Saturday, 16 May 2020



Episode 11

Kunj was all smiles hearing about this lady who was sitting in front of him , HIS TWINKLE , who now just don’t only have his heart but she took away his soul also !!!

He was so happy knowing about her kind deeds not only her’s but yuvi’s too !!
He never met such people ever in his life , now he was more eager to make her his !!!

As now he was head over heels in love with her , he always thought there was something in her that attracted him , that connected him with her but didn’t knew what it was but today after knowing all this he knew what it was , it was her pure heart , her simplicity and that gentleness !!!!

That had there dinner talking about all other things , laughing , cracking jokes , bebe pulling yuvi’s ears on his PJ’s ,, but our Kunj was lost admiring his lady , the love of his life or HIS LIFE ( did I really say his life , yeah !!😂) !!!

After sometime when the kids were finally tired playing around , they left for there respective place greeting bebe and kunj !!!!

After they left Kunj was just talking about twinkle all the while with so much of love , respect for her with bebe and it didn’t took time for bebe to click that her son was in LOVE !!!!!

Kunj was blabbering this and that about twinkle and her acts when bebe suddenly spoke –

“” You LOVE her , right ??””

Kunj was dumbstruck for a moment , he was shocked he realised what bebe just asked him , he was now silent , not knowing what to answer !!

He just bowed his head down not maintaining eye contact with bebe and with a lot of difficulty he spoke –

“” Umm bebe , ac.tually , actually it is not like that, I don’t know what you are asking !!

Bebe smiled looking at him and said –

“” Don’t lie puttar , it can be seen in your eyes , the love , the respect you have for her , I can see a spark in your eyes when you speak about her , and don’t worry it’s nothing wrong !!!

He looked at bebe and spoke –

“” I know bebe it’s not wrong and yes I love her , not from now but the moment I saw her something just clicked in me and I fell in love with her crazily , madly , deeply and what not !!!

Bebe smiled looking at her Kunj he had a different vibe in him , he was so happy , a happiness which he got after years , the smile that reached his eyes !!!

He continued sharing his feeling with bebe for twinkle with a contended smile and bebe was so happy as she too wished the same , she too wanted to bring Twinkle in her kunj’s life as she doing her , his perfect MATCH , a match made in HEAVEN !!!

Here he was feeling so much about her on the other side Twinkle who was unaware about his feeling was restless , she was tossing and turning on her bed not knowing what it was that was bothering her so much , since the time she had returned from bebe’s place !!!

It was not like she was afraid of something as she was familiar with bebe and she was her family but the thing that was bothering her was KUNJ’S judgement about her , she herself don’t know why she was having such thoughts as she was never a girl who was worried about people judging her but something about him or his reaction to her life story was making her nervous !!!

After battling a lot with her thoughts she fell asleep , little did she new a new , fresh morning was awaiting for her which would be a starting of a new JOURNEY OF HER LIFE !!!!





The post DREAMY LOVE ~ A TWINJ FF EPI 11 appeared first on Telly Updates.

5/16/2020 12:20:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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