Friday, 5 June 2020



When an individual has a goal or an objective to achieve, when he has to perform a task or some work or when he has to maintain relationships and terms with his family members and with the outside world, then he has to moderate his emotions in such a manner, that their emotions support the activities and enhance the quality of life.


Recap – sanskaar knows the truth

The episode starts with sanskaar sitting at the bar counter drinking whiskey. Today he had to consume a lot of information, more than required and that’s why he wanted to get drunk today. Aranv and Khushi comes to him. They are worried about him.

Sanskaar ( drunk ) : im fine bhai… hahaha… i’m so fine… look .. look there.. ( he holds arnav’s face and turns it ) look at that bhai… huh khushi… look how happy she is… with.. with her sister…and… and without me….. huhh
Arnav and khushi looks at ragini happily talking to swara with addy in her lap. They look at each other not knowing what to say.
Sanskaar : do you know what this means?? Haan?? This means she does not need me to be happy…. hayyeee.. look how beautiful she looks while smiling.
There are tears in his eyes. But not a single drop has come out.
Sanskaar ; i always thought that i can always keep her happy, if i’m with her she’ll be happy….. haha… but look she proved me wrong…
Arnav supports him as he was about to fall. Abhay and pooja also comes there. They are shocked to see his state.
Sanskaar : i did everything to protect her… but… huh… she thinks i lie to her,… she.. she thinks i don’t want her happy… how bhai.. how can she think like that…
Pooja : bhai… please sambhalo apne aap ko..
Sanskaar : arre poo… meri bhen…. that swara.. she tells me that you are not ginu’s family… she tells me that i’m not her family… huh.. what does she knows haan….. you have given her more love than anyone else… you have treated her like your own sister…. sister… kavi… kavita…..
He was getting out of control. Arnav and abhay decides to take him up to his room. They hold him from either side and takes him out of the hall from backdoor. Khushi and pooja follows. But arnav asks khushi to be there only. It wont look good if both of them went missing. Khushi reluctantly agreed.

Dp sees them taking sanskaar away. He decides to follow.


Party is going on. Food is served. People are dancing and drinking.
Ragini searches for sanskaar. She comes to khushi.
Ragini : khushi… have you seen sansku?? I can’t find him..
Khushi ( rudely and uninterested ) : why, what happened ragini???
Ragini : khushi why are you talking like this/?? I haven’t seen him thats why i was asking…
Before khushi could say anything, swara comes there.
Swara : ragini what are you doing here?? Come lets go….
She holds her hand and pulls her away. She happily goes.
Khushi : i didn’t knew ragini you’ll hurt my sanky like this.
She chokes and wipes her tears.


Swara brings ragini to where all the maheshwari’s were sitting except dp. She pauses for a while and looks down. Ap stands up and comes to her. Sujata also follows.
Ap : ragini… beta how are you?
Ragini nods her head.
Sujaata : chori… i hope you’ll be able to forgive us.. we are very sorry..
Ap ; yes beta.. we feel really bad for doing what we did. Please forgive us….
Ap joins her hands and sujata holds her ears. Ragini stops them.
Sujata : na beta… let us speak… earlier we spoke so bad about you. In anger, we didn’t realised how much it have hurt you?
Ap : yes beta. We had always treated you like our daughter but when you told the truth we forgot everything… please forgive us Ragini….
Ap joins her hands again. Ragini holds them and nods no.
Ragini : please don’t do this… i’m sorry for breaking your trust… i should be asking for forgiveness…
Sujata ; it means you are no more angry with us?
Ragini : not at all…
Everyone smiles. Ap and sujata hugs ragini. She then meets rp who blesses her. They all sit and have snacks. Ragini didn’t knew how to react in this situation but because she was so happy and with everything being normal, she didn’t wanted to create anything which could make the things worse.
Ap : ragini…. will you come back to Kolkata with us after this?
She thinks and looks on.
Swara : haan ragini.. you should come back.. it’s high time….ma baba, dada dadi and now dida also.. all will be happy seeing you….
Ragini : dida is fine now??
Pari : yes ragini she’s fine… and everyone wants you back….
Ragini thinks about sanskaar.
Ap : and sanskaar is also ready. He has promised me that he’ll come with us after this wedding..
Everyone was happy listening to this. Sujata thanked god. pari and adarsh hugged each other. Uttara almost choked addy.
Ragini : what??
Swara ( not knowing anything ) : o sanskaar didn’t tell you this also?? Ragini abb toh samjho yaar…
Ragini goes into deep thoughts.
Adarsh : what are you thinking ragini? Say yes.. we all will go together..
Ragini smiles and nods.

Ragini ( thinks ) : where are you sansku? You are not telling me anything. Why are you doing this to me?

She looks on and smiles.

In the hallway, arnav and abhay are taking drunk sanskaar to his room followed by pooja. Dp was following them from a distance. Sanskaar was so broken from inside.

