All the students start hooting with laughter while Sameer, Munna, and Pandit are shocked. “WHO DID THIS???” the teacher shouts out loud and students from other classes rush inside to see the teacher completely covered with the pungent mixture and everybody moves away from him due to the foul smell of rotten eggs. “WHO DID THIS? TELL ME QUICK. OTHERWISE I WILL CALL THE PRINCIPAL.” the teacher shouts again in embarrassment. “ACTUALLY, WE DID THIS!!!” speak two voices. Naina, Preeti, and Swati turn back in shock to see two boys who were sitting behind them confess. “No, sir. It’s me and Preeti who did all this. You could ask Chacha Ji, I mean the trustee, Mr.Anand. We bought all this in front of him in the morning.” informs Naina keeping in mind that she does not have to take Swati’s name along. “Yes sir, I saw Naina and Preeti hanging up the bucket.” says Swati supporting Naina and Preeti with their plan. “Sir, we are the ones who ordered them both to bring all the material and hang the bucket up. They bought the material because we told them to do so otherwise we would spread false news about them in the whole school. But now we have understood that we did wrong with these girls. We are very sorry.” the two boys explain. “Why are you both lying? Sir, we did this to get out of this school. Please believe us.” Preeti screams. The boys speak up, “You don’t have to act anymore, Naina and Preeti. We are sorry to trouble you.”
The teacher says, “Enough!! You both boys are coming with me to the Principal’s office right now. Naina and Preeti, I know you both cannot do anything idiotic like this. Moreover, you both are so innocent and good.” “Exactly, you both are so responsible and kind.” say Munna and Pandit. Sameer agrees saying, “In fact, you helped me a lot in that seniors’ incident. We respect you.” “But sir, you said that if we confess, you will not tell the Principal about it.” tell the two boys. “Just shut your mouths and come with me.” shouts the teacher. Naina and Preeti confess repeatedly but in vain. Swati finds a note on the two boys’ desk and hands it to Naina.
The note says:
We both know that you girls did all this. We saw you hanging the bucket up. But we don’t want you to be punished. We really like you both, Naina and Preeti. We couldn’t keep our eyes away from you since the day you have come. Please accept us and in return, we both will admit that it was all our plan so that you both are not punished. But please save us from being expelled.
“What the hell!!” whisper the girls as they read the note. “Save you from being expelled? My foot. These boys ruined everything. This school is full of idiots.” exclaims Naina and as Swati gives her a look, Naina says, “Except you.” “On top of that, Pandit, Sameer, and Munna also spoke good about us. We shouldn’t have helped that stupid Sameer.” says an irritated Preeti. “Were you sleeping when I was about to refuse to help him? No, actually weren’t you the one who confirmed that Naina will definitely help Sameer?” speaks Naina biting her teeth. “Stop taunting me.” replies Preeti. “Speak of the devils, and here they are.” says Swati as Sameer, Munna, and Pandit walk towards them. “What do you need now? Aren’t you happy after spoiling everything?” says Naina with a frustrated look. “But…”says Sameer while Naina interrupts, “You know what, we are not interested in talking to you idiots. Leave, please.” On hearing that, Sameer is HEARTBROKEN and he quietly leaves followed by Munna and Pandit.
“Usually, I am the one who asks you to speak to him, but from now on, I totally support you. We need to stay far away from such annoying people.” says Preeti. “Let us go outside for some time. Anyways, the teacher is not here. We can relax for a while and maybe plan something else.” tells Swati. Naina and Preeti nod.
“They are going somewhere. Should we go behind them?” whispers Pandit in Munna’s ears who replies, “I think it is better if we sit here with Sameer and console him.” Pandit nods with a yes. Sameer doesn’t speak a word and just sits with his head down. “Hey, it’s ok. Maybe she was stressed due to those boys. It is just human nature. Fine, just answer my question. Has she ever been rude to you before?” asks Pandit. Sameer moves his head right and left signing a no. Pandit replies, “Exactly. She has been so nice. Try to understand. She is frustrated with those boys and as soon as they get out of this school, she will be fine. And if she is not, you can help her out. Till then, give her a little space.” Munna smiles seeing Pandit explain so well and Sameer turns his head up with a smile thanking Pandit.
The girls discuss how their plan failed in front of their eyes and they couldn’t do anything. “In a way, it is good because those boys will be out of the school and then we can execute a better plan to get you two out as well. At least, there will be no one to spoil it then.” says Swati. “That’s a good way to console us.” smiles Naina. “I think we have to get rid of this ‘GOOD GIRLS IMAGE’ first. We need to bad in front of everyone’s eyes so that when we play a prank, at least they believe us.” tells Preeti. “Correct. We also need to STOP HELPING PEOPLE, ok Preeti?” taunts Naina. “Will you stop that now? I am sorry for that.” replies Preeti making an innocent face. “Aww. Ok, I forgive you.” smiles Naina and the three hug each other.
Anand comes in and asks what had happened. The principal narrates the incident and then says, “I think we should expel them. This kind of nonsense is not allowed in the school.”
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