Wednesday 13 May 2020

Ishq Mein Marjawan FF # Ishq Nahi Aasan ( Chapter 36)

Episode 36:-

Will Sameeksha poisons Dev?

Evening,Sameeksha’s House.

Sameeksha reached home after going to police station to register the complaint against the goons. Dev left after dropping her to home. Dev talked to Mr.Chowdhary about incident.

Mr.Chowdhary (angrily)- “ How dare he ?” Sameeksha is sitting on the couch silently. Mr.Chowdhary – “ I don’t know how I controlled my anger when that fellow was acting like a savior “.  Sameeksha – “ It was good you could control your anger. Dev started his play”. Mrs.Chowdhary – “ He is really a evil . He does things like this to know about you , I don’t know what will he do if he get to know that we are here for his destruction “. Sameeksha – “ He won’t know that ever until he is under my control “. Mr.Chowdhary – “ If he do anything like this next I won’t be able to control myself. Sam! You are our life. Sam , be careful “. He gets emotional and Sam hugs him to console. Sameeksha – “ Dad , I will take care of it. We are fighting against the evil and we are fighting for injustice. No one will stop us from destroying Raichands who destroyed my families”. Sameeksha is determined.

Raichand Mansion,

Trisha and Dev talking to eachother about incident. Trisha ( Nia ) – “ So she didn’t reacted in the way we expected?” Dev( Arjun) – “ Yes. She didn’t. She was always reacting like Sameeksha only. I couldn’t see Samika for a second “. Trisha- “Are you sure your plan had no loopholes?” Dev – “ Yes, Ofcourse. I tried to recreate some past incident that happened with Samika “.


6 years ago, Shimla .

After Secret Marriage, Dev (Arjun)meets Samika(Alisha) while she is going to her college. Samika- “ Dev, Why did you come ? Papa asked us not to meet frequently. Then why..”. Dev – “ Actually, I came to meet you as Mom want to see you. She asked if you can come home whenever you are free”. Samika- “ Oho, I will talk to Papa. I will come once I get permission from him”. Dev whispers in Samika’s ear – “ Permission for coming to your own Sasural? You are looking gorgeous. I must say I miss you my dear wife”. Samika become shy and smile. Dev is looking her. Samika (whispers to him) – “ Aren’t you shy flirting with your wife on road?” Dev – “ Why would I ? Afterall Iam flirting with my own wife . But if you say then I will flirt with some other girl”. Samika looks him angrily. Samika- “ So you will flirt with girls, really ..” Samika beats him with her bag . Dev runs. Dev – “ No , I was just kidding “. Dev hold her towards him. Samika gets surprised. Dev – “ Iam always yours. No other girl will come  even in my thoughts . I love you and its true”. Samika- “ Dev , Leave me . If someone see us like this , it will be a problem”. Dev leaves her. Dev – “ It’s good , that you didn’t worn mangalsutra and sindoor”. Samika – “ Who told you that I haven’t worn it?” Samika shows mangalsutra hidden behind her neck collar of the top and shows little sindoor applied on her hairline which was hidden by hair strands. Dev gets surprised. Dev – “ But , you shouldn’t have to”. Samika- “ I know you won’t mind , but I don’t want to remove it. I want to wear it. It gives me happiness “. Dev becomes emotional.

Next Samika goes to Dev’s home after getting her father’s permission. Menaka Raichand welcomes her. She ask Samika to enter by hitting the kalash afterall she is entering her Sasural. Samika feels awkward but does it to make Menaka happy. They have a talk. Dev takes Samika to show her his room. As she enters his room rose petals fall upon her. She smiles .( Ishq Mein Marjawan romantic version played) Dev shows her the room. He talks to her in romantic way. Dev- “ Once we get married in public presence, then we can live as we like”. Samika smiles and walk forward. Samika slips and fall over Dev and both of them fall on the bed . ( Ishq Mein Marjawan romantic version played) They have an eyelock. By then Menaka comes there and knocks on the door. Menaka Raichand- “ I hope you both aren’t much busy”.They see her and feel awkward . They get up. Dev – “Actually.. She slipped and she .. “. Menaka Raichand looks them both and says – “ Oho!  When I was brought home after marriage, even me and Dev’s Papa use to give same excuse”. Samika- “ No Aunty, he telling truth “. Menaka Raichand- “ Ok fine, I believed . By the way don’t call me Aunty call me Mom like Dev calls me. Now both of you come down for having lunch “. They have lunch and Samika leaves.

Samika is coming back home and she gets kidnapped by some masked people They take her to godown and they leaves. Samika shouts for help. Samika gets scared. Then a masked person comes there . She doesn’t understand why she is brought there. Samika steps back. Masked Person walks towards her. The person pins her to the wall he takes out knife and tries to stab her. Samika shouts. The person hits the knife on the wall . Samika pushes the person. She tries to run away. She knocks on the shutter but no one opens it. She tries to open it. The person sits on a chair watching her attempts. The person comes towards her and sprays something on her face. She falls unconscious.

In Samika’s home, everyone is worried as she haven’t returned home even after her usually returning time. Mr.Kashyap and Samrat goes to police station to complaint her missing case after contacting her friends. Dev comes there too. Inspector tries to locate her by tracing phone location but they get it from her way back road to home. Riya came home early that day and even she doesn’t know anything. It’s night , Mr.Kashyap and Samrat goes to search her . Even Dev goes for the same but in opposite direction. Police also tries their best to find her.

