Kunj and yuvi sitting with bebe on sofa.
Usha : breakfast ready.
Uv : yeah let’s go.
All sit for breakfast.
Uv : after so many days we are having with bebe.
Manohar : when bebe is back. Our peaceful days are back.
Ku : true.
Twinkle entered taneja house but didn’t find soyansh there. Which was quite unexpected. She went in her room and changed her uniform. After freshen up twinkle went in kitchen and made lunch and breakfast for soyansh and herself. She went in soyansh room but didn’t find him there. Twinkle again went down to see whether he’s there or not but didn’t find him in lawn also. Confused twinkle again went near dinning area. Just then soyansh came there.
Soyansh : when you came home.
Tw : sometime before only.
Soyansh : great…
Tw : sit… I’ll serve.
Soyansh : hmm… Oman called me for this alliance.
Twinkle stopped and looked at him.
Soyansh : you are leaving this airhostess job of yours. Today Oman is coming with his son for engagement and I’m doing your wedding tomorrow itself.
Twinkle got shocked. She suppressed her tears and sobs.
Tw : bb… but what’s so hurry.
Soyansh : what do you mean what’s so hurry. Do you expect me to do your wedding in a grand way. Or full of joy and happiness.
Twinkle looked down her tears fall on her palms which was on her lap.
Soyansh : so now when your wedding is fixed then finally you sign these papers… passing her a file.
Twinkle looked at file then him. Twinkle clenched her jaws and looked at him with red eyes.
Soyansh eating his breakfast… looked at twinkle.
Soyansh : what…don’t show your these eyes…. angrily.
You very well know why I wanted you to marry as soon as possible. So just simply sign… pointing towards file.
Tw : and a hundreds time I told you I would choose to die instead of sign on these papers….. tears rolling down from her eyes.
Soyansh angrily stood up from chair and banged his hands on table and leaned in. His face is near twinkle.
Soyansh : then what you want twinkle that I’ll burn this house in front of your eyes. That I would destroy your parents embark. And you very well know I can do it.
Tw : no you can’t do it. Because I know if you’ll destroy this house you will have no place to live.
Soyansh got angry and in rage he slapped Twinkle so hard that she fell on ground from her place. Blood oozing from corner of her lips and his fingers imprinted on her cheeks. Twinkle sobbing badly. And wincing in pain.
Soyansh : don’t you dare to even speak to me in this tone got it…
Saying this soyansh stormed out of there…
Twinkle slowly got up and wiped her tears but it didn’t it take name to stop she went in her room and fell on bed with thud.
Tw : maa papa…. aahha…
What would I do babaji… where Will I go. When would I see happiness and peace in my life.
Sarna Mansion.
Ku : papa I’m thinking let’s go our farm house.
Uv : great I was also thinking same since bebe went to her village we didn’t even visit there.
Kunj looked at yuvi rolling his eyes.
Bebe : really but what about your office work.
Ku : my bebe we can take our leave for life time for you.
UV : and by the way no work is more important than you bebe.
Bebe : aww see usha manohar my gabroos…. pulling their cheeks… how much they love me.
Usha : hehe yes bebe more than me and manohar.
Bebe : why not after all they are my Apple of my eyes.
Kunj and yuvi cuddles bebe.
Manohar : okay so done we are leaving for farm house. But what I’m thinking first let’s go to goa for meeting with clients then from there only we will go to farm house what say.
Uv : idea isn’t bad papa.
Ku : yes papa you are right. There will be so much fun… smirk within his heart.
All looked at kunj…
Manohar glared him.
Manohar : it would be better for you kunj if you could control your over fun in goa… glaring him.
Ku : papa.
Bebe : what papa… You leave him if I saw you with any girl no one will be….
Uv : bebe our Kunj is grown-up now. He wouldn’t do anything like that. Right kunj.
Kunj looked at yuvi gritted his teeths at him…
Ku : yeah.
Usha : bebe I’ll do your packings.
Usha and bebe went from there.
Uv : kunj I rechecked mehra’s report and also done my sign you also just recheck it.
Ku : if you have rechecked it then approve it why you want me to recheck it…. coldly.
Manohar looked at kunj.
Uv : okay if you say so.
Kunj turned and left from there. Uv also went in his room. Today no one went to office for bebe.
Kunj opened his cupboard angrily and about to take syringe but manohar entered in room. Kunj closed his cupboard.
Manohar stood there blankly looking at him.
Ku : what happened papa why are you looking at me like this.
Manohar : do you think what would you do in your ahead life kunj.
Ku : me… just chilling out papa.
Manohar : you are taking your life so lightly.
Ku : what light life. Do any one know how much work you make me do in office uff… busy me… shaking his head.
Manohar : God knows what would I do with you.
Ku : just love me more n more…. kissed his cheeks.
Manohar : kunj now stop your immaturity. And for that I think i should find some one for you.
Ku : papa please…. rolled his eyes
Manohar : one day will come when you will realise that you need some one in your life.
Ku : that day will never come papa. And by the way daily I see new beautiful faces but didn’t found your type of girl which you want for me…. winked.
Manohar folded his on his chest.
Manohar : my son listen one thing very carefully if any girl slap you then understand she is from a well mannered family.
Ku : hehe papa lame joke every girl die to have a look of me. Which girl will ignore this handsome and dashing boy.
Manohar : she will come across you soon son… she wouldn’t be like any of your girls… Mark my words.
Saying this manohar left from there…
Ku : what happened to papa so suddenly strange…. shrugged.
Back to taneja house…
Tw : this all written in my fate… sigh heavily…. I have to go again in evening. But before I should buy some groceries…
Twinkle went in washroom and changed into blue floral print skirt down till knee and white top with blue silk scarf around her neck. She looked herself in mirror and saw her right cheek red and swollen imprints of fingers on it. Corner of her lips had slight bruise…. Twinkle take deep breathe and tied her hairs in loose bun and secure her hairs with Chinese hair stick. She didn’t apply any make up because she love to be simple.
Other side…
Sarna mansion…
Uv was talking on phone… after having some conversation he cut the call.
Uv : oh God I have to go office now.
After buying some groceries. Twinkle thought to sit on near by park for some time. Twinkle sat on bench and admire small children who were playing. After some time twinkle got up and left from there.
Yuvi was driving his car suddenly his car stopped near park.
Uv : now what problem have this car damn it.
Yuvi get down the car and saw the tyre got punctured.
Yuvi : oh God why this tyre have to puncture now…
Yuvi called manohar and asked him to send a driver. Yuvi was talking on phone with manohar telling him the address. He didn’t noticed pylons behind his leg he was fully engrossed in phone. Behind him there was a big deep dig in side written on a board… under construction area. Yuvi took his one step backwards his leg slipped the pylon fell in dig with yuvi about to fall in dig but someone held his hand in mean time.
Screen freezes……
Hiii every one….
How are you all….
Hope you all like today’s chapter…
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