Saturday 4 April 2020

Author’s note to the readers

This is a brief information to all my readers regarding the LONG BREAK which I will be taking from now onwards to the next three-four months. Apologies to all my readers for taking a long break. The REASON is that, firstly, I’m preparing for the UGC-NET Exam which is going to be held this June and the preparations needs a lot of hardwork from my side. Secondly, I’m a M.Phil research scolar who is in her final year and will soon have to submit her DISSERTATION. Due to which, my supervisor is constantly presurrizing me to leave all my other work and concentrate only on STUDIES and thats why I have to devote my entire time on to my research and leave behind MY PASSION which is WRITING in the mean time. Hope you all understand and will pray for my success in studies , so that I may submit my Dissertation on time in a proper manner. And also pray that I may succeed in NET Exam. I don’t know if I will be meeting you all again when I return to continue with this FF in the month of July/August, however, before taking a break I would like to thank all the people who were my big support all througout the journey of this FF till now.

Shanaya: My greatest loyal friend and reader of this FF. No matter whoever is not present to give their comments about my updates. I always get to see her comments and those comments ligtens my mood always.

Krishna: Krishna joined my group of reader-commentators recently and has always given me encouraging words to carry my FF forward.

Paru: A mallu like me, In the middle, when I had become slow to update the episodes. Paru gave me a request in which she had mentioned that she loves my version of the story of KKB more than the original. Those words helped me to become more enthusiastic with my updates.

Aadat: From the tone of comments, I guess you are a male reader and commentator. The comments mostly show how much he dislikes Pranbir. But, Aadat’s messages have always helped me to relook onto my Episodes and explain what each and every scene depicts.

Lisa: Again a pranbir hater and a Arhana fan! Has mood swings where she gets angry very soon, but her comments are those which makes ALL TO THINK FOR A MOMENT, very rational thinker and really great OBSERVER.

Hajera / Ather: Have not seen Hajera’s comments since the new year 2020 started, maybe because she is an ardent Pranbir fan and there is lesser of Pranbir now. However, Hajera was a sweet commentator who used to make me up to update faster and faster, with her cute expressions like “I’m asking you with puppy dog eyes!”.  Even though I don’t get to see her comments anymore, she will always remain in my heart.

Lily: Again have not seen her comments since the new year 2020. But she too will stay in my heart always as one of my good readers.

Sara: I always get a push to write my FFs with the appreciating words from my readers and one of those readers is Sara who has never given me one single negative comment till now. Though, I personally feel my FF isn’t that great. Sara always calls it GREAT!

Sylvia: My note will be incomplete if I don’t mention Sylvia. she was one those first readers of mine along with Jasmine who gave me an encouraging note that my FF is worth when I was just a budding writer and had newly set my foot into the writing world.

JasmineRahul: A reader and commentator who has never failed to give her comments right from the first episode of this FF, it was indeed her who gave me encouragement in the very first episode of this FF with her detailed descriptive comment and later in every episode with what is good in each and every episode. A reader who has been very loyal too and a friend like Shanaya.

Steeva: I don’t know where he disappeared. My friendship with him started with a cute fight and later he was always there with his support in most of my episodes.

Akituster: I can never forget Akituster who too with his great comments has helped me to progress in this FF. I have heard a lot from others and also seen myself how great Akituster’s comments are and feel grateful that he took his time to go through my work and put on his valuable comments.

Serial Hater: Again after Lisa and Akituster, Serial Hater is one of those who comes in the list of rational thinkers, someone who points out what is right while criticising the wrong. Through her comments I got to realise what is different in my FF from the original like some of the appearing and disappearing characters Mishti, Rishi and Priyanka. Focus on the subcharacters Arhana, etc. Serial hater is again one of the precious commentators like Lisa and Akituster who give in their valuable comments both in my FF and the daily updates page.

Sammy: Just saw the comment on one of the episodes with a plea to unite Arhana. Well, I apologize Sammy, you will get to see their story only after my break.

Prince / Khushi : One of the new commentators who is also an Arhana fan and wants them to unite in my FF. I already mentioned Arhana story is tragedy, but I assure you that when I return, I will make sure to complete the story about Arhana before going forward.

Prince/ Khushi just reminded me what I keep saying, I don’t why that even though the original show has so many Pranbir fans and Pranbir is one of the loved pairs. My FF HAS MORE ARHANA FANS while including the readers Lisa, Aadat, Paru, Sammy and 8 more who gave me personal messages in the beginning so I’m not mentioning their names .

I really don’t know why my FF has more Arhana fans, when in reality there are many more Pranbir fans all around. So, to all those people and also to Pranbir fans. I assure I will continue with the story once I return, till then please pray for me and stay safe, while being always happy.



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4/04/2020 09:46:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments