Sunday, 3 May 2020

Pyaar ka Afsana ~~ Qubool Hai – Special Episode

Hey guys , here comes another episode. It’s a bit long since I had to include 2 meetings. I have used same scenes of Qubool hai with some modifications . Remember to give your valuable suggestions and feedback about the episode. Hope you like it .


Episode 4:-

Encounters :

Seher – Rehaan & Sanam – Aahil

Sanam reaches her dhabba. Sanam cooks some food and have it. One of her help comes to her and ask her – “Why you came late? “. Sanam – “ It was because of a careless person who was full of pride . Leave it , Why to waste time on useless talks ? Do your work “. He leaves. She gets back to work .

Seher is standing in an empty road and she is wearing a patiala suite and she has fake baby bump and her skin complexion is dark by makeup. Three guys and a girl is with her. Seher – “ Guys , be ready! “. Other guys is having attire of Sardar ji. Other one is having a camera. The girl is wearing is having an attire of a much older lady. Seher – “ Sasumaa and Mr.Pati ready “. They show thumbs up. They look at road. Seher – “ Director and Cameraman be ready to shoot”. They nods. Seher see a car and she tries to stop it . But speeds up and goes. She try to stop some vehicles. Director- “ Seher, I think our expense won’t be paid off. No one is stopping “. Seher – “ Think positive , someone will come for sure”. Then she see a car coming. Seher – “ Guys , position. A car is coming. Let’s try. Allah Miya help me”. She starts to act and show hand to stop the car.

It’s Rehaan who is in the car. Rehaan she her and stops seeing her pregnant. Rehaan gets down. Seher turns to choke . Rehaan comes and ask – “ Excuse me, what happened? “. Seher turns and looks him. (Music is played) Seher – “ Oho my god ! You stopped your car. Please help me , I need to go to hospital “. Rehaan – “ What happened? Why are you standing here?” Seher – “ It’s since 9 months this happened, life took me here”. Rehaan gets puzzled. Rehaan – “ What? “. Seher – “ My Husband and mother in law want to kill me “. Rehaan – “ But Why ? “. Seher – “. Because they don’t want a black tea or a normal tea but milk “. Rehaan – “ What ? Sorry I didn’t get you”. Seher – “ Iam like a black tea, my skin color but my husband is  like milk , white … white . He married me for money and he got it . I got this in return , my baby . He wants to marry a milky girl to have milky kids “.  Rehaan – “ Oho , it’s so sad . Why don’t you complaint to police?”. Seher – “ Police just listen to rich , now Iam like unwanted toy. Please take me to hospital, I will answer every question on the way. Hurry up”. Rehaan – “ Ok , do you know the way?” Seher – “ Yeah , I will guide you”. Rehaan – Ok , come “. He tries to open door for her. But someone holds his hand . He turns see a man. Fake Husband- “ So , this is your lover my dear wife”. Fake Mother in law – “ Marrying my son, and now elope with another “. Rehaan- “ Excuse me, what are you saying? Lover ?” Seher – “ Please Param Ji , Leave me . Let me go “. Fake Husband- “ No , What about my reputation? If you elope, everyone will think that Iam a coward “. Seher – “ Please ..”  Fake Husband – “ I loved you so much . We were like bread and jam , pakode and chai, lemon and water, …. You were my gulab jamun “. Seher – “ Param ji, But you told me that Rasgula and Gulab Jamun shouldn’t be put together “. Rehaan (in mind )- “ What is happening?” Fake Husband to Rehaan – “ Tell me, does that mean it can’t be kept together in different bowls . Excuse me, You want to take my gulab jamun away , I will kill you before that “. Rehaan – “ What? What the hell are you speaking? “ Seher – “ Param ji, please don’t make my child father less “. Rehaan shocked . Rehaan – “ What ? “. Seher – “ Now I cannot hide this anymore that you are the father of this child “. Rehaan – “ What the hell!” Seher – “ Yes I know , Our life is hell without eachother “. Rehaan shocks. Fake Mother In Law – “ Oh Rab ji , how could you do this ? Param Puttar, remove the mangalsutra( wedding chain) “. Param removes it and Seher cries . Rehaan tries to go but fake Mother In Law hold him and ask – “ Where are you leaving? Now you will from here after marrying her”. Rehaan – “ What marriage? I will call police”. Fake Husband- “ Take this mangalsutra and make her wear it by your hands”. Rehaan – “ I won’t!” Seher – “ Please do it ,for our child”. Rehaan – “ You were telling something else before and now you are saying Iam your child’s father and your lover. This is ridiculous “. Seher – “ Then fine I will leave this world , she take out a fake knife to cut her wrist “. Fake Husband takes out a gun and points it towards Rehaan . Fake Husband- “ I can’t see my gulab jamun getting expired, so marry her or else die “. Rehaan gets tensed. Director- “ Cut it !” Rehaan gets confused and he looks towards the place from where the sound came . Rehaan is clueless about the happenings. Seher smiles. Seher laughs and say  – “ We are Sorry! This is our show – Kaun baneka popatt? It was a prank. We are from E Tv”. Rehaan gets angry . Seher turns towards camera and say – “ So this our Popatt ! He was completely shocked and clueless throughout”. Rehaan – “ What do mean ? You were making fun of me ? “ Seher – “ It’s just a prank , don’t take it serious. Param get the hamper “. He brings the hamper & gives it to her. Seher – “ So, by the way . Janab ( Sir ) What is your name ? “  while giving the hamper to Rehaan . Rehaan – “ You given me name already , what is the need of another name ? Keep hamper for yourself! “. Rehaan leaves angrily. Seher – “ What to do ?  I must say he has a good heart , we tried to stop many but none did . He was kind , so it is true that there are kind people too. He couldn’t take it as a Joke but I hope you guys enjoyed today’s show . This is me Seher , signing off”. Director- “ He was angry “. Seher – “ Still cute!”

