Sunday 5 April 2020




A big mansion is shown.

In one of the rooms, a girl is sleeping, the medical equipment attached to her reveal that she is not sleeping but she is in a coma. A man in his late twenties is sitting near her, holding her hand.

Man: It’s been six months that you have been like this. I wake up every day in a hope that you would also wake up. You’ll open these beautiful eyes and look at me, your sweet voice will reach my ears, but you haven’t shown any movement. Please get up. I am waiting for you.

The girl showed no movement. He was sad and stood to get up when he felt a movement, he looked shocked at the girl; she was slowly opening her eyes. He was happy, she slowly opened her eyes.

Man: Mom-Dad, please come soon.

He called the doctor and told him to come fast.

Hearing the shouts, others come to the room.

Sudhir: Yash, what happened, why are you shouting?
Yash: Dad, she…. she…. Shreya…she opened her eyes.
Sumitra: What, Yash, are you telling the truth.
Yash: Yes Mom.

Sudhir-Sumitra looked at Shreya and seeing her opened eyes, tears collect in their eyes.

Sumitra: Thank God, you brought our happiness back.

They all were happy.

Sudhir: Did you inform the doctor?
Yash: Yes Dad, he’ll come soon.

Sumitra sat beside Shreya and caressed her face. Shreya looked at her.

Shreya: Where I am? Who I am? Who are you all? What I am doing here?

All of them were shocked by her questions. Shreya held her head tightly,

Shreya: I don’t remember anything (She gets a few flashes but they were unclear) Why I am not able to remember anything? My head, it’s paining…. I can’t remember anything…. why…. why.

She turns restless, Yash tries to stop her but she tells him to stay away.

Shreya: Don’t come near me, don’t.

All of them were tensed seeing her condition. Just then the doctor comes. Sudhir briefs him about her reaction after waking up.

Doctor: You all please wait outside, I’ll check her. Don’t worry.

The three nod and go out.


Sumitra: God, please make her fine.
Yash: I don’t know why she is behaving like this. She doesn’t remember anything.
Sudhir: Don’t worry Yash, Shreya will be fine.

Yash prays to God. He is lost in thoughts.


Yash was driving back from office when he saw a girl lying near the road. He stopped his car and walked to the girl, she was badly injured, he decided to take her to the hospital and he turned her around, he was shocked to see her,

Yash: Shreya


The doctor comes out.

Yash: Doctor, how is Shreya?
Doctor: She is fine. Due to the head injury, she has lost her memory but don’t worry, as she recovers, she’ll get her memory back. Till then, don’t force her or stress her. She’ll be fine. Take care.
Sudhir: Thank you doctor.
Sumitra: Yash, go and be with her. I’ll get food for her.


Shreya was sitting on the bed looking out of the window. She was lost in thoughts when Yash came in. She felt his presence and looked at him.

Shreya: Why is life like this, it plays so many games with you.
Yash: I can understand what you are feeling. But you don’t have to worry at all, we are with you. Soon, you’ll be fine and you’ll remember everything.

Shreya smiles; seeing this even Yash smiles.

Yash: And to begin with, I’ll tell you your name. You are Shreya, Shreya Maheshwari.
Shreya: Shreya, Shreya Maheshwari.

She felt happy.

Shreya: What is your name?
Yash: I am Yash, Yash Maheshwari.
Shreya: Nice name.
Sumitra: Ok, enough of talking. Shreya, it’s time for you to have food.

Sumitra placed the tray with the soup in front of her.

Yash: Mom, you take rest. I’ll feed her.
Sumitra: Ok.

Shreya was hesitating at first but seeing Yash care for her, she became comfortable.

As time passed, Shreya became comfortable with the Maheshwari family. She was getting used to her new life. She had started helping Yash with his business.

Sometimes, Shreya would try to remember what had happened with her but however nothing worked, she could not remember anything from her past. Yash had helped her by telling her few things about her life, but somewhere in her heart she felt that this was not what she had lived and that her life had many things missing. She would get flashes, however they were unclear and thinking about them made her uncomfortable.

Like this a year had passed and now Shreya had decided to move on and not think about her past.

Shreya was getting ready; she had to go out with Yash as they had to attend an award function.

Shreya: I don’t know what has happened earlier but now I don’t want to keep thinking about the past anymore. I’ll take whatever life has to offer ahead and I’ll not try to dig up things from the past. I have got such a loving and caring family, Mom-Dad and Yash Bhaiya, they all care so much for me, I cannot worry them more. I’ll not ask them anything and will not worry them.

As she was thinking Yash comes there.

Yash: Shreya, are you ready? We’ll get late otherwise.
Shreya: Yash, I am ready and we’ll not get late. Let’s go.

They both leave.


Shivaay was getting ready.

