The episode starts with kunj going to gurudwara and prayed then got up and helped in langar and sees a lady sitting their palming her face ..He kept on looking at her …He went and sat beside her …
How much you are going to cry kunj murmured while she looked at him..
Kunj tum ..She murmured ..
Haan mein twinkle kunj replied ..Going into flashback of 2 days back when he came and met bebe …
Kunj was going back dejectedly after knowing that twinkle wasn’t here as well when something caught his mind ..
Bebe never let him go so easily but today she did why ??? Kunj murmured he went back inside and sees bebe who was standing caressing twinkles back ..He got happy seeing her but then left respecting her decision …
For 2 gaye he observed twinkle who used to stay lost in her thoughts he kept a eye on her finally today he decided to confront her ..
Tum yaha what are you doing here ??? Twinkle asked him with tears in her eyes while kunj was going to wipe it but twinkle back off before it ..
Dare you show your fake concern again twinkle gritted her teeth at him ..
Twinkle listen to me once don’t I deserve a chance to explain myself ??? Kunj asked ..
Nahi you don’t I already ended all the rights you had on me ..And why are you here ??? May be something is still left but I am not letting you trap me again never ever kunj sarna you also damaged me enough twinkle said slowly …
Twinkle yaar kunj was at Loss of words ..
I don’t care if you are here or not as you are nothing to me now and be clear in your mind that I am not going to listen any of your sugary excuses again and don’t try to reach me …Twinkle clearly told him while kunj knew he deserves it .
What about the love then ??? You love me I love you ??? Kunj replied ..
Hah like seriously kunj you doesn’t have a little bit of shame left in you …You are saying you love me ??? Again fooling me haan …
I became fool once but I’ll not again I know you and your concerns were just to avenge them twinkle replied ..
Ok you think I don’t love you but you love me right ??? Kunj said …
Yes I love you but ….I’ll never trust you back not in this life at least twinkle replied sharply …
Be careful with your words mrs sarna as I am going to pacify you and take you back with me kunj too added with tashan ..
In your dreams twinkle replied ..
Yes even if this is a dream I’ll make sure I fulfill it kunj replied ..
Nothing can happen of you ..You are again taking me as a challenge why ? Because I failed your plan of divorcing me first and divorced you first ?? Twinkle asked…
You are getting me wrong but it’s not your mistake I know you don’t want me to explain it’s okay but yes I love you and I’ll win your trust again in this birth only mrs sarna … kunj added ..
I am No MORE MRS SARNA I have divorced you if you are at short term memory loss twinkle replied with tashan ..
Yeah you are right biwi but it’s just you signed not me so still you are my legally wedded wife kunj replied cooly ..
Now what you want from me kunj do you want to take my life haan you aren’t satisfied still twinkle asked him…
Yes I want something from you and that is your APOLOGY I don’t want to take your life but MY LIFE which is MY WIFE “TWINKLE KUNJ SARNA” then I can assure you I’ll be SATISFIED with my life kunj said ..
Live your dreams I had no interest in talking to you twinkle said and left from their while kunj was going behind her when he sees bebe …
Bebe why didn’t you told me that twinkle was with you ..You know how much scared I was kunj said when bebe slapped him HARD while the people saw it and started gossiping but kunj and bebe paid least attention kunj knew he deserves every bit of it …
You are asking me this kunj haan what bad she had done to you that you treated her like that ??? You asked me to get her married to you I thought your and her loneliness in life with be complete with your union but kunj you shattered my proud I was so proud of you that you are my usha’s son and you will not do anything but kunj you played with a girl why haan??? I always told twinkle that you are perfect for her and was so much happy but you destroyed everything you broke my baby’s heart I am regretting getting her married to you ..Jaisi bhi thi wo khushi thi apni life me apne kaam mein but you entered like a Storm in her life and hurted her deeply ..She lost her smile she lost her heart she thought if she comes back to me then I’ll be hurt that’s why she didn’t came to happy home directly instead she was living at her friend place ..Trying to find a distraction to find a job which keeps her away from you ..It’s good that I spotted her in gurudwara and asked her about it then so she didn’t told me anything bebe said and went into flashback ….
Twinkle after confronting kunj for his plan went from his home she already booked her flight for amritsar but was too scared of bebe reaction …Unknown toh her ..Her best friend chinki was in same flight …
Twinkleeee tu she said excitedly ..