Dilshad’s house,night .

Seher is telling about the incident to everyone. Sanam – “ I don’t understand ,what do you get when you make others  fool? There is a limit of behaving Childish . You aren’t child now”. Seher – “ Excuse me , It is a show. I get paid for it by my channel”. Sanam – “ Yeah , monthly 2000 rupees for which you pay 3/4 of it. I will pay you 500 if you work in dhabba 4days a week”. Seher – “ I don’t want that. Iam happy with what I have . At least Iam independent “. Sanam nods in sarcastic manner. Seher – “ There is a Shayari on it – “ Mana ki hamari salary kam hain, Lekin freedom toh hain. Toh phir kyun hamari independence ko quit India karu,Doo paisa aor kamane ki chakar mein “. Everyone looks on. Sanam seems to irritated. Dilshad- “ Aadab , Aadab!” Sanam looks Dilshad. Sanam- “ Badi Ammi, I hope you never included this character of Seher’s is of our Ammi. I don’t think she will say something like this “. Haya smiles. Dilshad smiles. Seher – “ Really, Badi Ammi. I don’t think Abbu was like her, who can’t identify such a gem like shayari s “.

Dilshad remembers Asad getting irritated of Zoya’s shayari at first. She smiles. Dilshad- “ We had enough of talks , Let’s sleep early “. Everyone goes to sleep.

In hotel, Lawn.

Aahil and Rehaan is talking about their respective experience of the day. Aahil- “ I just can’t believe that you became bait to a prank. Like seriously! I use to say you that you are overly kind “. Rehaan sits upset. Aahil- “ That girl! She spoke in unusual ways and you didn’t recognize it ? “. Rehaan – “ Aahil Bhai, I thought it is her way of speaking. As ..” Aahil- “ Oho my god, Rehaan . How come you became so innocent?” Rehaan – “ Even a girl made you apologize infront everyone , right? I got to know that”. Aahil – “ How ?” Rehaan- “ Soniya , told me . Aahil Bhai , What was the need to get into fight ? “ Aahil – “ She was having pride and attitude than she should have. It was first time, I felt like I lost and that too infront of a normal girl. Aahil Raza Ibrahim never forget his insult “.

Morning,Dhabba .