Sanksaar : and… and you know what ma said to me…. huh… she told me bade papa loves me…. huh…. ( dp gets emotional hearing this. Sanskaar lost his balance and fell down on his knees, arnav and abhay supported him. Dp stopped behind the pillar ) you tell me arnav… if your dad loves you will he throw you out of his house?? Han tell me…. no, he’ll not because he actually loves you…. ma does not know anything…. if she knew she would have told him that it was me who always loved him and not him… ( he cries and dp cries ) he always loved laksh… why not, he was his own son… neither did he loved me nor did he let my papa love me…..

He cries like hell. Dp covers his mouth to control.
Arnav ; sanskaar get up please…
Sanskaar ; i also pleaded bhai… i also begged them but no one listened to me…. and see everyone i love hurts me like i have nothing inside me….
He thinks about ragini.
“Why does she think i don’t want her happy? I have always prayed for her happiness… you know that… pooja….”
He holds her hands.
“Pooja… you… i’m so sorry.. i couldn’t save any of your sister…. first kavita and now……”
He cries. And with him, everyone else too.
“Kavi…. she was our lifeline…. everyone thinks she was a gold digger… but she was not…. kavi was a very great girl…. if bade papa had actually knew her he would have known how good she was…. she was just like uttara…. don’t know where she went…”
He cries a lot. He’s so broken from inside. Arnav, abhay and pooja tries to comfort him but of no use.

“everyone leaves me….. kya itna bura hun main?? Haan you guys tell me….. everyone person i have love has left me or betrayed me or…….”
He cries like hell. He gets choked. Arnav taps on his back. Abhay gets water for him.
“ bhai…. i want to go to my kaka…. i… i…”
Arnav : sanskaar… shut up yaar…… please….. everything will be fine….
Sanskaar : yes it’ll but not for me…. i gave her my everything and she’s behaving so strangely with me… bhai she’s questioning me….. what does she think of herself haan? I never questioned her. I was always beside her.. at that time she didn’t remembered them.. then why now? And why she has to ignore me? Is this my value in her life … haan… bhaiii….

He sobs like a baby. His eyes,ears and nose were red. They all cry with him. He starts to pass out. He mumbles. Abhay and arnav picks him up and takes him to his room. Dp goes from there.

After making him sleep, they all too come back to the party hall.

Khushi : hey how is he?
Arnav : not good at all…. he’s completely shaken up with whatever is happening… and when did he talked to his badi ma?
Pooja tells them everything. Arshi are more worried now.
Arnav :what is ragini upto? She’s behaving like he’s nothing to her…
Pooja : i tried talking to her but her sister came and took her…
Khushi : yeah with me too… this swara’s mind is working elsewhere only….
Abhay : now what do we do?
Arnav ; we cant do anything right now.. and they have to ultimately solve their own issues…
Khushi : we have to make them talk alone..
Abhay ; i don’t think it’s a good idea… today they went alone and have come back fighting…
Pooja ; but they should resolve before going to Kolkata… and i don’t think anybody knows about them except bhaiya and bhabhi…
Arnav : well let him come in his senses tomorrow.. then we’ll talk….. there’s no function tomorrow we all can sit together and talk.
Everyone agrees. The party continues.

Dp comes back after washing his face. His eyes are red and swollen.
Ap : suniye ji… i have talked to sanskaar he’s ready to come with us after this.. ragini will also come…
Dp nods. Ragini touches his feet to take his blessings.
Dp ; ragini… beta if possible then please….
Ragini ( interrupts ) : please… don’t make me feel more bad about myself. I just want your blessings nothing else…
Dp blesses her. They eat the dinner. Ragini feels happy as everyone has forgiven her. She didn’t knew it would be so easy mending relationships. What she thought and what was happening? She had unnecessarily built up wrong ideas about everyone but here look, everyone seems to be fine with her. If she knew this would happen, she would have gone back to Kolkata long back. Now her only wish was to meet her parents and grandparents and seek their forgiveness. And as swara said they have forgiven her, so they’ll accept her back also.
She smiled looking at the Maheshwari’s.



I think now everything will be fine. After being here for almost two weeks, i realised how incomplete you are without your family. Arnav bhai and khushi are so lucky that they have got wonderful families. After seeing their love and bond, i also wanted my family back. The sudden urge gave me the confidence to face swara and now everyone has forgive me…. i have got my half family… i hope ma baba and dida also forgives me… and i cant wait to see dada dadi ma…. they’ll be so happy….. it feels like i’ll be returning to my home after vanvas, this all feels so right. And swara rightly said… indirectly arnav bhai and khushi are the reason behind it. I should really thank them… unknowingly they gave me everything….


She was so consumed with her happiness that she completely forgot about Sanskaar. She continued her dinner with the maheshwari’s, happily. Everyone was happy.
Arnav , Khushi, Abhay and Pooja were too sad and shocked to see ragini like this. It’s good that she got them back but what about sanskaar? He gave her everything and now when he’s so broken she’s not even thinking about him. They felt disgusted and went from there.

Episode ends with smiling face of ragini.









PS – VINI DEAR, Thank you for your support ❤ XOXO ❤




I know things are emotional right now…. But understanding our emotions is very important… They are the basis for out actions and Here, Sanskaar is distraught. He has to bind himself together! I know you feel bad for him but he’s a normal human being, he feels things!!!!!!!


Have faith in me …. It’ll all be sorted!!!🤪



Do tell me how was the chapter 😁



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