Friday, 17 July 2020

Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 17th July 2020 Written Episode Update: Ganga and Avinash steal Guddan’s daughter

Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega 17th July 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
The doctor says sorry we couldn’t save your daughter. She’s stillborn. AJ is shocked. He recalls how happy Guddan was. Everyone is bewildered. AJ falls on the floor. AJ recalls Guddan going to the room. AJ says why do I feel like she is alive? This can’t be true. A nurse is in Guddan’s room. She takes the baby outside. The baby is alive. She gives her to Ganga.

AJ says everything is over. We lost one daughter and now this. Dadi says this Kanha’s will. AJ says that’s all rubbish. Will your Kanha answer Guddan when she asks where is her daughter? Answer me. I don’t know how to tell her. I can’t tell her. Dadi says I can’t believe this. I feel like she is fine. Ganga says I executed this plan with that doctor. Ganga said to the doctor where are you going? He said to Guddan’s room. Ganga told him, I know you are suffering from the financial crisis. I can help you. She showed him the money. He said what would I have to do? Ganga said you have to lie that Guddan’s baby is dead. Ganga you know how difficult the time is especially for doctors. What would your kids do if anything happens to you? He agreed.

Scene 2
Ganga looks at Guddan and says because of you I lost my child and I was insulted in front of everyone. Now see how I ruin your life. You were giving lectures, how a mother can’t be wrong. Why wouldn’t I avenge my child’s death. Your daughter will pay for your sins. She will suffer. I was treated like a servant in this house even when I am the eldest DIL here. But it’s time to avenge it all. I will write your daughter’s fate and use her against you. The baby laughs. Ganga says you don’t even know what’s going to happen to you. Don’t laugh. Ganga picks her in the air. The baby pees on her. Ganga is disgusted. She says you are just born and being like your mom. I will fix you. The entire family will keep crying but they won’t ever know if Guddan’s daughter is alive. Someone comes there. Ganga gets scared. It’s Avinash.

Ganga says you scared me. Ganga says take this girl and take her somewhere no one can find her. Avinash says I am scared. What do we have to do to this child? Ganga says the same that happened to our child. We have to take her away from her family and parents. The same that happened to us. Avinash says are you sure? Ganga says yes, this is what they deserve. Avinash says but we still have time. Please rethink, we can let it all go. Ganga says we have created the drama already. We can’t step back now. Go now. Make sure no one sees you. He takes the baby. Ganga says I took your child away from you Guddan.

Avinash takes the baby outside in a basket. He places her in a trashcan. Police come there and ask him what are you doing? Why is the basket moving? He says nothing. It’s moving because of the air. The policeman says to show me what’s in the basket. Avinash runs. He says this girl is such a trouble. She moved right when the police came. I will leave you here. He leaves the basket, the baby moves and a rod falls on his head. Police come there. Avinash picks the basket and runs.

Ganga comes to everyone. She says why is everyone crying? This is a happy occasion. Saru says Guddan’s daughter is stillborn. Ganga drops the arti. She says oh God. First my child, then Guddan’s. Oh God. The doctor says Guddan is conscious. I didn’t tell her anything. I think you people can do it better. Dadi says AJ, please go to her. She needs you. We all need to be with her. Ganga says I can’t do this. Dadi says we all have to be together for her. Ganga says I can’t even look at her. AJ says I am really scared. Dadi says we have to. AJ says how do I tell her that her daughter is.. I can’t do this. I am shattered. AJ goes outside. Avinash calls Ganga. Dadi says we all have to go to Guddan.

Avinash says Ganga.. She says did you trash her? Avinash says no police is after me. Ganga says where are you? He says I don’t know. Ganga says tell me where you are. Text me. Ganga says we need to get rid of that girl.

No precap.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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