Friday 10 April 2020

Loving again part 40(twinj ff)

Loving Again Part 40

She looked at the moonlight sieving through the window in their room, this room was devoted more to nature as was the owner of the room… the creepers from the terrace hanged in the balcony of the room and many different colour coleus adorning the balcony it self, even the room was beautifully cornered with white pots of Sansevieria – a plant, people believed was a perfect to keep in the bedroom, she mused silently.

Taking the view of room resting her back on the matt black color headrest.

Kunj has a classical vision to life, more towards spirituality and mythologies of ancient world. The yin and yang’s famous symbol was scruptered on a beutiful table piece just on their side wall which symbolised equalty and balance of any counterparts of world be it a man or woman OR good or bad.

Then this strangely shaped vase he had brought from one of his middle east trip which was now home of something equally strange plant from the country.

For the first time she was noticing the little details of room after it was renovated for them…

For her relief the colored pipes of the wind chyme were hanged in the balcony to keep the evils away or as was the belief behind that.

The color of walls were changed to suit the start of their new life and she didn’t know why but the energy in the room was something she had never felt before … the kind of energy which starts scaring you if you concentrate a little too much on that.

She threw a glance in her side where he had been busy with work to be presented next day or whatever it was she didn’t ask him.

Here pretending to go through a series of cards from her sister and other cousins of her and Kunj she was observing their new room.

“something not okay?” he asked when he left the bed to freshen up before calling it night.

“no, its alright.” she tiled her lips in a smile to assure she was fine.

“doesn’t look like.” he commented keeping the laptop away.

“i don’t know… it is just it seems strange, perhaps because of the new setting I just feel alien in the room.” the last words could have hurt him so she kept them inaudible.

“oh yeah, even I felt it ununsual but then got habitual… perhaps that these plants are the reason… I’ll keep them in balcony the first thing in morning.” he saw her line of sight and it took him no moment to understand the reason of her distress.

“No it is alright…I’ll get habitual.” she didn’t want to set the night with such nonsense talks.

And suddenly she heard the low cries of her girl…

“i think she needs me,I’ll go and check.” she threw the covers in a haste.

“Yes…I think she is with bebe.” he replied to her hurrying back towards stairs.




“i think she has slept enough and now she wants to play.” knowing her girl very well she whispered with a disappointment.

She needed rest after a long day but here her daughter wanted something else.

She was still feeding on her and Twinkle didn’t want her to feed on formula when she was around so she bought her and laying down in her lap tried to comfort her.

It was such an embarrassing situation for her, she couldn’t feed her in front of him and she wasn’t going to the balcony in the midnight.

She thought for a solution but nothing came to her before he exited the washroom.

“what happened, is she in some pain or something.” he asked coming closer to them wiping the face with towel.

“No, she is hungry I guess.” she mumbled in a low voice.

He came to the bed and leaned on the girl and carresed her cheeks with love..

“hey , my doll… what happened to you, haan?” not understading what their daughter meant he took her in his arms and kissed her hairs.

“i am in the balcony , perhaps she needs a walk.” he told her and she could not say a thing.

Moments passed with him walking with Kavya in his hands, she was hearing him talk with her in a cute childish tone and for the time being the girl was engaged in the talks.

But she was restless , her motherly pressures were so high on seeing her daughter hungry that they were hurting her.

When it couldn’t be controlled any more she walked to the balcony.

“look at the stars Love, do you see the seven stars ?” he was asking their girl who was possibly more interested in the moon.

“one two three in the tail and the four making the bowl of the URSA…” he explained their daughter and she could not contain her excitement and came behind him.

“she seems to love stars.” he commented feeling her presence.

“i guess yes, or perhaps the company of her father.” her heart was swelled seeing the father and daughter.

“do you know there is a couple’s star in this Ursa major or spatrishi mandal as we call it?” he asked her keeping their daughter’s head on his shoulder and patting her back.

“No, I am not that intelligent in mythology…” she sensed the cold winds touching her arms even in the long sleeved kurta of hers.

“they say the second star from the tail is Sage Vashishtha and the star in its close vicinity is his wife Arundhati symbolising the true love and belief of a happily married couple and…” he took a pause.

“wow I didn’t know about it… who are the other stars?” she asked with curiosity.

“ ..” he told the names with a newly found enthusiam to talk with her.

“okay…by the way you were saying something else about Sage Vashishtha and Arundhati…” she asked about the uncontinued story of them.

“people believe if a newly wed couple is able to see them after marriage then its an auspicious sign.” he continued.

“is able to..what do you mean ?” she asked looking at her face in dark.

“the Arnudhati star has a faint shine to it and though closely located near the star Vshishtha it is hard to spot.” he completed.

“lets find her out then…” she asked him with enthusiam.

“there is one more legend to the star couple…: and the pause filled a sense of something fearsome about them.

“and what is that…” she was curious to know it all.

“the Arundhati star is not visible to them whose death is close and thats why I am not interested to spot her.” he said looking away from sky.

“i didn’t know you believed in such legends.” though the legend has given her chills at the moment just after she thought it beautiful she tried to change the topic.

“not at all, but legends should not die, they should keep going for the coming generations to know what their ancestors weaved through time.

“then , i think we should try our luck.” she whispered snaking her arm in one of his.

“what…” he was surprised of her action and turned to her instantly.

“we should try to spot Arundhati STANDING BEHIND HER HUSBAND and pray her for positivity.” she said keeping her head on his free shoulder.

“what if we could not spot her?” he asked her softly.

“then we will wait for the day till we spot her together…” she whispered just before they looked at the sky to spot the Arundhati.

Little they knew that Saptrishi mandal of stars has walked away for a few months and now was the resting time of the constellation.

They would need to wait a few more months to spot the Arundhati standing beside her husband…



“ he didn’t tell me about the meeting, when did this meeting got scheduled, and you are telling me when even he has packed the bags?” Uma was angry on her son and equally angry on her daughter in law for telling her about it this late.

“i heard him talking on phone last night only Ma.” she answered her mother in law politely.

“do you even know how many things were planned for the next two days, I had to take you two to a few places for blessing and all.” Uma was disturbed,

“it is okay Ma, work comes first..we all know that.. and it has been just a few weeks of this new job I think it would be better if he attends this meeting.” she explained in a calm voice.

“dont take his side Twinkle… I had told him to take leaves, it is his reception for god sake.” she left the hall in anger.

“what am I hearing Adi…

“you had to tell me earlier…

“Ma, I’ll be back by reception..

“it is just not done…

She was hearing him getting scolded and though she felt bad about this ,she smiled seeing him scolded.

This was the moment when her phone ringed…

Seeing a new number she waited for a while and contemplating whether she took it or not…


“Yes, Twinkle speaking…

“Kritika… I don’t rem

“oh no, kritika I am so sorry.” she squealed with wonder and walked to her room to have a moment with her friend.




Hello everyone, I hope you are all following the LOCKDOWN…do follow the precautions guys . I myself had not been feeling good for last few days but now I am doing good. This pandemic is not something casual guys,We need to take care of our family,pets and animals.

Stay safe and love you all

Morusya ♥

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