Monday, 4 May 2020


Mauli holds his ear.
Kunal: Mauli yaar, leave na…
Radhika is confused.
Mauli: Mamma, dont be confused. This is your sons prank. See how stupid he acted .”Mamma, Who is this?” (mauli imitates kunal)…
Radhika: I thought he lost it again.
Kunal: Its my memory which came back , give me some attention ..
Mauli: Your stupid prank.
Kunal: My Pranks never worked with you Mauli.
Kunal hugs Mauli.
Kunal: I am really sorry. I missed you.
Mauli: Areey, Sorry and all wont suit you kunal. Anyway it wasnt your fault.
Kunal: I hurt you lot huh?
Mauli: Never mind. You are back .. Party time.
Radhika: Indeed.. Party time. Its on me….
Radhika hugs kunal
Radhika: Dont do you hurt my daughter again.
Kunal: Never ever Madam.
They smile.
Radhika : I will bring the drinks.
Mamma leaves to bring the drinks.
Mauli: You forgot something Kunal.
kunal: Not again…
Mauli: Not that idiot. She takes his hand and keeps it on her stomach.
Kunal: Oh my god.. Little Mauli.. How can I forget you?
Mauli smiles.
Kunal kisses Mauli on her forehead .
Kunal: I missed you.
Mauli: I love you.
Kunal: Your reply doesn’t match, but I will manage.
Mauli: You are okay now right?
Kunal: Perfect…But give me a sec to recall everything.
Mauli smiles.
Kunal: I want to go somewhere. I will be back in a hour.
Mauli: But Where are you going to?Its 12:25am
Kunal: Police station.
Mauli: Why?
Kunal: Why? That Rajdeep kidnapped you and threatened to kill you. Do you think I am gonna leave him?
Mauli pulls Kunal closer.
Mauli: Yaar, leave him na.. He is in the police station. They will handle him . But I am wondering who will handle me?
Kunal smiles.
Kunal pulls Mauli closer by her waist..
Kunal: Oh , I See…But you are too hot to Maintain .I think only a fire extinguisher can do such work.
They laugh.
Kunal: Mauli, every time I mess up and its you who have to bear everything. I am really sorry. ..
Mauli:Kunal, leave it na.
Kunal: No mauli, I was even about to question my child.
Mauli: Areey kunal, no regrets because its done. Just forget your bad past Kunal.
Kunal: But how can I yaar?
Mauli: Shhh… You are being so filmy nowadays.
Kunal: Oho.. filmy huh?
Just then Radhika comes.
Kunal frees her from his clutches.
Radhika: Have this today, Lets party tomorrow.Oh.. I mean today, its already 12.28am.
They all talk for a while.
Radhika : I am really sleepy and today I can sleep well. So good night.
Mauli and Kunal: Good night Mamma.
Radhika leaves.
Mauli also stands up and turns to leave to her room.
Kunal holds her from behind and keeps his head on her shoulder.
Kunal: Where are you going Jaana?
Mauli thinks You think only you can play pranks with me. Now wait and watch.
Mauli: Excuse me Mr. Kunal Malhotra. how Would that matter to you?
Kunal: Attitude huh?
Mauli frees herself . Mauli: Good night.
Mauli leaves to her room.
Kunal: Good night? Areey, how can you go like that Mauli?
Kunal too follows Mauli to her room.
Mauli: Why not?
Kunal: You are na putting too much attitude. I will teach you a lesson.
Mauli smiles
Kunal closes the door.
Mauli(in attitude) : why did you close the door?
Kunal: You want to know ?
Kunal walks close to Mauli.
Mauli steps back while kunal steps closer to her.
Mauli: Why are too slow?
She pulls him close by pulling his collars.
Kunal: I didn’t know you were so desperate.
Mauli: Kunal yaar…
kunal kisses Mauli on her lips.
Kunal: I love you Mauli.
Mauli: I desire you Kunal.
Kunal: Your reply was not expected, but I will mange .
They smile.
Mauli: You are such a dramebaaz…
Kunal chuckles.
Kunal: You stood really strong Mauli. Even when that Rajdeep…
Mauli: Enough na..
Kunal nods….
Kunal: And Today onwards you are gonna listen to me only.
Mauli: Why?
Kunal: Areey, for welcoming little Mauli ?
Mauli: Little Mauli? Cmon kunal.. You have really become so filmy.
They chuckle.

Next day,
Mauli is searching kunal in the house.
Mauli: Mamma, Kunal is nowhere to be seen.
Just then kunal comes.
Mauli: Dont tell me you went to get a tattoo.
Kunal: How do you know that?
Mauli:I just knew it.
kunal: Here you go, now even if something like this happened, I will be always yours and you will be always mine.
Mauli: You are indeed filmy.
Kunal : Filmy, huh ?
He tickles Mauli.
Radhika: You both are worse than kids. Even when you are gonna have a kid , both behave like kids. Radhika smiles.
They live their life happily ,

after 7 months:
In kunal’s and Mauli’s room(Morning):
Kunal: Just few more days.. Then a small guest will arrive in our life. Imagine how fun it will be.
Mauli: Super fun and you have to promise me that you will love both of us equally.
Kunal: No way, I will always love one more than anyone.
Mauli: I knew it. You will love our baby more than me.
Kunal: No, you are the most precious one for me Mauli.
Mauli smiles.
Just then Mauli screams in pain.
Mauli: Kunal… Kunal..
Kunal: Are you okay?
Mauli nods no.
Kunal lifts her in his arms and rushes to the car.
Kunal : Mamma.. Mamma.
Radhika: Coming .. .. .
They get in the car and leave.
They reach the hospital.
Kunal: Mauli you will be fine.
Mauli screams in pain.
Kunal feels bad seeing her in pain.
The staff take Mauli to the labor room.
kunal feels tensed.
Radhika consoles him
After some time,
The doctor comes out,
Kunal rushes towards the doctor.
Doctor: Congratulations Kunal its a baby girl.
Kunal smiles.
Kunal: Mauli?
Doctor: She is fine but a little weak. No worries. She will be alright soon.
Kunal nods and thanks god.
Just then a nurse comes with the baby.
Kunal takes the baby in his arms.
Radhika smiles.
Kunal: Mamma yaar, see how exactly she looks like Mauli.
Radhika: Kunal.. She hits his head lightly.
They smile.
Kunal(to the nurse): When can I see Mauli?
Nurse: We are gonna shift her now. Just wait.
The staff shifts Mauli to the room.
Kunal comes in with the baby followed by Radhika.
Mauli opens her eyes.
She sees Kunal with the baby and smiles.
Mauli sits on the bed. Kunal gives her the baby. Mauli kisses the baby’s forehead while kunal kisses Mauli’s.

The End.

Thanks all for reading this and please don’t forget to comment your experience reading the FF


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