In godown.

Samika wakes up. Samika see the masked person. The person tries to suffocate her by dipping her head into a big tumbler filled with water. She gets suffocated. She getting scared. That person tries every possible way to make her afraid like setting fire around her , throwing knife near to her while she is tied up . She gets scared too.

( * Violence against women is a punishable offense)

The whole night everyone search for her. But none of them found her. Everyone is worried for her. Her mother is crying and Menaka Raichand consoles her. Chotu falls asleep crying. Menaka Raichand stay back in Samika’s house.

Next morning, On hearing calling bell Menaka Raichand opens the door. She finds Samika unconsciously lying infront of the house. She calls out Samika’s mother. They checks her pulse. They take Samika inside. Mr.Kashyap, Samrat and Dev reaches there. Doctor comes to check .  She gives her an injection. Samika wakes up but she started to shout in fear. She gets panic attacks. Everyone becomes afraid. Doctor gives her an injection to make her sleep. Doctor – “ Maybe someone tried to make her scared. She is in shock. She need rest”. Everyone is worried. )

Back to present.

Dev – “ Sameeksha wasn’t scared like Samika. She was totally confused about the whole thing as if she experienced it for first time “. If she is Samika she would have understood this and she would have tried to escape from the situation “. Trisha- “ Dev . Can I ask you something? “ Dev- “ Yeah ! “ Trisha- “ What if she is not Samika? What if she was trying to fool you by dropping some hints by behaving like Samika? Just think, she did such things before signing the deal”. Dev thinks and remembers those incidents.  Dev- “You are  trying to say that she was trapping me instead by giving an impression of Samika so that I will be busy finding out her identity?” Trisha- “ Exactly. That can be also a possibility “. Dev – “ Yes! But I am not doubting her because of her activities, it’s my intuition that she is Samika , atleast she is related to her for sure”.

Just then he gets a call from Sameeksha . She invites him for the dinner .

Dev – “ She invited me for dinner “. Trisha- “ What ? When ?” Dev – “ Tonight “.

Night, Sameeksha’s House.

Dev reach there and she takes him to terrace area . She arranged a set up for having dinner. Her house help serves them food and leaves. Dev –  “ What was the need of this ?” Sameeksha – “ You are saving my life for second time , so I thought must thank you well”. Dev smiles. Sameeksha – “ Please , have it”. Dev – “ Your parents?” Sameeksha – “ They won’t come here, afterall it’s between you and me”. Dev looks at her being confused. Sameeksha – “ I told them that I need to personally thank you”. Dev – “ Oho”. Sameeksha – “ Start with the juice”. Dev takes it and have a sip. Dev drinks the juice and he looks over the glass. Dev – “ This juice taste different”. Sameeksha gives him a stern look and says – “ I have added some poison in it ”. Dev gets shocked. Sameeksha smiles. Dev looks the glass again. Sameeksha – “ I was just kidding , it’s just a mixed fruit juice . Orange was little bitter and that’s reason why it tastes little bitter. But good for health”. Dev – “ I know even if you want to kill me you won’t do it here”. Sameeksha takes the knife and leans towards Dev . She keeps it at his neck .Dev gets shocked. Sameeksha – “ Wrong judgement. If I wish to do anything , place and time isn’t a matter. Everything is the play of the brain”. Dev looks her. She takes the knife and sits back to her chair. They start having food. Dev smiles and say – “ This your style of thanking by giving shocks in every second”.  Sameeksha (smiles) – “ No , but don’t want anyone to misunderstand me . Clarity is important. I decide my limits “. Dev – “ Same here, I decide my limit too. We have something in common”. Sameeksha – “ That doesn’t mean we are alike “. Dev – “ I never said so, we are not alike . I do agree”. Sameeksha – “ Whenever attacks took place you were present there, I think Iam not wrong if I suspect you for the happenings “. Dev – “ So you suspect me . Yes I hired them to harm you and became hero infront of you. Is that ok for you?” Sameeksha – “ Are you mocking me ?” Dev –  “ You are mocking my goodness. Tell me, What will I gain by doing so ? For your kind information, Iam not mad to get beaten up by someone to impress you”. Sameeksha ( in mind) – “ I know everything what you did with Samika and her family . Your tricks are unknown to me“. Dev (in mind )- “ You won’t get anything which you can relate to me with that goons “. Sameeksha – “ Don’t mind , Iam straight forward and I like to clear out things as soon as possible. I don’t want to make false assumptions”. Dev – “ I like it. You had doubt and you asked me directly. That’s really nice “. Sameeksha – “ Please don’t take me wrong. I just want to make it sure that you are not involved in it “. Dev smiles. They continues with dinner.

After dinner, they comes down. Sameeksha goes along with Dev to see off him. Dev leaves. Sameeksha (in mind)- “ Hope you understood what I mean”.

Dev in car. Dev – “ The real motive behind inviting me for dinner wasn’t for clearing doubt but to give me sign how dangerous she can be. But sad part is that Iam old and best player of this game & I won’t let you win .

Precap :- Holi celebration at Raichand Mansion. Sameeksha and her family is also invited. Dev and Trisha plan to make her drink the Bhang to get her truth out.

Sameeksha drinks it .

Sameeksha and Dev standing together. Sameeksha – “ You know you are really bad . I don’t like but …”  Dev – “But ?”

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