Hey twinkle replies lost ..
What happen chinki asked her ..Her best friend was never like this before ..Twinkle tried to hide it but the end she end up blurting out ..While chinki felt bad ..She was the same friend to whom twinkle was sending her designs ..
I don’t know what to do where to go bebe will get ill again yar chinki twinkle said crying ..
No worries you come to my house stay their then whenever you feel like going back to happy home then go chinki suggested after lot of insisting both went to chinki house ..
It was 2-3 days twinkle was staying their she decided to go back and tell bebe everything slowly slowly ..She went to gurudwara at evening very well knowing that bebe will not visit this time but to her dismay bebe visited their ..She saw twinkle who was praying and got happy
Soon twinkle got up from her place and bebe called her out ..
Twinkle she said while twinkle was shocked ..
Tu yaha and you didnt me bebe asked ..
Haan bebe I came sometime back I was going to come home twinkle lied to her ..
Bebe took her to happy home while twinkle didn’t told her anything a week passed she stayed normally in front of bebe who keeps on asking about why kunj didn’t came with her why she is alone n all …
Twinkle you are not telling me anything better I call kunj and ask him bebe said taking her phone when twinkle snatched it ..
No you aren’t going to call him twinkle added ..
Kyu ? Bebe asked while twinkle closed her eyes …
I left him bebe twinkle said making her shocked ..
What are you saying ?? Bebe asked…
I’ll tell you everything in detail but promise me you aren’t going to take stress twinkle said while she promised and twinkle told her everything ..
So yes bebe he didn’t loved me he wanted me just to take revenge from armaan jiju and shanaya di ..While bebe was shocked knowing that her kunj did this ..She decided to support twinkle seeing her broken as she felt responsible for getting her married to kunj ..
Flashback ends …
Kunj was sad knowing it and was cursing himself alottt ..
I am sorry bebe kunj said folding his hands ..
Keep it with you kunj bebe said and left too leaving kunj cry on his fate for hurting his loved ones ..
Bebe and twinkle reached back home while bebe sees twinkle ..
Are you fine ??? Bebe asked ..
Yeah what will happen to me I don’t care if he is here or not twinkle replied…
Good what are you doing ?? Bebe asked..
You remember a week back I applied for interior designer post in that real estate company ..They considered me for that place …Twinkle said ..
But twinkle take rest for sometime what’s the hurry to work bebe replied ..
I want to do this bebe let me be busy twinkle said ..
But kunj I think he loves you beta that’s why he came back I sense it from his eyes bebe replied…
He can very well fake anything bebe his eyes hold the real lies twinkle replied sternly ..
Yeah sorry twinkle I shouldn’t have talked about him bebe said ..
Nahi bebe I already told you don’t blame yourself for whatever happened with me it was my fate anyhow it would have happened ..Twinkle told her ..
Acha best of luck for your first day bebe added while hummed and left from their …
Babaji please give her happiness back I beg you bebe prayed with teard eyes ..
Soon twinkle took a cab and left for the new industry while she reached their she saw k.y internationals in her front her mind went down the memory lane of how she met kunj and how her life changed ..
Same place emotions changed twinkle murmured she went in another floor office (luthra estates) ..And went to receptionist ..
Twinkle here Mr karan luthra called me here twinkle told at the reception ..
Yah yah go straight and then first left receptionist showed her way to company owners cabin soon twinkle reached ..
May I come in ?? She asked ..
Yes a s*xy voice came while twinkle entered he turned around and saw twinkle ..
Come miss twinkle karan added ..
Thank you sir twinkle replied ..
Well I am happy that you are going to work here as I saw your designs and was very much impressed with it ..Even chinki recommended about you karan said ..Chinki and karan was friends from before …
Thank you sir for giving me this opportunity I’ll try my best twinkle added ..
Ohh come on twinkle call me karan as chinki says karan added ..
Ok karan twinkle replied ..
You know twinkle it’s my new start up so I want you all to work hard like me to make it successful karan told ..
Sure sir twinkle added and left ..
Soon she started working in the company her friend chinki too works here she was trying her best to make twinkle normal ..
