Heyaaa my beautiful People happy reading
Recap – sangeet ceremony
It was 1 in the night. The party was finally over, all were tired and were going towards their rooms. Sanskaar, Ragini, Abhay and Pooja walked together and talked about stuff. Ragini was looking lost. After leaving the girls in their rooms, the boys headed towards theirs. Abhay told sanskaar about swara and ragini.
Sanskaar : what? Why didn’t you told me before? What were they talking about? Shit.. is ginu okay??
He turns back to go towards their room but abhay stops him.
Abhay : bro wait. I knew you would get hyper that’s y i didnt told you. And i dont know what they talked about but i have asked pooja to talk to her. She’ll be fine. And you saw her, right? She was happy.. and now she must be tired, let her sleep… talk to her tomorrow… please.
Sanskaar half-heartedly agreed and went to his room with abhay. He fell asleep fast because he was working from morning and was really tired. But before sleeping he texted ragini.
Sanskaar ( text ) : ginu.. you are very precious to me. I love you and dont want to lose you ever. Have faith in me. We’ll talk tomorrow. Have a good sleep!
Sleep was not around for Ragini. Swara’s words were ringing in her ears. She was trying hard to sleep but just couldnt. He saw Pooja sleeping next to her. She had asked her if she was alright and wanted to talk about swara? Ragini simply denied because she didnt want to bother her. And she knew how tired she was.
Ragini has found a litlle sister in Pooja and a confiadte. She loved her and trusted her like once she did with Swara. She knew swara was clever and very smart. She knew how to manupulate people. She didn’t knew if she was ready to talk to her yet but her sudden appearance and tonight when they talked or rather say swara spoke to her after months, almost a year have shaken her up.
The question she raised today, she didn’t know what to answer. She didnt know anything. Unable to sleep, she looked at her phone and found sanskaar’s message. She got emotional and her heart was filled with love. She thanked God for giving her Sanskaar. She replied “ I love you too sansku! And I trust you more than myself. “
With the belief that Sanskaar will always be there for her, she slept with a peaceful mind.
Next morning, the first thing that sanskaar wanted to do was talk to ragini. But before he could reach ragini, arnav and khushi came to his room to talk. Abhay was also there.
Sanskaar ; what is it? Can it wait? I have to go to talk to ginu.
Khushi : sanky wait… first listen to us…
Sanskaar : is everything okay? You guys look serious.
Arnav : you know how everything is? Look, i’ll come straight to the point… Marry Ragini
Sanskaar ( stands up ) : what??
Abhay : bro sit down. Listen to them first. They are right.
Khushi : yes sanky… you know what swara did to her? And do you think she’ll sit calmly? Maybe. But we have to make a safe place for ragini..
Sanskaar : khushi you know ginu is safe with me.. do you have any doubts?
Khushi : no, i dont have any doubt sanskaar…. but think like a mature person.. with what right will you stop ragini if her family calls her back to kolkata?
Sanskaar ( angry ) : what do you mean by what right? I love her and she loves me…
Khushi : yes you do. But there is no name for your relationship. We understand but they wont. Swara wont. She can hurt ragini in any possible way. And you are also on her target list.
Arnav : khushi is right sanky. You know how pwople judge women. If your family came to know that you and ragini are living – in together, do you think they’ll understand it?
Sanskaar : but why do they have to understand? And they are not my family….
Khushi : sanky we told you what we feel. Rest is upto you..
Abhay : bro. I think there’s no harm in marrying her. You guys love each other than whats the matter and why delay it?
Sanskaar ; we promised each other that once we get settled and she is independent, we wont marry.
Arnav : look i dont see any harm for you guys… but there’s a plus point… if in case swara or anyone else tries to take her back they wont be able to. Coz she’ll be your wife and you will have legal right on her.
Sanskaar is all nervous. He knows what they are sayingis correct but he’s not sure if ragini will agree coz she has no idea what swara did. He feels restless.
Arnav : sanky I know it’s a big and tough decision…. talk to ragini and take your time..
.. but think about it….
Sanskaar nods. He recalls how she told that there was still time for them to get married. He looks on confused and worried.
Sanskaar took Ragini out for a drive and to talk to her because he couldn’t do that inside. It was evening and they were supposed to return by 8 pm for the cocktail party/dinner.
Sanskaar : ginu… I want to talk to you
Ragini : me too sansku….
Sanskaar : yes say it
Ragini : yesterday swara came to me and we talked…
Sanskaar : okay… About what?
