Hello everyone,
It was very very shocking to know that sushant singh rajput a brilliant actor has committed suicide.He is no more between us this pinches my heart.may his soul rest in eternal peace.He will be in our hearts forever.
It was very unfortunate..
Donot know what made him take this extreme step.
Though i was in no mood but since epi was ready n i have already made u all wait
So moving on….
I am presenting 50th epi of this fan
Half century
When i had started with it I never felt it would go so long.
Few days ago i had decided to end it on 50th epi
But will continue with for few more epis
As i neither wish to abruptly end
Nor rush through it.
This ff has been pretty close to my heart
The reasons I will share with u all during the last epi.
Thanks A lot for reading the ff
N also for all your honest comments.
The ff has completed 50 episodes owing to ur constant support dear readers.
Thanks to each one of u.
Would like to say a big thank u to presha,yashika,melody,dharu,vags,riya,niya,
kiara,piya,honey-bunny,aashin (sorry if i am skipping some name)
Ur comments have always made my day.
Thanks to all silent readers
So here we go.. …
As the family is enjoying sangeet ceremony
Anita notices twinkle giggling with bebe and kunj
She is fuming with anger
She is about to go near them
Yuvi stops her mid-way.
Anita,yuvi and mahi are sitting in room
In anger anita throws a flower vase on floor.
It cracks and breaks.
Anita(tear filled anger filled red eyes)-How can kunj marry that leela’s daughter.
28 years ago leela was laughing ruining my life
Today her daughter.
I just cannot stand her.
Mahi is scared seeing anita’s this destructive and hyper side.
Yuvi hugs anita
Yuvi-mom pls stop crying donot wry i will do something pls pls
Mahi makes her have water.
Mahi-I have a plan
Anita n yuvi look at her
Mahi whispers something
Anita smirks
Scene shifts
Anita(on mic)-Everyone thank u so much for being a part of my prince yuvi’s wedding
I have made a little presentation for my hero n my beautiful bahu.
A little surprise from me.
She plays an AV on the huge Tv screen
All family members and guest
Watch it
It has beautiful pics of yuvi and mahi
A romantically themed slideshow
Suddenly yuvi’s pic with twinkle are shown
Their intimate pics start being displayed
All members n guests are shocked
Gossips start
Kunj runs and stops the Av
Anita smirks
Tears fall from twinkle’s eyes
All guests are gossiping
Kunj walks towards twinkle holds her hand n starts walking away.
Usha-kunj y are u going away now?what nonsense is this??twinkle n yuvi.
I always knew something is fishy
Manohar tries to ask her to keep quiet
But she goes on questioning kunj
Bebe-usha chup ho jaoooo
Usha-bebe u can ask me to shut up how will u shut up these ppl our society.n u knew everything???
Usha goes n shakes twinkle-Are u not embarrased how could u ruin my son’s life by marrying him.
Twinkle is just crying
Kunj-maa pls she has made my life wonderful.
N why should she be embarrassed what was her fault.U are questioning twinkle.y is no one questioning yuvi???he too is in photos
Bebe-N yes all our dear guests stop murmuring among urselves
I will tell u
Yes our bahu and yuvi
Were dating eachother
Yes i knew everything
But i also know yuvi
He broke her heart
So what should she do
Run away??
For no fault of hers??
Anita-ohhh bebe pls stop it.I very well know what sort of girl twinkle is
Kunj fuming with anger goes near anita-Dare say a word bua ji against twinkle.
Bebe-shut up anita just shut up
My twinkle is the best bahu anybody could get.
U ppl enjoy the wedding we donot want to be part of this drama
She holds twinkle and kunj’s hand n starts to walk away.
Manohar ram and gautami join them
Ram-we all know our twinkle.I also can make out this is all yuvi who has done wrong with her
Gautami hugs twinkle
Only usha is standing with anita yuvi n mahi
Kunj holds twinkle’s hand firm
They all walk out
Scene shifts
Twinkle is sitting on sofa
She is weeping
Gautami offers her water
Twinkle-I am so so sorry
Bebe hugs her
Bebe-beta why are u saying sorry?what is ur fault?i knew this Anita would definately do something.Infact I am sorry I couldnot stop this from happening
Twinkle walks upto manohar-papaji mummy ji is very upset with me trust me……
Manohar pats her back-beta i completely trust u Pls donot wry about usha she is impulsive I will explain her
Kunj tries to pacify twinkle
Twinkle-I am sorry u were right we shouldnot have come here
Kunj-Relax relax Stop crying pls.
