Sunday 10 May 2020

Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 34 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq

Hello My Dear Readers,

Thanks alot for reading

I am glad that u are finding the episodes interesting and cute

Thank you so much

As Today is mother’s day

Wishing all my readers who are mothers or their mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day.☺☺☺

It is night time Twinkle is watching tv
Kunj comes there
Kunj-So what will u eat for dinner?
Twinkle-Hmmm u say i will make
Kunj laughs -I know u donot know to cook
No problem I need edible stuff to eat so i will cook

Twinkle makes faces
Kunj-Achaa sorry but

Twinkle-I will join u as assistant.Teach me to cook

Kunj once again laughing-Twinkle that is impossible

Twinkle in rage with wide eyes goes near him-Teach me chup chaap otherwise i will call bebe

Kunj pretending to be scared -ohhh no no pls twinkle ji twinkle jii no i get very scared of bebe

Both laugh at their own silly talks

Kunj-Come along .lets make some sandwhiches

Twinkle-yup chalo

Twinj start working in kitchen

Kunj-assistant help me chop these vegetables
Chop it as fine as possible

Twinkle nods

Kunj goes to living area to fetch bread from box

Mean-while twinkle takes a big knife
Very sharp one n starts chopping by keeping on dicing board
She is not familiar with it
It slides away
N oopppppppsss she cuts her finger badly


Kunj comes running

Kunj-Are u crazy what have u done Ohhh my god it is bleeding so much

He quickly makes her wash her finger under running water

There is pain is his eyes

Kunj-How can u be so careless Who uses such a sharp knife to chop soft vegetables
Silly me I should have not allowed u in kitchen

Twinkle(making faces)-Stop scolding me,It is just a minor cut

Kunj(angry)-Shut up It is bleeding so badly juat keep quiet now

He makes her sit on sofa

He rushes to get first aid kit

He starts dressing it

As twinkle feels pain kunj too can feel

Dressing is done

Kunj-Silly u

Twinkle-What silly Who keeps such sharp knife in kitchen As if u want to do murder

Kunj-That is kept to cut hard stuff like coconut or maybe raw meat raw banana etc

Twinkle makes faces

Kunj-chup chaap watch tv
I will make dinner n come

He leaves

Twinkle keeps looking at kunj who is busy making sandwhiches

Twinkle turns pink.

She smiles

Kunj brings sandwhiches

He sees twinkle struggle to eat
As her hand is paining
He gestures her to stop
He makes her eat with his own hands
Twinkle keeps looking at him lovingly
She seems to be getting attracted to him.

Scene shifts

It is morning time

Twinj are ready to go to work

Twinkle opens the door

A puppy comes in suddenly barking

Twinkle panics

She rushes to kunj

She grabs him tightly

She starts yelling

She actually is climbing on kunj

Kunj cannot control his laughter

Some kids come in and laugh loudly

They have a remote in hand

Kunj-Twinkle It is a toy puppy relax

Twinkle feels embarrassed

She scolds the kids-I would have got a heart attack today
Because of u all
Do u make somebody so scared
I should actually complaint ur parents

Kids go away laughing

Kunj-Relax Twinkle They are Kids They keep doing masti

Twinkle-If our kids will do like this i will slap them directly

Kunj-Dare u twinkle I will runaway with them
U keep chasing us

Kunj realizes what he just said

He feels awkward n leaves

Twinkle follows him

Kids are still laughing

Ram comes there He gives kids chocolates and tells them they did good job.

Twinkle sits to type in office
Only to realize she cannot because of her finger
Rishi comes there
Kunj helps twinkle to type
Rishi(mischievously)-ohh my god kunj u actually ate away bhabhi’s finger.Kunj yaar u should be careful na while……
Kunj-What crap u speak.have some sense she is ur bhabhi
Rishi apologises and is  about to leave
Twinkle-Rishi ,u know what kunj keeps sword instead of knife in his kitchen

Kunj shows twinkle eye

They cutely argue

Rishi enjoys their banter

Precap-Twinj enter a party together
Rishi,Ram others cheer them to dance together and participate in couple dance competition
Kunj holds twinkle n they dance
Kunj is trying to keep safe distance but twinkle herself
Comes closer
She indicates kunj to lift her in his arms.

Thanks for reading

Take care

Stay safe.💐💐💐💐💐

The post Ishq-E-Kismat Episode 34 – A New FF Tashan-e-Ishq appeared first on Telly Updates.

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