A week passed by twinkle was working with full hard work in this week kunj didn’t disturbed her instead whenever she goes to work kunj used to visit bebe and tries to apologize but she was too adamant on not forgiving kunj ..
Bebe i am going twinkle added going for work while bebe bid her bye ..
Soon after sometime kunj visited too ..
Now how many days you are going to stay angry with me I am so sorry bebe he said holding his years she was seeing her little kunj …She gets teary eyes ..
Nahi kunj bebe said ..
Bebe please na I really love twinkle trust me bebe I realise what she means to me please don’t stay angry with me if you forgive me I’ll win the half battle kunj added ..
No I won’t forgive you bebe added while dejectedly kunj went back home and left for work ..
Haan yuvi have you done it ?? Ok I’ll attend the meeting kunj murmurmed ..Soon he reached his company and with his p.a went to luthra estates …
Twinkle chinki I hope you both are ready karan added ..
Yes karan it’s done chinki said ..
Yeah it’s good karan too said and they went to conference room soon kunj with his team too enter ..Twinkle was shocked on finding him their ..
I am happy to see you here mr sarna karan said ..
We are glad to invest in your company as well kunj replied in professional manner then his eyes went on twinkle both behaved professionally ..
Anyone else is coming ??? Karan asked kunj ..
Yes my friend and another investor as well kunj said soon a girl entered looking damn hot ..
Sorry I am late she added ..And hugged kunj ..
It’s okay surbhi kunj replied and sees twinkle from the corner of his eyes who was uncomfortable seeing them ..
He recalled bebe words of before when she told that twinkle is hell possessive of her things ..
Shall we start the meeting twinkle coughed ..
Yah yah sure kunj added smirking at her while she ignored his smirk the lights went dim ..They all started with the presentation while twinkle too showed her designs and the meeting goes on ..
Wow amazing miss twinkle your designs are fantastic kunj commented ..
Yeah miss twinkle is very talented karan too added while kunj felt jealous seeing him complementing twinkle ..
Yah so we decided to invest here we hope both the companies will have profits surbhi added while everyone agreed and signed the contract …
They started working together while twinkle was distracting herself from kunj thoughts and his presence as well and kunj was trying his best to ask twinkles forgiveness …
Can we have lunch together ?? Kunj asked twinkle who was working ..
How dare you enter in my cabin kunj sir twinkle asked angrily ..
Are I didn’t took permission to enter into your heart this is just a cabin then kunj winked at her ..
While karan surbhi chinki too came and saw them ..
Mr sarna you here ? Karan asked..
Yes I came to check work process I must say you have very hardworking employees ..Kunj added ..
Yes sir it’s our pleasure karan added ..
Don’t be formal karan you can call me kunj and others as well kunj said hinting twinkle …
Ok kunj karan added ..
I am thinking why not we have lunch together so that we get to know each other well kunj suggested ..
Kunj sir we are just working for 2 months I don’t think so we need to be that much free twinkle added ..
But miss twinkle you should know someone fully kunj added ..
Yah true that’s what I had mistaken twinkle replied ..While the others were hell confused ..
What’s going on ?? Surbhi asked ..
Nothing twinkle replied ..
Come kunj we will go surbhi added snaking her arm against kunj while kunj smiled ..
Ok then ..Kunj said ..
No we will come as well kunj karan said and Turned to twinkle ..
I know you want to complete it asap but now come with us for lunch he said while twinkle agreed to him making kunj jealous ..
As you say karan twinkle added ..Soon all the 5 went downstairs in cafeteria and ordered lunch twinj were sitting opposite and kunj was taking full advantage of it he was rubbing his foot on twinkles sensouly …While she was glaring at him angrily ..
I am done I am going twinkle added not being to take up anymore ..
But chinki said while she already left ..
Even I am done guys see ya soon kunj said and left behind her soon he entered into the lift …
Why are you behind me twinkle shouted ..
Why are you running away from me ? Kunj said in same twinkles tone…
The more you tries to run away the more I’ll stick to you twinkle kunj added pulling her closer by waist both looking in each other eyes directly ..
Trust me twinkle I am hell guilty and shamed for what I did but I love you yaar I realised it late but yes I love you ..Kunj said ..Twinkle pushed him aside…
I haven’t seen someone like you twinkle murmured they reached their floor and went from their ..And lift opened they behaved normally and went from their ..