Twinkle starts feeling giddy
Kunj notices
She is about to trip
He holds her in his arms
She falls unconscious
All worry
Kunj lifts her and takes her to their room
Scene shifts
A doctor is examining twinkle
Kunj is worried
Usha comes there
Usha-new drama
Kunj-maaa pls this all is happening because of u.u overreacted In front of everyone n u are still saying it is drama
Twinkle has taken so much stress she fell unconscious
Usha(loud voice)-kunj!!!!!!!
Doctor-shhhh mr kunj relax twinkle is absolutely fine.nothing because of stress.infact a very good news for u.
U are going to become papa.she is pregnant.
Kunj’s eyes from moist turn to bleaming with shine-papa???
Doctor-yes congratulations!!!!!
Bebe is all euphoric
Everyone is smiling
They all share hugs
Usha walks away.
Kunj-when will twinkle come to senses n what happened to her??
Doctor-It is her first trimister may be exertion caused all this.Donot wry I have given her injection she will gain senses by evening.
Just take care of her diet.
Kunj thanks the doctor profusely and goes to leave her.
The father to be is all glowing and blushing at same time.
Scene shifts
Kunj is holding twinkle’s hand n sitting besides her bed
She slowly opens her eyes
She looks in a puzzled manner at him
Twinkle-what happened to me??
Kunj doesnot say a word
Twinkle-tell me kunj pls
Kunj looks down-twinkle u know what my love for u will change
Twinkle(worried)-why because of tdy??
Kunj nods no-ur love for me will also change….
Twinkle(confused)-yyyy??? What happened what are u saying ???
Kunj-someone is coming in between us
Twinkle’s face turns all sad and confused
Kunj kisses her on forehead
Kunj-Aree meri budduuuu A cute lil twinkle/or kunj is on way.swty heart u are pregnant
Kunj bends n hugs her
Kunj-yes yes yes n thank u so much for this
Tears fall from twinkle’s eyes
Bebe comes there
She congratulates n gives warm hug to twinkle gautami too does it
Ram and manohar give blessings
All are happy
Twinkle-Does mummy ji knows?is she still upset with me??
Bebe-putar pls donot wry about that u rest i will talk to usha u relax….
Scene shifts.
Usha is weeping in her room
Bebe comes there
Bebe-usha putar pls just for once listen to me,beta i know i did wrong by hiding this
But tell me if i would have informed
Would u accept their marriage???
Usha nods no
Bebe lovingly pats her back-n what if kunj too had a past.
What if he had a relation it didnot work
So would u never get him married
Usha-no bebe ofcourse i would get him married
Bebe- y this discrimination??just because he is ur son
Usha kunj n twinkle are so happy together
Yuvi was her past.
Gone long back.
I have seen she means everything to kunj
Has kunj ever got angry with u like this before
Usha nods no
Bebe-that is because twinkle is imp to him.
When ur son loves someone so much
U love ur son so much
Y cannot u love ur son’s love??
Didn’t u always want kunj to be happy
Go look at his happiness
Look at the way he is flourishing in business
Look at his happiness on coming to know he is going to be a father
Twinkle has given us everything
Usha if she wanted she could have skipped this yuvi’s marriage n all
But she came here
So that she can be a responsible bahu
Usha feels embarrassed
Bebe-putar for once look at twinkle with love u will forget everything she is the best choice for our kunj.
Usha hugs bebe…….
Scene shifts
Twinkle is lying on kunj’s lap
He is pampering her
Massaging her hair
Kunj-just 8 months after this my lap is just reserved for my lil twinkle
Twinkle-ohhhh hello lil kunj will come
Kunj-nooo twinkle will come
Twinkle-nooo i want boy
Kunj-shut up i want baby doll
Bebe-so what is the problem let anyone come first next will follow within few months
Kunj twinkle and bebe brust into laughter
Precap-mahi-i will ruin everything I will finish everything.
She looks like a devil-enough this twinkle has done.
Usha is shown making twinkle have juice
Thanks A lot for reading
Take care
Stay safe
The post Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 50 (Half Century) – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq appeared first on Telly Updates.
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