Wednesday, 10 June 2020

The Mysterious Culprit: Vyom or someone else? Chapter 20

The episode start with,

Vyom turn around and looks at Sharanya and smiles sadly.

Vyom: I don’t know Princess.

Sharanya: I came here for…

Vyom: It’s okay, Princess. I know you are in the greatest delima of your life. But now, I have decided that I will no more pressurise you. Although, it will be very difficult for me to forget you. But for you, I can do anything.
Princess, I love you. I love you more than my life. I can’t live without you. I don’t know, what you have experienced or remembered that night that you behave in that way.

(Takes a deep breath)

tum mera vo pal ho
jis pal ka intazaar
mujhe har pal hota tha.
(You are my that moment
Waiting for which
I had spent every moment of my life.)

But now, (turns around)

jo bit gaya ab phir vo
daur nahin aaega
is dil mein tumhare siva
koee aur na aaega.
(Left behind
Now that time won’t come back
In this heart, except you
No one else will come.)

His words touch the Sharanya’s heart and her eyes are filled with tears.

Sharanya (thinks): What is happening to me? Why I am becoming so emotional for him. However, he is so caring in this birth that he can risk his life for me. But he was also the cause of death of me and his brother. How cruel he was. I don’t know if he is just pretending to care or he really changed. I can’t judge him so soon. But I can’t even behave like that. At least I should ask about his health.

Sharanya move towards Vyom.

Vyom: I have only one desire.
In my words,
You must be mentioned.
And in your heart,
Care for me
What are we separated,
Our paths diverged.
But never mind,
At some point,
We will definitely meet.
If God wished,
We will definitely meet again.

Sharanya sadly move towards Vyom. She forward her hand to put on Vyom’s shoulder. But before that Vyom’s phone’s rings. He hurriedly pick the phone.

Vyom: Yes Aakash, speak.

Sharanya lower her hand.

Vyom: Okay, I am coming.

Vyom looks at Sharanya and went from there.

Sharanya (thinks): Aakash? But Maharani had fired him. Then why did he call Vyom? Leave it Sharanya, why am I thinking about that. But did really Vyom feel the same that he just said?

Next day,

Sharanya is walking in the corridor.

Meera: Sharanya, are you okay?

Sharanya: Yes, I am.

Meera: Did you meet Prince Vyom yesterday?

Sharanya: Yes

Meera: Did you say ‘Thank you’ to him?

Sharanya recalled last night’s incident.

Sharanya: Yes… I mean no. I didn’t say anything to him.

Rahul: But why? He had saved your life.

Sharanya (thinks): But she also killed me. (To Meera and Rahul) I do not want to talk on that subject.

Sharanya leaves from there.

Rahul: What’s going on?
Meera: I don’t know.

In Vyom’s room,

Someone knocks on the door.
Vyom: Yes, come in.

Servant: Prince, your food is here.

Vyom: What is in it?

Servant: Sir, sauteed mushrooms with herbs made by Sharanya mam.

Vyom looks at the food in shock. He pick the note kept near it.

Vyom (to servant): You can go now.

Vyom (reads note): Yesterday, I came to thank you for saving my life. But I couldn’t say because of some reason. Today, I have prepared sautéed mushrooms with herbs as a token of thanks. I know, mushrooms are your favorite. Thank you once again Prince Vyom, for saving my life.🙂

Vyom saw Sharanya in corridor. Sharanya sneeze, Vyom get worried for her. He remembers Karan words that Sharanya have allergy with mushrooms. Suddenly, he get a call. He pick that call.

Vyom: Yes..

But when he look again in corridor, he didn’t found Sharanya there any more.

Scene 2,
Karan’s room,
Someone knocks on the door,

Karan: Yes, come in.

Naina enter in Karan’s room.

Karan: Princess Naina?

Naina: No… Only Naina. We are now friends. You need not to be formal.

Karan: Okay… But why did you come here?

Naina: Vyom Bhaiya has called everyone for a short meeting in the evening. I have just come to call you for that. Bhaiya has asked me to everyone to inform. By the way, can’t a friend come to meet his friend?

Karan: Yes, he can come.

Naina (gives a yellow rose to Karan): So, I am here.

Karan (smiles): Thank you.

Naina gives another yellow rose to Karan.

Karan (smiles): But why are you giving these to me?

Naina ( gives another yellow rose to Karan): Yellow rose significes the friendship.

Karan (takes the flower from Naina): But there is no need of formalities.

Naina ( gives another yellow rose to Karan): But it means a lot to me. Friendship is very crucial for every relation.

Karan: Friendship is itself a relation.

Naina ( gives another yellow rose to Karan with every line): But friendship is root for many relations. For example, a relation between parents and their wards, relation between siblings, sometime, relation between teacher and students and…

Karan takes flowers from her.

Naina ( gives a buoquet of yellow roses with orange rose in the middle): and relation between husband and wife.

Karan: Husband and wife?

Queen Unnati calls Naina.

Naina goes from there smiling.

Karan (smiles): This girl is really going mad. But why did Vyom call everyone in the evening? What new drama is going to happen?

The post The Mysterious Culprit: Vyom or someone else? Chapter 20 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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