Days passed everything was same their was no change while bebe started having soft corner back for kunj seeing his state as well she was sad seeing her both kids like this …
Random day :::
It was sunday and twinkle was at happy home their was a peaceful environment the kids were playing outside bebe was resting and twinkle was watching tv …She was going through channels when stopped at news channel ..
BREAKING NEWS : FIRE BROKE OUT AT ABC ROAD XYC COLONY HOUSE NO 07 the headlines was flashing twinkle was panicked seeing it …
No major damage to personnel but the fire brigade trying to calm the fire …
Bebeeeeee twinkle shouted realising it’s kunj house ..
Bebe who heard her scream came to see her ..What’s wrong ??? Bebe asked…
See this bebe twinkle replied ..While bebe got worried too ..
Kunjjj bebe said ..Let’s go their she added while both of them left twinkle was praying that nothing should happen to kunj same was with bebe ..Soon the reached and saw so much of security..
Mera kunj it’s his house bebe said ..
Nahi we can’t let you enter our investigation team is checking it they said …
Bebe mera kunj twinkle cried ..
Shhh twinkle nothing will happen to him ..Bebe said ..
While a car reached their and kunj came he was shocked as well seeing his house condition ..
Kunj bebe spotted him while twinkle looked at him she ran and hugged him tightly making kunj shocked ..
Twinkleeee he said wide eyed..
Tum theek ho na twinkle said breaking the hug seeing his face ..
Yeah I am fine why are you crying ?? Kunj asked when bebe too came and hugged him ..
Babaji ka lakh lakh shukar hai we were scared thinking you must be in bebe said ..
Nah I am fine shit I didn’t died I should have been in but I went for urgent meeting kunj said while bebe slapped him again ..
Kuch bhi bolta hai she added while kunj hugged her ..
I am fine bebe see me nothing happened aapka kunj itni jaldi nai janewala he calmed her down while the fire was calmed till then they stayed outside ..
Property had been damaged mr sarna the firecop spoke ..
Yah I can see thank you for reaching on time kunj added …While it was night bebe kunj and twinkle went in house to see it’s condition …
I can’t stay here now it needs proper renovation kunj murmured ..While bebe and twinkle too sees that..
Are you both are still here shall I drop you ?? Kunj asked …
Yeah bebe said …
But bebe we will go by cab twinkle added ..
Nahi puttar it will take time bebe added ending the conversation ..
The trio went while kunj sat on driver seat and bebe twinkle backside ..
So mam shall we go ?? Kunj asked…
Haan so do you think we wanna stay in your car whole night ? Twinkle asked him back ..
I am not your driver for god sake come and sit in front kunj added ..
I’ll not twinkle added ..
Then I am not dropping kunj replied ..
I’ll leave the car if you both continues your quarrel bebe said ..
Ok sorry bebe kunj said while twinkle went in front …
Better biwi kunj said smiling while twinkle ignored him again soon they reached ..
Kunj come inside you are going to stay till your house gets renovated bebe said shocking twinj..
What ?? Seriously kunj was happily dancing but he didn’t showed on his face ..
Yes come now bebe added they sat inside while twinkle went to her room angrily …
You have forgiven me kunj asked happily ..
I am still angry but I can’t neglect the fact that you are my baby kunj bebe said again teard eye ..
Aww I love you kunj hugged her twinkle comes and sees them ..
Bebe we should have dinner now it’s late twinkle said..
Yah bebe added soon they had dinner kunj was just gazing twinkle while she was least paying attention to him…
Where you will stay now ?? Bebe asked kunj while he signed twinkle ..
Dare you even think about it twinkle added ..
Why not you are my wife you can share room with your helpless husband ..Kunj added puppily ..
I am not sharing you can go and stay in any hotel twinkle added .
Twinkle you can’t say this he is our guest bebe said ..
What ? When did this happen I am guest kunj said ..
Yes and you are staying in twinkles room as no other room is available ..
I don’t want any other room as well kunj murmured twinkle heard him soon they went in twinkle room..
It was short and sweet room with queen sized bed ..While kunj look at room ..
Pinky pinky so cute kunj said ..
You are not supposed to troll me okay just because of bebe I am letting you stay here but you can’t sleep on my bed ..Twinkle stated ..
But where I’ll sleep ?? Kunj asked ..
