Wednesday 10 June 2020

Saaya(Shadow) RoshAn horror SS Part 9

• Part 9

The next day…

Roshni met the mystery person.
Roshni was in tears.
Roshni:Veer and Maya succeeded in portraying me as the worst woman in this world.Aman believes them blindly.Am I failing?
That person caressed Roshni:No Roshni…you cannot fail.You cannot lose your courage to fight for justice.
Roshni:I feel very lonely now.No one is there to believe me.

That person:Who said that you are alone?I am there with you.That’s why even after death I am with you.
Suddenly they saw Aman watching them with a shocked face.
Aman:You are also a ghost?I am a fool to believe you.
They became upset.
• The mystery person is none other than Nirmala.
Aman saw her feet not touching the floor and realized that she was also a ghost.
• Aman:So Veer was right.That day when he stayed here overnight he saw you as a ghost.But I am a fool to not believe him.Even Tanu had seen you as a ghost.But we thought that Roshni possessed you.But you both were fooling us pretended to be scared of Roshni to make us believe that you are on our side.Tell me why you also fooled me Nirmalaji?

• Nirmala became upset:Aman…it’s not like you think.

• Aman:Then what is the truth?
• They were kept.
• Aman:You both may not be having anything to say.Liars!
• Roshni and Nirmala were shattered.
Aman:Let me ask you something Nirmalaji.Is this your original form or what?Show me your original form.
Nirmala turned into her original form like how she was before coming into Aman’s house as a maid.
Aman was stunned to see her look.She was looking more younger and her dressing was also quite stylish.
Aman:Unbelievable!You changed your entire look to fool us.

Nirmala became upset:Aman..

• Suddenly they heard a voice:Aman…
• They turned back hearing the voice.No one was there.Aman went to the veranda.There he saw Shivanya with a surprise.
• Aman:Shivanya!
• Shivanya:Aman…I want to talk to you an important matter.That’s why I searched for your house.Luckily I found your house.
• Aman:Come inside.
• Shivanya went inside.Roshni and Nirmala who came there saw her emotionally.They both became invisible to Aman also.
• Roshni:Why did Shivanya come here?
• Nirmala:That is what I can’t understand.
• Aman:What do you want to say Shivanya?
• Shivanya:I was abroad.So I did not know anything which happened to you.But last day only I came to know that you are engaged to Maya.You were very special to my friend Roshni who was like my sister.So I also have a soft corner towards you.That’s why I came here.I came here to request you to not marry Maya.
• Aman was shocked:What nonsense are you saying Shivanya?I thought that you are sensible.How can you just come here and tell me to dump my fiancee?

• Shivanya:I know what you feel.You may be finding me mad.But as I told are very special as you were everything for my best friend Roshni.That’s why I am requesting you not to marry Maya.Because she is a very dangerous person.

• Aman was shocked:What do you mean?
• Shivanya:We know Maya very well.Maya was our close friend who betrayed us.I mean she betrayed Roshni cruelly.
• Aman was shocked.

• Flash back….

• Aman was singing on the stage.

Along with Roshni and Shivanya,Maya was also there.

Not only Roshni,but Maya was also lost in his magical voice which was unnoticed by Shivanya and Roshni.
When Roshni and Shivanya shifted from the hostel to a rented house Roshni’s aunt Nirmala also joined them to give them a company.Nirmala was unmarried,but a successful engineer by profession.She considered Roshni as her daughter.She became close to Shivanya also.Roshni,Nirmala,Shivanya and Rocky were one gang.

• Once accidentally Roshni saw saw Maya with Aman and Veer in a mall.
• Roshni was surprised:Maya knows Aman in person?

• The next day in college Roshni approached Maya.
• Roshni:Maya…yesterday I saw you and your brother Veer with rock star Aman in a mall.You know him personally?
• Maya:Ya.Actually Aman is my brother’s best friend.
• Roshni was surprised:Really?So you may be knowing Aman quite well.
• Maya:Yes,I know him very well.
• Roshni:Then can you please help me to meet him?
• Maya:Why?
• Roshni became shy:Because….
• Shivanya came from behind:Hi guys…
Roshni-Maya:Hi Shivanya…

Maya:Roshni….Maya is our dearest friend.Why should you hide it from her?Tell her everything.
• Roshni blushed.
• Maya:What is the matter?
• Roshni:I love Aman.
• Maya was shocked.
• Maya:What rubbish Roshni!This is not love,but an infatuation which any female fan is feeling for her favourite singer.
• Roshni:It’s more than that Shivanya.We know each other personally.
• Maya was shocked:What?You both know each other personally?
• Roshni:Ya.We are in touch with each other through letters.
• Maya:Letters?Who writes letters these days?
• Shivanya:But Roshni’s love for Aman made her write letters to Aman and guess what?Aman was so impressed that he also started writing letters to her.They both have become quite close too.