Ragini : sansku why did she told me that she tried to contact me! And then she asked if you have told me about this!??
Sanskaar : ginu…. I don’t understand
Ragini : sansku I know you care about me and wants to protect me but you shouldn’t have done this…. Is this true swara and …. And…. All of them tried to contact us?
Sanskaar eyes welled up. He choked. He took deep breaths. He never knew his ginu will ask him questions like this and will doubt him.
Ragini : come on sansku speak up…. I want to know the truth….
Sanskaar stops the car and gets down. He’s hurt. Ragini follows him. He doesn’t look at her. After what all happened in a previous few days he was scared for her.
Sanskaar : well thank you for trusting me ginu ( sarcastically ) and yes, they called me ….
Ragini : then why didn’t you told me??
Sanskaar : bcoz you would be sad and I can’t see you sad, ginu…. And you yourself said that those people don’t matter now…. What happened then???
Ragini : I don’t believe this Sanskaar…. You should have told me…
Sanskaar : why are you behaving like this ginu?? What’s the matter tell me?
He holds her shoulders and shook her. They both were hurt.
Ragini ( releasing herself ): Sanskaar…. I don’t know….. But I feel like I’m nobody…. When swara asked me questions I didn’t knew what to answer….. Main na idhar ki hun na udhar ki Sanskaar…. I just don’t know…..
She was pissed at herself. There was some turmoil going on within her. She went inside the car and started crying. Sanskaar felt low. He too sat beside her.

Sanskaar : ginu… I don’t know what to tell you that will bring peace to you. But trust me. There was nothing to tell…. You know how she behaved with you right!??
Ragini : how Sanskaar? She just wnated to talk to me… That’s it. And why are you being so defensive. I know I have said things Sanskaar but I too want a family. From childhood I had a desire to have a family. Look how happy Arnav’s and Khushi’s families are. I also want one … But…….
Sanskaar : but what??? You want to say I’m being a hurdle for you??? Seriously ragini????
He bangs on the steering.
Ragini : no… I didn’t mean that but why are you doing this?? You are hurting yourself also…
Sanskaar : ragini…. I’m not hurting anybody… And if u r so hurt to be with me then you are free to go…. I don’t know what happened to you? Like what did swara told you that you are behaving like this….
Ragini : yes Sanskaar you are hurting… Yourself, me , your family and my…. My family….
She cries. Sanskaar is just too shocked to hear all this. What he wanted to talk and what she’s saying.
Sanskaar : oh I see…. I’m so sorry Ms. Ragini Gadodia for hurting you…. And don’t worry… I won’t hurt you or your family anymore… After this wedding you can go with them back to your house… Okay???
Ragini was shocked to hear that name from Sanskaar.
Ragini : Sanskaar… What are you saying?
Sanskaar : enough ragini…. I have had enough….. It’s late. We have to pick up your dress and then……
He takes a deep breath and drove from there. All the while there was pin drop silence in the car. Just a few sobs could be heard in the beginning.
The lights were set, glitters and cheers everywhere. The party has started in full swing.
All the ladies were dressed up in sparkly dresses and gowns and the guys were rising the temperature wearing smart blazers and jeans. Well imagine girls.
Everyone seemed happy because they were only except two people who had pasted a fake smile and were trying to gel in. Of course, they were Sanskaar and ragini.
Ragini was wearing a beautiful sliver and pink dress, hair tied in a high ponytail. Little pearls in the ears and a beautiful necklace.
Wheras our sanskaar was looking hot in baby pink shirt under blue blazer and pants. A s*xy cologne completed his looks and vibe.
Both were ignoring each other but also trying to sneak on each other from corner of their eyes. While their friends were sad and confused seeing them like that, someone was really happy.
The toast was made for the beautiful couple. And everyone continued dancing and eating.
Sanskaar was talking to a few guests when RP and Sujata came over. He couldn’t do anything in front of the guest so greeted them with a smile.
The guest moved on.
Sujata : how are you chore? Its been so long….
Sanskaar : how are you?………………. ma!
Sujata is about to burst but controls herself. She holds his hands.
Sujata : i longed so much to hear this again from your mouth… i missed you so much betaa
Sanskaar smiles sadly. Rp keeps his hand on his shoulder.
Rp : beta i know i made a mistake please forgive me…. i just didn’t wanted to worry and see you sad..
Sanskaar : its okay papa..
The family looks cute. Uttara also comes there and hugs sanskaar.
Uttara : im so happy.. finally my family is together.
All smile. The photographer clicks their picture.
