World Environment Day is observed on June 5. And when the entire world is facing the wrath of nature, it’s the best time for us to start respecting it. This day is celebrated to create awareness on protecting and preserving the environment. The lockdown has already given a break to Earth from us humans. The noisy cities went silent, the smoky vehicles were shut, the people who threw garbage and littered were locked inside their houses. And yes, nature healed itself within these two months.
On World Environment Day, TV celebs too had something to say and we bring it to you:
Shashank Vyas: We can’t think of going for a complete lockdown because then our economy will suffer. We talk about the environment, wild animals, marine life and beaches, but once we get back to our normal life, then we will forget about all this. Construction will start, trees will be cut, air pollution, water pollution, we will be back to zero. We will celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi soon, how many people do you think won’t go to the beach, they will all go and will destroy it once again. We need to understand the importance of nature.
Ssharad Malhotra: Humans have been misusing nature and taking it for granted. In metros, we have been cutting trees and forest so nature has taken its own revenge today, we are all at home and mother nature is breathing. Each and every person should take care of the environment. We should be planting more trees rather than cutting.
Vivian Dsena: We can’t take the environment for granted. We should be planting trees and there should be strict laws and fines for people damaging nature and increasing pollution. There are people who still mix wet and dry garbage and throw it on the Road, all this should be banned. We should stop cruelty towards nature and animals. We should take responsibility for our surrounding environment.
Vijayendra Kumeria: It’s true that due to the lockdown there have been good changes in the environment, however, a mandatory lockdown is not what I support, there should be other ways like strict rules for industries and individuals regarding pollution. A lot of awareness needs to be created so that people have self-realisation and they start thinking about the environment and nature. And rules should be implemented strictly.
Arun Mandola: The Indian government should take this decision and we should start something like self-quarantining on World Environment Day. My house is road facing and sometimes I feel that I can’t breathe and I am not even able to see nearby buildings. Now there is no sound pollution and vision is clear, fresh air and clearer sky. I can feel the nature, birds and greenery. We should focus on growing more trees so that the coming generation can live on earth otherwise they will not be able to see this beautiful universe.
Harssh A Singh: I believe that humans are the worst animals on this planet. We have forgotten that the pain we have inflicted on to this planet, we have inflicted it on us as well. But in the last few months, we have breathed clean air, the city went silent for the first time. Last week, I was lying down in the balcony with my family and for the first time we saw stars in Mumbai. I think a mandatory lockdown would be wonderful. I know it’s a utopian thought but it would be a healing for everyone and everything. The earth will heal, and even we will calm down. I guess one month would be enough. Let’s clean it up for our kids, but is it really possible?
Aaira Dwivedi: The lockdown has led to several instances which were impossible to witness in our daily lives – from finding animals on street, to breathing fresh air, seeing clear skies. It’s about time we realise that it is possible to revive nature and it can flourish if we reduce our interference. We have to come forward and take steps to heal our Earth for the wounds given by the human race. It doesn’t matter if there is a lockdown or not, it’s our responsibility to save the environment and earth. Start today and save tomorrow.
Vikas Sethi: You need to plant more trees to save the environment, this is the only solution. At my home in my balcony, I have planted many trees. We people have already damaged everything and now because of the lockdown beaches are clean, the quality of air is so pure, we are getting fresh air but this is not for so long because once the lockdown gets over everyone will be doing the same thing what they were doing before. I belong to Punjab and my mother is in Ludhiana right now, she said there is no need for AC because the air is so cool and fresh. Today’s weather was so good. I felt very angry about seeing the news about the pregnant elephant. The culprit should be punished. We see the elephant as Lord Ganesh. We should arrest them. I don’t dump waste anywhere, I stopped using plastic bottles, I always carry a steel bottle with me wherever I go. We should spread awareness.
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