That’s your problem twinkle hoped that he should go from here or else she will again lose it to him ..
Never mind I’ll sleep on floor kunj said making twinkle shocked .
Why you can take hotel room and stay or else go back to mumbai twinkle said ..
Thanks for suggestions baby but I am not interested in going alone ..Kunj replied…
Then take your darling friend surbhi with you twinkle said while kunj giggled ..
Aag mere ghar pe lagi dhuwa kahi aur waise nice idea why I didn’t thought of it kunj said ..
Whatever why am I even talking to you twinkle said taking her clothes and went to change ..
Poori baat karke bolti hai why am I even talking to you huh kunj teri hi biwi hai aur tere se double ziddi hai kunj murmured ..
Soon twinkle changed while kunj just removed his blazer as he didn’t had clothes ..He slept on floor …While twinkle came out and sees him ..
What’s the need to stay like this you can have your luxurious life twinkle said thinking he slept but kunj was awake but pretended to be sleeping ..
Tere liye saare luxuries kurbaan meri jaan he murmured slowly..I saw the love in your eyes after long the way you came running and hugged showed my twinkle still loves me like anything kunj thought and slept happily while twinkle kept looking at him….
Next morning ::
Both woke up at the same time and sees they are late ..
Wait I am going to washroom first kunj said ..
No ways I am going waise bhi I am late for office ..Twinkle added ..
I am late as well kunj said ..
First go and get something for you before coming to office ..Twinkle taunted for him ..
Maarle taane biwi apna time aayega kunj said .
Side now twinkle added ..
Let’s go in together what’s say time aur waste dono save hoga kunj winked at her pulling her closer ..
Dare you touch me twinkle replied struggling in his arms ..
I’ll touch you not only touch I’ll kiss you as well said pecking her nose ..
How dare you twinkle added..
Dont challenge my darkness or we will end up with aahhhh and ohhooo’s kunj said while twinkle pushed him finally and went inside…
Haha kitni cute hai yaar thank you so much babaji for giving me this opportunity of staying here waise she is right I should buy some clothes kunj said ..
Soon twinkle went while kunj went for shopping karan became friendly with twinkle ..
Kunj sir is not coming today karan secretary informed him while twinkle too heard it ..
And where is surbhi ? Chinki asked
I think she is not coming as well I’ll let you know mam she added and left ..
Aur kaha hogi kunj k saath hi twinkle murmured and left for her cabin …
Whole day passed and she went back to happy home and didn’t found out kunj their as well ..
Where is your kunj twinkle asked ..
My or yours ?? Bebe teased .
Huh twinkle said and changed she was having dinner still her eyes looking for kunj when he entered with so many shopping bags ..
Hogayi shopping bebe asked ..
Haan hogayi finally kunj said ..
Where were you ? Twinkle asked him ..
You are looking at me like Sherlock Holmes look at his suspect you only suggested me na to do shoping kunj answered …
It’s waste to talk twinkle said while kunj smiled again seeing her ..
Her actions and words doesn’t match at all kunj murmured soon he went back to his room and sees twinkle busy ..
Jali toh bujhe na kasam se koyla hogayi haan lagi hai mujhe na kasam se koyla hogayi kunj sang the song ..While twinkle glares at him angrily …
What ? I am just singing song kunj said ..
Have I said something ? No right better don’t explain twinkle said moving towards bed when light went …
Perfect twinkle said…
Wow so romantic kunj said seeing the moon light coming in he held twinkle hand tightly …
What are you doing twinkle said ..
You are looking so pretty I can’t describe kunj added ..While twinkle kept on looking at him ..
Bebe called them both outside they went and joined the kids and had fun till the current came ..
Soon everyone went back to rooms and slept ..
Days were passing by kunj house was renovating while he was teasing twinkle daily by making her jealous …
But twinkle was still adamant and trying her best to stay away from kunj while he was trying every possible thing …he can do but nothing was helping him even twinkle started taking surbhi light so kunj this plan failed as well …
Hahahha what happened yuvi asked…
Kya yaar ask your cousin to stay away from my twinkle kitna over friendly horaha hai uske saath kunj complained ..
Heheh bear it kunj I can’t help kunj you had only let her go yuvi said…
Huhu taunt me more kunj replied…
Are kunj you said na that seeing your house fire twinkle got scared why don’t you fake your accident …yuvi suggested ..