Ragini on one side and ap-dp on the other side see this family reunion and are emotional and happy. Ap sees ragini and starts walking towards her but ragini goes from there.
PS – she didn’t knew ap was coming but ap thought that ragini intentionally ignored her. She felt hurt.
Abhay was with Pooja and Addy. Addyy liked pooja very much. She was spending her days with them.
Pooja : i wonder what’s going on with them/?
Abhay : same here.. he was going to ask her for marriage… god knows what happened….
Pooja : i wish they resolve their fight… i know how childish and difficult they get…
Addy : what happened didi?
Abhay : nothing addy.. she wants to get married to me but i don’t want to… she scolds me…
He makes a crying face. Pooja glares at him.
Pooja : yes i scold him because he never do the right thing…
Abhay : so what do you want me to do haan??
He comes close to her but they are interrupted by uttara. Addy laughs. They all go from there.
It was time for some ballroom dance. Arnav and Khushi were in the centre surrounded by young couples. Anjali – shyam and payal – akash joined them. Arnav’s mom was asking everyone to dance.
Pari- adarsh, abhay – pooja, swara – laksh, ragini – sanskaar and uttara with NK ( Nand Kishore from ipkknd ) paired with each other started dancing. A few other couples joined. Everyone was happy.
Tu hi yaar mera from pati, patni aur voh plays.
( ragini keeps her hands on sanskaar’s shoulder and his hands are on her waist. They are looking everywhere but not each other.
Arnav and khushi are following the rhythm and having a close dance. Arnav kisses her forehead.
Abhay and pooja are drowned in each others eyes and moving slowly. )

Ankhiyan meri puchh rahi hain
Dil ko mere chain nahi hai
Kithe ladaiyan ve
Tu ankhiyan kithe ladaiyan ve
( ragini looks at sanskaar but he’s still not paying attention. Ragini feels hurt.
Swara smiles looking at sanskaar. He turns around. Swara says sorry to laksh and promises she would never do anything like that. Laksh forgives her smiles. He hugs her and swara smirks. )

Kaise tujhko main bataun
Raahein teri takti jaaun
Neendan churaiyan ve
Tu meriyan neendan churaiyan ve
( ragini stares at sanskaar with glassy eyes. She wants to say something but nothing comes out.
Uttara looks at abhay and pooja. She smiles.
Pari and adarsh are happy seeing ragsan unknown to fact that what is going on between them. )
Dhadkan ye kehti hai
Dil tere bin dhadke na
Ek tu hi yaar mera
Mujhko kya duniya se lena
( now they all move and change their partners. Now ragini – nk, swara – sanskaar, abhay – uttara and pooja and laksh are partners.
The married couples have taken a back seat and arshi are still in the centre )
Dhadkan yeh kehti hai
Dil tere bin dhadke na
Ek tu hi yaar mera
Mujhko kya duniya se lena
( while dancing, sanskaar and ragini looks at each other but turns their eyes immediately. Swara smiles seeing this.
Uttara is happy dancing with abhay. She blushes. )
Tujhme raat meri tujhme din mere
Lamha ek jiyun na main toh bin tere
Hai tere sath safar
Jaana mujhe hai kidhar
Ke beet jaye tujhme ye umar
( now while everyone is dancing swara whispers something in sanskaar’s ears and he looks on shocked. He clutches her hand and pushes her back and pulls her with force. Laksh looks at them, amused. Swara smiles. Sanskaar gritted his teeth and says something back to her. Like this they talk while dancing and fake smiling…. )

Ek pal ki bhi ab toh
Doori na mujhko dena
Ek tu hi yaar mera
Mujhko kya duniya se lena
( the dance continues. All the elders especially the masheshwari’s are happy seeing their children. )
Hissa hai hai tu ab toh mere
Dil ke jazbaton ka
Tu lafz hai thehra huya
Bas meri baaton ka
Aankhe ye kehti hain
Tu saamne mere rehna
( everyone else stops dancing. Now only arshi are dancing. Everyone claps for them )
Ek tu hi yaar mera
Mujhko kya duniya se lena
Ek tu hi yaar mera
Mujhko kya duniya se lena.
( the song ends and so does the first dance. )
Everyone claps and hoots for the couples. Sanskaar goes away from there. Swara smiles and stands besides ragini.
Episode ends with split screen of swara, sanskaar and ragini!!
So this was it for today!!!!!!!
I don’t think people are active here now, like earlier but still I’ll post here as well for all the ones who want to read!!! And if you do then, do comment
Lots of love to all of you!!!
Keep reading
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