Monday, 27 April 2020

Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 10

Greetings all you lovely people!! Thank you very much for all the love!! Here’s sending your way more love, especially to all the silent readers who suddenly pop up with overwhelming comments, and the consistent readers who are always there for me. You guys are the sweetest!! Happy reading!

Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2: Episode 10

A quick recap: Simmi adapting to the lessons her parents give her, Amaya’s baby shower, Twinj reliving their own precious memories.

Twinkle had taken a day off to care for Amaya, who had just completed eight months of her pregnancy, since Usha had gone to a relative’s place. Kunj and Yuvi were at work and the kids had gone to school, leaving the house pretty empty. Twinkle absolutely loved spending time with Amaya, gossiping and giggling like they had done over the years as younger girls. They were engaged in a similar conversation, with Twinkle bringing cut up fruits and other food that Usha had prepared for Amaya and strictly instructed Twinkle to make sure she ate them. When Twinkle entered the room after attending the call, she saw Amaya writhing in pain, and rushed to her side. She knew it was an emergency and she had to get Amaya to the hospital immediately. Right when she was thinking how she would manage it by herself, Twinkle saw Rahul come in. He carried Amaya down, and drove them to the hospital, with Twinkle comforting Amaya as much as she could.

The doctors took Amaya into the Operation Theatre as soon as she was brought in. Twinkle had called up the family while Rahul got the formalities done. “Premature labour” The doctor had informed them, along with a slight hint that things would be getting risky. Twinkle was walking up and down the corridor worriedly for some time, when Rahul pulled her and got her to sit on the chair beside him. He assured her that he understood, but also made her understand that her freaking out like that wouldn’t be helping in any way at all. She leaned her head on the wall behind, as a fresh stream of tears gushed down her face. The helplessness made her feel frustrated, she could no longer wait patiently out there like that, knowing that Amaya and her baby’s health was at risk. She was about to stand up again when Rahul pulled her back. He glared at her, worried that she would harm herself in her tension. She gave in finally and rested her head on his shoulder, and he held her to make sure she was alright. He knew she always made herself miserable in situations where her dear ones were in trouble, but right then she had to stay strong, he couldn’t let her crumble.

Twinkle and Rahul stood up when they saw the family arrive. They told the others all that the doctors had said so far, and made way for the elders to sit down. Twinkle rushed into Kunj’s arms and sobbed quietly, while Kunj had a hard time fighting his own tears. Yuvi just stood in a corner, staring into the oblivion, and no amount of efforts by anyone could console him. He and Amaya had known that there could be complications, but had decided that they would take utmost care and ensure nothing went wrong. He felt burdened by that decision since no one else was aware of it. He could only wonder if he should have thought otherwise and decided against it. Twinkle went over to her Bhaiyu, just standing by him with her hand holding his tight, like she always did when either of them were tensed.

A nurse walked out right then and asked them to arrange for blood for Amaya, since she might need it in case the situation worsened. Rahul accompanied Yuvi to the blood bank in the hospital, where fortunately, they did find a match. When they got back, Yuvi went ahead to inform the nurse, while Rahul made signs at Twinkle asking her to come over to him. “What?” Twinkle whispered when she was close enough for only him hear. Rahul looked behind her to make sure nobody else was paying attention to them. He handed her an envelope and whispered, “Congratulations!” She quickly opened it to find her pregnancy test reports that read POSITIVE. She looked up at Rahul, who immediately explained, “If this had landed in someone else’s hands, it would become really awkward given the current circumstances, that’s why I sneaked it out of the lab when Yuvi Bhai was speaking to the staff.” Twinkle smiled at him gratefully, knowing he was right. It was not the time to celebrate for sure. She was overwhelmed though, and placed a hand over her tummy as though telling the little one in there something. She turned and looked at the family, waiting desperately, and prayed for the umpteenth time for everything to get better soon.

After an exhausting wait of what seemed like an eternity, a doctor came out holding a teeny tiny little baby in her arms. “It’s a girl!” She announced, and all of them excitedly huddled around to look at the angelic soul. Yuvi’s happiness knew no bounds. He was about to touch the baby’s little cheek when the doctor told them that the baby would have to be placed in an incubator for a day to make sure she was doing alright, and they would be allowed to carry her in their arms only post that. Watching everyone’s changing expressions, the doctor assured them that there was absolutely nothing to worry about now. “And Amaya?” Yuvi asked, his state almost delirious at the idea that he wasn’t allowed to even touch his little princess. The doctor told them that she was currently unconscious, but permitted them to meet her after she was shifted to a ward a few hours later. She took the baby along with her, Yuvi’s eyes never leaving the baby’s, that still had a hard time getting used to the light out there. Yuvi turned to face the family, his eyes teary, and there was a brief moment of silence before they all began congratulating him and each other, making so much noise that the staff asked only two people to stay and the rest had to go home. Although Twinkle really wanted to stay, it was decided that Usha and Yuvi would stay back, since Twinkle needed to be home when the kids returned.

Pari and Simmi had already got home and changed their clothes by the time Twinkle got there. Kunj had gone back to work, since he would have more work to deal with owing to Yuvi’s absence. The girls came running into Twinkle’s arms when they saw her come in. “Where is everyone?” They asked in unison, and Twinkle told them that Amaya had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. “Really?” Pari asked, feeling excited at the thought of having her own baby sister. Twinkle smiled at her, when Simmi pulled Twinkle, asking to be taken to the hospital to see the baby. Twinkle got both of them seated on either side of her on the sofa and got them to eat their snacks first. “Now can we go see the baby?” Simmi asked, stuffing the last bit into her mouth. “I’ll be taking you there tomorrow” Twinkle said, making them both frown. Twinkle saw Simmi’s face brighten suddenly and realised she had come up with a new idea. “But Pari Di needs to see her Mumma, no?” Simmi asked innocently, looking over at Pari, hoping she would act along. “Yes Bua!” Pari replied immediately. “The doctors won’t let you! The new born baby and her Mumma need to be kept away from the dirty germs that you kids could be carrying, else they’ll fall sick” Twinkle explained, not wanting to scare them with the idea of an ICU or an incubator. “Be good girls today and I’ll take you there tomorrow” Twinkle announced before getting up to go to the kitchen.

“Bua? Didn’t Mumma say the baby will be born after some more days?” Pari asked anxiously, unable to figure out what was happening. Twinkle turned and smiled at her. She sat on her knees so she would be at Pari’s height. “She did, but your baby sister wanted to meet you sooner. That’s why she’s come earlier!” She told her, making both Pari and Simmi happy.

That’s it for now, guys. For the first time in this season there was something so serious happening. Tell me what you thought about it. Until next time,

Lots of Love!

The post Twinj: When I Fell For You: Season 2 Episode 10 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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