Monday 27 April 2020

Curse Of Love Outside Marriage ~ Five Intertwined Lives – Episode 13

The episode starts with Tanya pronouncing, “Ajit Sippy! Ajit Sippy is the father of my child!” All are surprised to hear that from her, nevertheless they feel happy and let out a smile except for Rohan and Pari. Rohan is dejected to hear Tanya’s declaration and slowly moves away from her side, while Ajit caresses Tanya’s head and catches her hand tightly saying, “Why are you crying Tanya? It’s time for OUR BABY to come that’s why SHE is giving you signs through kicks!” A smile passes through Tanya’s face, while Rohan is disappointed with the fact that Ajit has said “OUR BABY”. Tanya is slowly taken inside the labour room. Ajit stays by her side, till the entry of the labour room, once there, Naren signs his son that he can’t continue inside. Ajit agrees with a nod and smiles at Tanya saying, “Don’t worry at all Tanya because you are a really strong woman and will soon bring our baby to this world safely!” Tanya nods smilingly. Shortly, as she is taken inside, she slowly leaves her hand off Ajit’s. Once the doors of the labour room are closed, Ajit gets looking through the glass windows anxiously. YK, Rohit and Nishi who are still ignorant of the news of Rohan-Pari’s return to the Sippy Mansion frown in confusion of their presence. Rohit demands Veena, “Mom, how come Rohan and Pari are here along with all of you?” Ajit turns around on that question and looks expectantly for its answer, while Veena, Mohini, Pooja and Sonakshi(Please note: Akash and Deepa are not present in this FF as they have migrated to U.S.) get worried without knowing how to handle that question. Nishi continues, “Yes Bhabhi, we all want to know what are Rohan-Pari doing here when you yourself had ousted them from our house!” Veena takes a deep long breath and explains each and everything that happened that morning and how Rohan-Pari were given the permission to stay in the Sippy Mansion due to Pari’s pregnancy and Tanya’s insistence. Rohit, YK and Nishi are thunderstruck with mouth agape on learning everything. Nishi asks, “But Bhabhi you should have asked us at least once before taking such a drastic step!” Sonakshi says, “We couldn’t Nishi bua, as we knew all of you are engaged in Ajit’s presentation in front of a very important client! And when Tanya herself said that she has no issues with Rohan-Pari’s presence….” Ajit cuts in getting shocked, “Was Tanya alright Rohan-Pari’s return?” Everyone looks on sadly towards him. Sonakshi realising his insecurities says, “Look Ajit I understand what is going on in your mind right now! But believe me Tanya has said a YES not because she has anything more to do with Rohan! But because she wants to show Rohan and everyone that she has moved on in her life WITH YOU!” Ajit feels his heart leap with joy on hearing those words, just when there is a cry of a new-born heard from the labour room. Both Ajit and Rohan rush towards the gates of the labour room and get looking at each other. Soon, the nurse who had earlier asked about the child’s father comes out of the room holding a little one in her hands. Both Ajit and Rohan forward their hands to hold the tiny tot, however the nurse places the infant into Ajit’s arms saying, “It’s a GIRL, Ajit sippy!” Ajit’s eyes fill with tears of happiness on seeing his daughter’s face. Soon, all the other family members, start crowding around him to get a glimpse of their new family member, while Rohan is pushed backwards. Rohit remarks, “Well Ajit, you are youngest among the three brothers but the first one to become a FATHER! Congrats little bro!” Then while looking at Sonakshi from the corner of his eyes, he passes a naughty comment, “Now when will your Bhabhi understand that and decide to make children after trying to find time from her busy schedule!” Everyone laughs, while Sonakshi rolls her eyes embarrassingly and pinches Rohit. The latter screeches in pain. Veena tells, “Now stop it both of you!” Then, kissing her fingers and placing them on the baby’s face continues “My little granddaughter must be thinking “I thought I’m the only baby of this family but here even Bade Tau ji and Bade Tai ji are acting like babies!” Everyone continue to laugh in happiness, while Rohan is saddened with tears in his eyes to see his family’s happiness with his daughter in Ajit’s arms, while he is unable to even hold her. In the banter of family members, Pooja asks Ajit, “Ajit have you thought of any name for your baby!” Ajit looks up smilingly and says, “SAMAIRA! SAMAIRA AJIT SIPPY!” All cheer in happiness on hearing the name while Rohan is stunned. He reminisces his past.

Flashback, Rohan and Tanya are having a discussion before Tanya’s pregnancy and his affair with Pari. Rohan says “Tanya, I think it’s time for us to plan for a baby!” then he naughtily takes a strand of hair from her face, places it behind her ear and asks, “What do you want first, BOY or GIRL?” Tanya shyly replies, “I want a boy but I know you love baby girls, so even girl is fine for me!” Rohan says, “That’s nice to know you are okay with my preference for baby girls, so let’s say we are soon going to have a baby girl, then how do you want to call her?” Tanya gets reflective for a moment and pronounces, “Samaira! Samaira is cute, classy and trendy name so I want our daughter to be called Samaira Sippy!” Rohan says, “Ah huh! SAMAIRA ROHAN SIPPY!” Flashback ends. Rohan’s gets thinking, “So Ajit has become so important in your life Tanya, that you have shared even the things which you only shared with me to him!” His thoughts are soon broken when Pooja says, “Samaira Ajit Sippy! That sounds cool”, just when Naren comes and informs, “Tanya has gained consciousness and is shifted to the casualty, so take the baby to her!” Ajit nods and protectively takes Samaira in his arms inside the casualty. Rohan looks on.

Inside Casualty

Tanya is weakly lying on the bed, when she sees Ajit with her daughter in his arms. She gives out a beaming smile on getting the first glimpse of her child. Ajit comes and gently places Samaira next to her mother and says, “Thanks a lot Tanya!” Tanya gets confused and demands, “For what Ajit?” Ajit replies, “For changing me into a responsible man and for giving the biggest happiness of my life, Samaira!” on saying that he starts caressing her face and soon leans forward to kiss her when there is a noise from the door. Both Tanya and Ajit are startled to see Rohan standing at the door.


To be continued.

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