Saturday 16 May 2020

Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 14

Greetings everyone!! A big thank you for all of your love and appreciation for my stories, especially this one, because looking back, I couldn’t have even imagined this story being such a big success in the first season itself, let alone the second one. It’s just amazing to even think of the fact that my one of my stories did so well that I began a Season 2 for it. Thank you all for everything. This is overwhelming. Happy reading!

Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 14

A quick recap: Amaya comes home with the baby, Twinkle and Kunj reveal that they are expecting their second child. Simmi is initially unhappy with the idea, Twinkle manages to convince her. Kunj manages to get her to eat the fruits that she resents

Twinkle woke up to see Simmi standing on the couch so that she would be at Kunj’s height. She was dancing with him while her favourite song played on the radio. Twinkle sat up quietly and watched happily as they spoke in whispers, so that they wouldn’t wake her up, and giggled when their dance came to an end. “I love you!” Simmi told Kunj and kissed him on his cheek, and Kunj responded with an “I love you too!” Simmi didn’t seem to be satisfied though. “More than you love Mumma, no?” She asked, making Twinkle’s eyes widen in surprise. “Of course, more than anyone in the world!” Kunj replied, making Simmi jump around on the couch gladly. “It’s not even six in the morning! What are the two of you up to?” Twinkle asked then, making the father-daughter duo turn around, Simmi looking like her secret had been caught. “Is that little skit over?” She continued, walking slowly towards them. “Mumma! Papa made me stand on the couch. I told him that I wouldn’t, but he didn’t listen to me at all. Look how dirty it has become now!” Simmi said, pretending to be innocent. “I see. I was wondering what made my good girl do that!” Twinkle played along, glancing at Kunj, who was now watching them amused. “Simmi, how come you changed teams like that?” He asked, while she began to laugh, putting out her tongue to tease him.

“Come here, you little bundle of mischief!” Kunj said as he went forward to catch Simmi, but she jumped off in time and a chase followed. Twinkle sat down on the couch for a moment, but almost immediately stood up and rushed to the washroom. Kunj followed her, to support her as she relieved herself of her morning sickness. Simmi stood by, watching curiously when Kunj helped Twinkle back to the bed. “How long has this been happening for?” Kunj asked her as he added extra pillows behind her so she could sit up comfortably. “A week, I think.” Twinkle replied, looking up at him hesitantly. “All you had to do was tell me, Twinkle! We are together in everything, remember?” He said, evidently disappointed that she had been suffering the unease all by herself. “I didn’t want to cause any worry.” Twinkle defended herself, but he wouldn’t listen. “Papa, why are you scolding Mumma? Is that how you treat someone who is unwell?” Simmi called out, climbing onto the bed and sitting beside Twinkle. She began to pull the duvet to cover Twinkle, asking Kunj to help her do it properly. Twinkle and Kunj exchanged a glance and held back their laughter as they watch her imitate Twinkle’s actions when Simmi would be unwell, telling her that she would fine soon and giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Satisfied with whatever she had done so far, Simmi jumped off the bed, and told Kunj, “Don’t scold her Papa! We did not go and eat street food with Chinki Maasi and the twins yesterday.” Kunj turned to look at Twinkle, who immediately looked away, knowing that he had strictly forbidden her from going there, but she had sneaked out anyway, hoping he wouldn’t find out. “Look here!” Simmi said, pulling his hands until she had his attention, and added, “I’ll go and ask Dadi to bring some food for her. You should sit here with her, ok?” Kunj nodded and she hurried out. He then turned back to Twinkle, who was saying, “She’s so smart, isn’t she?” Kunj simply stared at her, making her frown. “This is so boring, Kunj! Don’t go there, don’t eat that, don’t do this, don’t do that!” She complained with a pout, hoping his anger would melt at that, but she realised soon enough that it wasn’t working. “I’m sorry!” She said, putting on her best puppy face.