• Maya was shocked.
• She was tensed:Does Aman also love you back?
• Roshni blushed:Yes.
• Maya was shattered.
• Roshni:But he does’nt know my name.He does’nt even know how I look like.
• Maya was relieved.
• Maya:What?
• Roshni:But we are planning to meet.I thought through you I can meet him before the day we have planned to meet.I am getting impatient to meet him.
• Maya was stunned:Planning to meet him?
• Shivanya:That’s another story.I went and met Aman in his office.I told him that I have a friend who is crazily in love with him.I requested him to meet her.So he agreed to meet her.. not because he loves her,but he is eager to see the girl who loves him.But after that I have no touch with him.But I guess he will surely come to meet Roshni as I feel that he is someone who keeps his word.But he does’nt know her name and he does’nt even know that my friend is his beloved letter girl.

• Roshni blushed.
• Maya was in shock.
• Roshni:Maya,will you help me to meet Aman?I want to surprise him.
• Maya smiled artificially:Sure.
• Roshni smiled:Thank you Maya.You are so sweet.
• Roshni hugged Maya.

• Later Maya came to Roshni-Shivanya’s house.
• Roshni was surprised:Maya..what a pleasant surprise!
• Maya:Roshni..let me be straight forward.Break up with Aman.
• Roshni was stunned:What did you say?
• Maya raised her voice:I said you break up with Aman.
• Roshni got tensed:But why?
• Maya shouted:Because I love Aman..damn it.
• Roshni was shocked:What?
• Maya:Yes,I have been loving Aman since I learnt the word ‘love’.It means I started loving Aman before you started loving him.But I could’nt confess my love to him.So back out from this relationship Roshni.
• Roshni said emotionally:I understand your feelings Maya.But the fact is that Aman and I love each other.

• Maya:But Aman does’nt even know who you are.So this break up is easy.
• Roshni:No Maya.You are wrong.For loving a person we don’t need to see that person,we just have to feel that person.Aman and I have become very close to each other.Our hearts are connected.We can’t get separated.
• Maya could not tolerate it:Stop it Roshni.You better leave Aman.Aman is mine.Understand?
• Roshni:You are not in your senses.Just because you love Aman,how can he be yours?He loves me,not you.Please try to accept it.
Maya roared:No Aman is mine.
Roshni:Maya..please try to understand.Aman loves only me.
Maya:Aman loves the girl who writes letters to him.He does’nt know that it’s you.I will go and meet Aman as the letter girl.Then Aman will love me.He will accept me as his life partner.
Maya smiled in an evil manner.
Roshni was shocked:No…you cannot do this to me Maya.I am your close friend.How can you do this to me?
• Maya:You were my friend,but now you are my biggest enemy as you snatched my Aman from me.I will not forgive you for that.
.Suddenly Maya pushed her making her fall down.
Shivanya who came there saw this with a shock.Shivanya helped Roshni to get up from the floor.
• Shivanya:What is this Maya?Why did you do this to our Roshni?
• Maya:Because she refused to leave Aman for me.
• Shivanya was confused:Aman for you?
• Maya:Yes.I love Aman and I want him.
• Shivanya was shocked:What craziness is this Maya?
• Maya:When Roshni loves Aman it is pure love,but when I love Aman it’s craziness.Why Shivanya?
• Shivanya became upset:Maya…I don’t know how to make you understand.But hurting your own friend Roshni for this so called love is craziness.

• Maya:She is not my friend,but my enemy.Understand?

• Shivanya was shocked:Maya!
• Maya:When I see her itself my blood boils.
Saying this Maya moved towards Roshni and slapped her shocking Roshni and Shivanya.Again she raised her hand to slap Roshni,but Roshni held her hand stopping her from slapping her.
• Roshni:Till now I forgave you considering our friendship,but not anymore.
• Shivanya:Just leave Maya.
• Maya again tried to hurt Roshni.But Shivanya pulled her back.
• Rocky who came running saw this

and tried to bite Maya angrily.But Maya kicked Rocky with her pointed shoe.
• Roshni:Rocky…
• Roshni hugged Rocky and caressed him.
• Shivanya:Why did you hurt that poor creature Maya?

• Maya:Because it tried to hurt me.How dare he?
• Shivanya:It tried to hurt you to protect Roshni from you as you tried to slap her.
• Maya:Again i will kick him.
• Maya tried to kick Rocky again.But both Roshni and Shivanya pushed her out of the house closing the door.
• Maya was going crazy.Roshni hugged Shivanya crying.
• Roshni:Maya hates me.
• Shivanya:Don’t worry Roshni.Everything will be alright.Love has made Maya blind.But she will realize her mistake soon.After all she is our friend Maya.She can’t be angry with you for long.

After sometime Nirmala came home.Seeing Roshni cry she became upset.
Nirmala:What happened Roshni beta?
Roshni hugged her crying:Maasi…
Nirmala:Say the matter.
Roshni and Shivanya told her everything which made Nirmala shock.
Roshni wept:Maya…

Nirmala:Never thought that Maya has this face.But don’t worry Roshni.Nothing can separate you from Aman.True love always wins.Whatever Maya does one day Aman will know the truth.