Beta feelings fake karke abhi tak bhugat raha hu she will beat me with slipper this time kunj replied…
Arey atleast try it see if it works or else come back I am missing you now yuvi said ..
Chi pehle bheja mujhe ab bula raha hai kunj said ..
So what I should do bol haan tera har plan flop horaha hai ..now you are going to stay at your house as well renovation done bro yuvi said ..
Han I forgot it completely kunj replied the duo talked ..
While kunj went and saw twinkle who was having fun with chinki and karan he was again jealous ..
I have to do something bro kunj added..
Soon after sometime the work was done and twinkle left back for happy home…and sees kunj and bebe sitting ..
Ok bebe then I think I shall leave I have teased you both alott na kunj added ..
Nahi puttar if you want you can stay bebe said ..
Nahi bebe I don’t want to trouble you more that’s why I am living …kunj said .
I hope I didn’t troubled you this time much kunj told twinkle while.she was at loss of words ..
Stay happy kunj said pecking her forehead and going from their while twinkle went back to her room and missed him alottt …
Soon 2-3 days passed kunj though a lott how to bring twinkle back to his house finally he decided to work on yuvi suggested plan …
Twinkle and bebe was at home when bebe got a call that kunj had an accident ..while they got worried and went to hospital and sees kunj with many bandages …
Kunj what’s is this now I told you to stay with us bebe said angrily ..
Time kharab chal raha hai bas kunj said…karan surbhi chinki too joined ..
Doctor how’s he karan asked..
Just minor fractures but need bed rest doctor said ..
And someone to take care of him as well ..
But I don’t have anyone doctor kunj replied looking at twinkle ..
I’ll send nurse then for you mr sarna doctor said and left while others too left..
No need of nurse you come with us happy home bebe said…
Poora plan fail hojayega kunj murmured ..
What ?? Nothing bebe I’ll manage myself aur kon hai mera batao it’s because of my deeds ..kunj said dramatically ..
Soon he was discharged and a nurse was appointed for him too kunj was waiting for twinkle to react but she was too calm ..
Doctor came to check kunj and twinkle and bebe was with him …
Han mr sarna you need to follow diet as well if you have to get fine soonest doctor told ..while twinkle interrupts him ..
Doctor sahab we don’t any nurse to look after kunj his family is here to take care of him twinkle said while smiled eyeing her lovingly ..
Doctor nodded and left with his.staff ..
Twinkle are you going to stay here ? Bebe asked ..
Yes bebe till he gets fine twinkle added while bebe smiled happily and left the duo ..
Don’t show your teeths it’s just due to sympathy twinkle said
Ab jo bhi ho you are here that’s what I want kunj said ..
Huh rest for sometime till then I’ll make dinner twinkle said and left while kunj smiled…
Ahhh kunj planned worked he danced happily while twinkle entered calling his name he sat their again with gloomy face ..
What happened ? Twinkle asked..
Nothing you came back kunj replied puppily ..
Yeah what you want to have ? Twinkle asked sternly ..
Anything by you even poison kunj said…
Sahi mein dediya na jab pata chalega twinkle smirked at him…
Achawww then my aatma. Will be with you don’t worry biwi kunj replied twinkle replied while he smiled happily ..
Soon twinkle supported him and took him to dinning table and kunj started screaming ..
Ahh it’s paining kunj said…
Ye kuch zyada overacting nai horahi hai twinkle said ..
Huh you always think like this banda dard me hai yaar kunj replied…while twinkle fed him kunj was damn happy ..
Soon she too had her dinner and they moved to kunj room ..twinkle was leaving from their ..
Where are you going? Kunj asked ..
In another room twinkle replied .
See if I need to go to washroom at night or if I need water then kunj asked..
Fine twinkle replied and stayed on couch while kunj blabbers something ..
Ye couch hatana hoga pehle he said and slept turning to other side ..
Life was going smooth kunj was damn amazing in acting and twinkle was helping him out in each possible way ..
I need to take bath I am stinking kunj said ..
I can’t help in it twinkle replied…
Why hadnt you seen me earlier kunj said naughtily ..
Nothing can happen of you twinkle said ..
I know biwi kunj pouted at her and somehow managed to take twinkle help ..