Kunj sat beside her and put his arm around her. “Twinkle, remember how we had promised each other we would always tell each other everything, and none of us would ever have to face anything alone?” He spoke slowly. She nodded, smiling as she recalled that evening when he had sneaked into her room from her balcony before even Yuvi and Amaya got married. He had been really mad at her that day, since he had found out that she had caught a cold, probably from him, when she had insisted to go out with him despite his repeated attempts to cancel that plan so that she wouldn’t catch the flu from him. While she had tried to laugh it off casually, he had scolded her and made her promise him that. “I know I wasn’t aware of all these issues when we were expecting Simmi, and had been really careless, but this time I’m prepared to be there for you anytime you need me! I can’t forgive myself for letting you deal with your morning sickness by yourself, when I should have been there by your side!” He continued, sounding very low. She made him look at her and said, “You weren’t careless then, and you aren’t unavailable now, Kunj! Stop feeling so guilty. I’m fine!!” She smiled assuringly at him, and he finally smiled back, pulling her close to himself.

“But promise me..” Kunj began after a minute or so, but she cut him short, knowing his guilt was still bothering him, with an “I promise. I promise I’ll wake you up even if it’s in the wee hours of the morning, and you were really tired when you got home the previous night. Shush now!” She placed her head on his chest, closing her eyes, when she heard him say, “Are you going to tell me what you ate at that street food place, now?” She sat up straight and cleared her throat, thinking of ways to avoid answering that. “I didn’t eat anything. I only went there because Simmi wanted to.” She said, expecting an earful, but he burst out laughing. “Really? Even Simmi comes up with better excuses Twinkle!” He teased, pulling her cheek. “Stop that!” She said, hitting his hand off, making him laugh some more. “But on a serious note, have you seen how much Simmi’s taken after you? She’s exactly a copy of you!” Kunj said, and Twinkle couldn’t agree more.

“Twinkle! Are you alright?” Usha almost screamed as she walked in, waking Twinkle and Kunj, who had fallen asleep right there. “Simmi told me that you are really sick. Do you think we need to go to a doctor?” She asked, motioning Kunj to get up, and sitting beside Twinkle herself. She gently touched Twinkle’s forehead, checking for a fever, when Kunj began to chuckle. “I’m sorry Simmi scared you, Ma. I’m alright! We didn’t think Simmi would actually tell you anything.” Twinkle explained, while Usha heaved a sigh of relief. She then turned to Kunj and said, “Aren’t you getting late?” It was Twinkle’s turn to laugh now. “You should go to work only if you are alright, Twinkle. Take a few days off otherwise.” Usha said as Twinkle pushed the duvet away and got off the bed. “I’m fine, Ma!” Twinkle assured her and was taking her clothes out of the wardrobe when Simmi walked in and said, “I’m getting late, Twinkle! Would you help me out quickly, please?” It didn’t take them much time to realise she was trying to imitate Kunj’s line that she had probably picked up when she heard it from him on one of his busy days. “Yes I will, Simmi.” Twinkle said, taking her out of the room by her hand, and had only got a few steps away when she heard Usha burst out laughing as she teased Kunj.

“I want to see the baby before I go to school, Mumma! Please? Pretty please?” Simmi kept insisting as Twinkle got her ready to go to school. “Simmi, the baby doesn’t sleep well at night. Bhabhi must be really tired, having stayed up all night. In fact, she must have just gone to sleep. We shouldn’t disturb her now!” Twinkle repeated for at least the tenth time, as she brought Simmi and Pari their breakfast. “Do all babies cry so much? I don’t like crying babies!” Simmi said, looking at Twinkle expectantly. “Yes, Simmi. All babies do cry. You did too, and so did Pari. We still love you, don’t we? The baby will stop crying so much too, just give her some time!” Twinkle told them, as they listened carefully. “How much time? Till we get back from school?” Simmi asked, and began to laugh when she saw Twinkle’s annoyed expression. “That was a joke, Mumma. Don’t feel sad, I’ll be good to the baby even when she cries.” Simmi told her, relieving her partially.

That’s it for now guys. Lots of love!

The post Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 14 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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