• Shockingly the next day Maya and Veer barged into their house.Roshni was alone in the house with Rocky.She got scared.
Veer stared at Roshni:Did you hurt my sister?
Roshni:No,it’s Maya who hurt me.

Maya:Because you deserve it.
Veer:I am telling you politely to leave Aman for Maya.Because I have fulfilled all the wishes of my sister and I want this wish also to get fulfilled.

Aman is my best friend.So if my best friend marries my sister that’s the best thing which can happen to me.

Roshni’s tears started flowing down:You claim to be Aman’s best friend.But you are not bothered about his happiness.You are supporting Maya’s decision to lie to Aman that she is his beloved whom he has not seen.

Suddenly Veer took a cloth and tied it around her neck in anger.
Veer:If you irritate me more I will choke you to death.

Roshni got scared.
Veer smiled in an evil manner:Maya and Aman have to unite.For that you should stop your relationship with Aman.

Suddenly his evil smile turned into a visible anger.
Veer:Now onwards no letters and don’t dare to meet him.

Roshni:You do whatever.But I will not end my relationship with Aman.It’s an eternal relationship.
Veer and Maya slapped her hard angrily.
Roshni:Slap me.But I will not leave Aman if I am alive.
Maya:Bhai…if she is alive she will not end this relationship.So she should not be alive.

Veer and Maya smirked.
Roshni was shocked:Maya,you will kill your own friend?Are you not feeling at least a pinch of guilt?
Maya:I told you that you are not my friend anymore.No need to be guilty to kill an enemy.It is justified.And everything is fair in love and war.
Maya smirked.
Roshni was in tears.
Veer sealed her mouth with the cloth,so Roshni could not even cry loudly.

They both dragged Roshni to the kitchen.Maya poured kerosene over Roshni and the floor though Roshni was pleading them not to kill her through actions.
Veer took a match stick and lit it.Then he put it on the floor.The Fire started spreading all over.Veer and Maya was smiling victoriously moving out of the kitchen.Rocky came running towards them to bite them.But Veer kicked him and threw him to the fire.Roshni was moaning silently seeing her Rocky burning before her.
Shivanya who entered the house saw this and got shocked.
Shivanya:What’s happening?Where is Roshni?
Veer and Maya laughed.
Veer:Roshni and her pet dog are burning in the fire.
Shivanya was shattered:What?
Maya:I told her to leave Aman for me.But she did not listen.So we erased her from this world.
Shivanya roared crying:Youuuuuuuuu!I will get you the worst punishment.

Maya and Veer got scared.Slowly Veer smiled:What if we put you also in that fire.
They tried to catch Shivanya.But Shivanya ran out due to fear.Veer and Maya chased her.In the mean time Nirmala returned home.She was shocked to see fire spreading in the kitchen.She ran towards the kitchen.She was shattered to see Roshni burning in the fire.As Roshni was still alive Nirmala ran towards her without thinking anything else.Thus Nirmala also burnt along with Roshni in the fire.


Aman was in complete shock.His eyes were full of tears.
Shivanya:Everyone thinks that it was due to gas leakage that fire spread and 3 of them died.Veer and Maya mde it look like an accidental death though actually it was a cold blooded murder.That day only because of luck I escaped from Maya and Veer.Later I went abroad to escape from those heartless monsters.My family fixed my marriage.So I am back to India with my parents.But I never returned to Mumbai.If I go there Veer and Maya will catch me.They will kill me for sure.My family and I are hiding in Ooty now.After marriage we will go abroad again as I have no courage to stay here.That’s why I am telling you to stay away from Maya and Veer.
Aman’s lips shivered:But how will I believe something against my best friend and fiancee?
Shivanya:I know that I have no proof against them.But i swear by my best friend Roshni that whatever I said is true.I hope you will listen to me.If I don’t save you from Maya and Veer my Roshni’s soul will never get peace of mind.
Shivanya went out tearfully.
Aman was very upset.Roshni and Nirmala were in tears listening to what Shivanya told Aman.
Roshni:I don’t think that Aman has believed Shivanya completely as he trusts Veer and Maya that much.
Nirmala:But one day he will know the truth.
Roshni:But now I am worried about one thing.Shivanya is in Ooty thinking that Ooty is safe for her.But actually Ooty is dangerous for her as Veer and Maya are here now.Shivanya is not aware of it.Nothing bad should happen to Shivanya.

Nirmala:Now we are not weak Roshni.We are powerful ghosts.We will not let those monsters harm Shivanya.We will save her from all the dangers.

Aman was struggling hard to control his tears.He went to his room.
Aman:My heart says that Roshni,Shivanya and Nirmalaji are genuine and not liars.But I trust Veer and Maya also.How can I disbelieve them for the people I met recently?Oh God!Please show me the truth.

The post Saaya(Shadow) RoshAn horror SS Part 9 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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