Aahil pass by the Dhabba. He gets a call and he stops the car. He get down and talks. He see Sanam in the dhabba. He cuts the call . Aahil- “ So, she works in a dhabba . Great , time for repay”. Sanam is taking orders from customers. She goes in to give the orders. Then Sanam comes to take order from a new customer. Sanam – “ What would like to have?” Aahil turns . Sanam gets surprised seeing him. Aahil smiles. Aahil – “ There is anything worth to eat in your Dhabba? “. Sanam – “ Do you think that our Dhabba is running without food which isn’t worth to eat “. Aahil – “ Oversmartness and Attitude isn’t less in you . So what do you have here?” Sanam ( suppress her anger) – “ Why don’t you check it in the menu ? “. Aahil – “ Get me the best dish”. Sanam goes . Aahil – Wait, get me some water “. Sanam – “ Chotu, get some water for the customers “. Aahil – “ Why don’t you get it for me?” Sanam – “ Then Who will make the best dish for you?” Aahil ( in mind ) – “ Don’t worry Ms.Dhabbewali , your ego will break today “. After a while, she brings a plate and keeps it infront of Aahil. Aahil – “ What is this ? “. Sanam – “ Butter chicken and kulcha “. Aahil – “ Did you dipped in a ton of oil? “. Sanam – “ It’s not oil, it’s butter. It’s made like this only “. Aahil – “ Really? This how you behave with your customers. Call the owner of this Dhabba , let me ask him if he keeps ill mannered employees “. Sanam- “ You want to talk to the owner? Then you are talking to the right person. This is my dhabba”. Aahil gets surprised. Aahil – “ I don’t want this. I don’t think there is anything worth for me “. He tries to throw away the Kulcha but she hold his hand. Sanam – “ This is nothing for you , but there are many who doesn’t have anything to eat. Learn to respect food “. Aahil looks on and Sanam takes the food and says – “ Sir, you may tell him about your specifications for the dish . He will get you the same. Chotu talk to him and ask about his need”. Aahil – “ So you won’t do that ?” Sanam – “ Does that make a difference? You want food right ?  Or else you just want to throw some tantrums?” Sanam goes in . Aahil tells Chotu about his needs. He comes to Sanam. Chotu – “ Didi, he is so rude . Do you know him before? I felt like he is doing this purposefully “. Sanam doesn’t answer and ask about Aahil’s specification . She makes it and ask him serve it . He serves it . Aahil – “ I don’t like kismis ( dry grapes) in Kheer ( Dessert) . Why is this butter chicken with more cream ? I want more spicy “. Chotu ( in mind ) – “ Is he mad ?” Sanam hear this and comes there . Sanam – “ What is your problem ? What will we add other than Kismis in Kheer , your head ? If you want more spicy chicken you should have ordered something else.  We haven’t added cream more than required”. Aahil – “ How rude ? “. Sanam – “ How stupid? “. Aahil – “ No one has dared to speak to me like this”. Sanam – “ Maybe that’s your problem. Sir, you better leave. There is nothing here meant for you . We make food for humans so better you can go to place suitable for you. Chotu, take away the plate “. Aahil – “ What do you mean by that ? Iam not human , isn’t it? “ Sanam – “  You can take anyway , use your brain “.  Chotu – “ Bill ! “ Sanam – “ He haven’t touched it . But take money for the bottle of water. If he didn’t give , Leave it “. Aahil – “ This is ridiculous, apologize right now to me else I won’t leave Ms.Dhabbewali”. Sanam – “ Oho really , so you are going to live here till your death? I won’t apologize when there is no mistake of mine “. Aahil is sitting on the bench . Sanam – “ I think you must better leave “. Aahil gets up . Aahil – “ What if I don’t do so ?” Sanam is getting angry. She tries to leave but Aahil holds her hand . Sanam turns . Aahil – “ Until you apologize to me , I won’t leave and won’t let you go”. They look eachother. Sanam – “ How dare you ? Leave my hand “. Aahil – “ Apologize”. Everyone is looking them . Sanam gets angry. Sanam – “ Iam telling you for the final time. Leave my hand otherwise..” Aahil – “ Otherwise, What ?”. Sanam – “ You will see my other face “. Aahil – “ Really! Then why are you standing so far “. Aahil pulls her towards him . Aahil – “ Now I can see it from so close and it’s comfortable for me to show what can I do ”. Sanam gets angry. He tries to come closer to her face. Sanam slaps him on his cheeks. Aahil gets shocked. She stamps on his leg and get out of his hold. He moves back out of pain.  Sanam – “ I have dealt people like you lot. What you thought? You will do such rowdy things and I will bow infront of you . In your dreams. If you play with fire , you will get burned., right? So better be careful next time ”. Aahil looks her. Chotu- “ Do you want more? “. Aahil smiles.

He leaves. Sanam looks him .

Precap :- It’s night , Aahil pouring kerosene around her Dhabba. He is holding lighten match stick . Sanam is shocked to see that. Aahil gives a smile.

The post Pyaar ka Afsana ~~ Qubool Hai – Special Episode appeared first on Telly Updates.

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