiness. They had just been left alone by her when Yuvi came looking for Twinkle. “Twinkle, Leela aunty has been looking for you for a while now. Where were you?” His voice trailed off when he sighted Kunj by her side. He gave her a questioning look and then glared at Kunj, the glint in both of their eyes was indicative of the fact that things had finally seemed to get better between them and he smiled internally, although he still wasn’t sure of how much Kunj could be trusted just yet. “Why don’t you go find Leela aunty? I’ll make sure Kunj doesn’t get bored till then.” He said, smiling at them, while Kunj muttered, “No please, not with him. He’ll kill me!” Twinkle looked up at Kunj and shook her head in disagreement before giving Yuvi a firm, understanding stare and walking away to find Leela.

It wasn’t until the ceremony ended and all the guests had left that Kunj got to speak to Twinkle again. After a few unbearably quiet moments of staring, or rather glaring, Yuvi had finally asked Kunj what he had been up to and what the entire issue concerning Alisha actually was. Kunj had been further impressed by how understanding Yuvi had been when he had narrated the turn of events to him, not once choosing to sound rude or unbelieving. Kunj had excused himself when yet another awkward silence had followed, and Yuvi had let him off easily. Kunj had then found himself a silent corner in the hall and watched the ceremony, his eyes not letting Twinkle out of sight for a single minute. He had missed that for days after all. Seeing all the cheerful faces and the intricacy of the rituals made him realise how casual he had been about his own engagement months ago, making him wish desperately that he hadn’t done so. Chinki’s joy only made him wonder how terrible Twinkle might have felt with his indifference that day, it had been such an important day in their lives after all, and he had ruined it. He had seen her look for him every now and then nevertheless, and let out a sigh when she had finally spotted him. He giggled when she did, his admiration for her only increasing as he thought over how she had always been by his side patiently and had ended up changing the way he looked at the world, and he was sure she wasn’t even trying to do that.

“I’m sorry, things got out of hand.” Kunj explained for what seemed like the hundredth time to him. This time it was before Chinki, who had been eyeing him suspiciously every time she had spotted him that evening. Chinki now turned to Twinkle who nodded at her assuringly, making Kunj smile. “Hold on!” They heard Leela call out from behind and turned around to find her looking at Kunj disappointedly. Evidently, she wasn’t convinced enough by his reasoning, something that Kunj had already anticipated. He was aware of how much Leela loved her daughter, and it was only obvious that she wouldn’t relent so easily. “Ma..” Twinkle began her attempt to defend Kunj, for she too, like him, was aware of it. “No, wait Twinkle. This is my responsibility. I had promised Leela Ma on the day of our wedding that I would always be there for you, and failed. I totally understand her disbelief in me, but I know that only I am liable to bear her wrath, because I deserve to, and I am sure I’ll be able to convince her.” Kunj spoke up, giving Twinkle’s hand a promising squeeze before looking back at Leela. “I’m really sorry Ma. I didn’t realise how terribly at fault I was until it was too late. I know I’m answerable for everything that went wrong, but all I’m asking for, is a chance to prove myself, to prove that I’m worthy of the trust you had placed in me before handing over your daughter to me. I agree that it might be impossible to trust me right now, but please, Ma. I don’t think I can take anymore of staying away from Twinkle. Please!” He was literally pleading before Leela, his eyes teary as he spoke of how unworthy he thought he was and how he failed to find better words to apologise, to put forth his thoughts and emotions. One look into his eyes was all it took Leela to make her final decision. She placed her hand lovingly on Kunj’s head and murmured a silent blessing before she spoke, “I can’t deny the fact that I had been enraged when Twinkle returned home looking so disheartened, but I’ve known you for months now, and was always sure that you couldn’t break her heart so mercilessly. Mistakes happen, you’re only human after all. What really matters is how you deal with them, and I’m so glad you chose to fight for your marriage. I think it’s about time that the two of you let go of all this and mark a new beginning.” Leela had kept an eye on Kunj all the time and she too, like Usha, had noticed the change in his feelings for Twinkle from friendship to something more. She had, secretly, been waiting for things to be resolved between the two too, so that they could go back to living the peaceful, cheerful life that she had internally appreciated them for living. Kunj couldn’t be happier.

“What are you doing?” Twinkle sounded annoyed as she shot the question at Kunj. Leela had insisted that they stayed back that night since it was already too late. They were now in Twinkle’s room, after being showered with love by Leela all through dinner, and were about to go to bed when Kunj had begun placing pillows in the middle of the bed, annoying Twinkle. He looked up at her with a smirk and replied, “You mean this? It’s a ‘wall’.” She walked over to him and asked, “But why?” He smiled to himself, having thought of this way of making her mood better since he had noticed that although she had seemed absolutely nice to him in front of everybody else, she was actually vexed with him, and although he had a slight clue that it could have been because he hadn’t stopped her the other day, he was dying to see her smile and laugh with him like she always did, bringing peace to his heart. So he did what he could, and thought it was fun. “Leela Ma said we must make a fresh start, you see? And wasn’t this exactly how you had made our beginning months ago?” He questioned innocently, surprising her. Was he for real? They had been away for what seemed like an eternity and he thinks it’s acceptable to bring up another of his jokes instead of giving her a warm hug? She shook her head, narrowing her eyes at him, making him giggle. “Terrible sense of humour, Kunj Sarna!” She ridiculed, joining in the laughter. He then held out his hand to her that she accepted readily, sitting down beside him on the bed and resting her head on his shoulder almost involuntarily. They looked at each other momentarily when they let out a deep sigh together before Kunj pulled her into a tight hug, how he had missed this!

Twinkle’s bed was smaller than the one in Kunj’s room, which meant they hardly had a choice other than to sleep at lesser than an arm distance from each other. She had her back to him so that he wouldn’t see how much his proximity affected her, when she heard him speak, “I’m sorry, Twinkle! I know I’m a really horrible person. I can’t believe that I always end up hurting you so horribly. Would you forgive me?” She turned to him immediately, watching him in amazement. She couldn’t believe that he wasn’t still done with his apologies. She nodded to him nevertheless and watched a small smile appear on his face. She didn’t turn away this time, but continued to look at him quietly and so did he, until they both fell asleep at some point. It had been days since either of them had slept peacefully after all. Twinkle had subconsciously realised that in her joy of Kunj returning to her, she had totally forgotten that she still had her battles to fight, of course it was easier now that Alisha was no longer a problem, but it wasn’t over yet. For according to her, her love for Kunj was still unrequited, and for him, she was just his best friend. Kunj, on the other hand, had already begun to imagine how their life would change now, and he couldn’t wait for their new beginning when he would take her home the next morning.

That’s it for now, guys. I hope you liked it. Lots of love!!

The post Twinj: My Lifeline: Episode 42 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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