Now you go inside bath and then call me twinkle said while kunj nodded not having any option ..
He stood inside dejected then bathed quickly and wore his pants and called twinkle to help him..
She took him back on bed and brought his t shirt and made him wear it while he hugged twinkle tightly not letting her go and tears started falling down his cheeks ..
Thank you so much he said while twinkle nodded and left from their ..
Next day
They followed the daily schedule while twinkle got a call ..
Whattt ?? Twinkle said loudly ..
What’s wrong ? Kunj asked..
Bebe had heart attack again twinkle said ..
What’s let’s go then kunj got up quickly and took his car keys worried while twinkle stood glaring at him…
What are you waiting for let’s leave kunj said ..and twinkle started clapping ..
You had accident right ? You weren’t able to move an inch twinkle said when kunj realised his stupidity ..
Again fooled me twinkle added ..
Twinkle listen yaar I had to do it to keep you close to me kunj said …
Why kunj when everything is over between us why are you not letting me stay in peace ?? Twinkle asked..
See you are taking me wrong I just want you back I can’t live without you why are you not understanding it kunj replied ..
Wow amazing kunj but I already said I’ll not get fooled I got to know it that day in hospital only when you signed doctor ..twinkle replied…
Then why you stayed with me you love me twinkle admit it ..kunj said ..
I stayed just because of bebe she was damn worried about you don’t think anything else I was acting like you were twinkle replied …
Please forgive me yaar twinkle I beg you see I know I did wrong but I was so stupid that time but when you left me each place reminded me of you I missed you every second it was like hell living without you twinkle and that’s when I realise I love you too though initially I faked it but then whenever we came together I started to love you I care for you it was all genuine but I was too blind too see it please come back twinkle your kunj is nothing without you kunj added
Done ? Twinkle asked shocking him ..
Twinkle kunj said ..
Kitna acha karlete ho yaar now I am thinking was this house catching fire was also planned twinkle asked straight ..
You hate me this much twinkle ? Kunj asked…you think I’ll burn my parents memories then you are wrong that fire was an accident I had no hands in it kunj added truthfully ..
But yes even I feel now I troubled you alott and I can never gets your trust back and its okay if you don’t wanna live with me I just tried my best now it’s upto you kunj said ..
I already told you my answer twinkle said ..
Ok then I respect your decision I’ll not trouble you from now on kunj said and locked himself in his room while twinkle went back to happy home and told bebe that kunj is fine so she came back ..
Soon 2 days passed twinkle resumed her work while karan had to send someone for meeting he couldn’t go so he asked twinkle whether she will go ..
Where is the meeting ? Twinkle asked..
Chandigarh karan said ..
I am ready to go she added kunj comes their followed by surbhi ..
Kunj how are you ?karan asked ..
I am fine I came to inform I am leaving back for Mumbai rest of the work will be seen by surbhi kunj said ..
Ohh karan replied…soon kunj left from their …
While twinkle flight was scheduled 2 hrs and she kept her necessary files .
Kunj too had his flight he was driving very rashly too sad because he had to leave alone his vision started to blurrrr and then boom his car crashed ..
After sometime twinkle sees her phone ringing and picked up the call ..
Hello she said ..
It’s me surbhi twinkle surbhi reply came from other side ..
Yes any work twinkle asked..
Kunj had a major accident and he is asking just about you his health is deteriorating surbhi said her voice was worried ..
He..llo twi..nkle kunj voice came from another side ..
Will you let me stay in peace kunj what’s this new drama now twinkle said frustated..
Ha..h I kn..ew it any..wa..ys I just wanted to te..ll you that I am really sorry for whatever I did and I re..ally lov..e you alott don’t wor…ry I wo..n’t trouble you.. from toda…y you can stay in …peac..e bye lo..ve yo..u bi…w.i phone dropped from kunj hands ..
While twinkle left for the Chandigarh and kunj lied unconscious …
To be continued ..
Mar jaayen ooooooo mar jaayen
How’s the episode ?????
What will happen to kunj ????
Will twinkle ever forgive him or loose him completely ???
To know more stay tuned
Ignore errors no proof read ..
Stay home stay safe ..
The post MAR JAYEIN TWINJ SS (SHOT 9) appeared first on Telly Updates.
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