Shivaay: Anika, get ready fast, we’ll get late otherwise.
Anika: Two minutes Shivaay, I’ll come.
Omkara: Shivaay, hurry up, we’ll get late.
Rudra: Bhaiya, how much time you take to get ready.
Shivaay: Shut up you both. I am ready; it’s your lovely Bhabhi.
Anika: Shivaay, kuch kaha aapne. (She said eyeing him angrily)
Shivaay: Nothing Anika, let’s go now.

OmRu chuckle seeing this. They also follow Shivika.


The Oberois (Shivika and OmRu) reach the hotel. The Maheshwaris (Yash-Shreya) also reach the same place.

They all sit in their respective places.
The event starts.

Anchor: And now the most prestigious award for the evening, “Businessman of the year”. I request Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi to come upon stage to present the award.

Shivaay walks up to the stage.

Shivaay: And the award goes to Mr. Yash Maheshwari.

Yash walks up to the stage, Shivaay hands over the award to him. They smile at each other.
All people present there were having dinner. Om received a call.

Omkara: Hello…. Hello….

He was walking, talking on phone; he didn’t see Shreya who was coming from the other side. They bumped into each other. Shreya closed her eyes with the fear of falling but Om held her hand and held her waist. After sensing that she was safe, Shreya opened her eyes, and looked up, their eyes met and Om was shocked to see her.

Omkara: Ishu…

He couldn’t believe his eyes; he closed his eyes and opened them again to check whether he was imagining anything. Shreya looked at him confused.

Shreya: I think we should stand properly.

Om realized what she meant and made her stand properly.

Omkara: Ishu, where were you? I thought I had lost you forever.

He hugged her tightly; Shreya was shocked by this behavior of him. She wanted to push him back but when she felt his tears, she couldn’t push him back.
After sometime Om cupped her face,

Omkara: Come with me Ishu, all will be happy to see you.

He held her hand and was about to go but stopped and turned around. Shreya removed her hand from his grip.

Shreya: I think you have some misunderstanding. I am not Ishu, my name is Shreya, I am Shreya Maheshwari.

Omkara was shocked.

Omkara: What are you saying?
Shreya: I am saying, what is right. You are mistaken, I am not who you are calling me. I think there is some misunderstanding.

Shreya is about to go but stops hearing something.

Omkara: “Duniya ko chehra dikhta hai, dil nahi dikhta,
Zakham sabko dikhte hai, dard nahi dihkta”

Shreya (thinking): Why I am feeling that I have heard this before?

She stood there thinking something when Shivika-Rudra who were looking for Om also come there. They are shocked seeing Shreya.
Rudra gets happy and hugs Shreya who comes out of her thoughts with the sudden movement.

Rudra: Ishana Bhabhi, aap. I am so happy seeing you. I missed you so much.

Shreya breaks the hug.

Shreya: I think you all are mistaken, I am not Ishu, I mean I am not Ishana. My name is Shreya.

They look at her surprised. Till then Yash also comes there.

Yash: Shreya, you are here. And I was looking for you everywhere.
Shreya: Sorry Yash, I went to the washroom and forgot to inform you.
Yash: It’s okay Shreya, now let’s go home. Mom-Dad are waiting for us.

Shreya nodded. They are about to go when Yash sees Shivaay.

Yash: Mr. Oberoi, nice to meet you.

They shake hands.

Shivaay: Mr. Maheshwari, congrats for the award.
Yash: Please, you can call me Yash.
Anika: Who is she?
Yash: She is Shreya, my…

Before he could complete, his phone rang.

Yash: I am sorry, I should leave. We’ll meet some other time. Shreya, let’s go.

Shreya nods and they leave, while Om was looking at Shreya.

Anika: She looked exactly like Ishana.
Shivaay: Even I was shocked for a moment.
Omkara: I am sure, she is my Ishu only.

Shivika-Rudra look at Om confused.

Rudra: But O, her name is Shreya, she is not our Ishana Bhabhi.
Omkara: No Rudra, my heart is saying she is Ishu and I’ll prove it.

They look at Om who has determination in his eyes.



Shreya was standing near the window, lost in thoughts, she was thinking about Om,

Shreya: Why do I feel like I know him? I have met him earlier. His eyes, those eyes, they were saying something to me, but, I couldn’t understand it. His words, I feel I have heard them before, but why don’t I remember anything, if I have met him or I know him, I must remember everything but I cannot. (Tears collect in her eyes) Why is God playing with me and my life? It’s been a year since I got out of the coma; still I haven’t recovered my memory, not even a thing. (Her head starts hurting, she gets flashes of a girl dancing and a man seeing her, she feels dizzy) What is this, what is happening to me? What did I see just now?

She sits down on the bed and drinks water.

Shreya: I must find answers to my questions. And I know who will have those answers.


Om was sitting on his bed,

Omkara: I know Ishu, it is you, and I cannot make a mistake in recognizing you. But why didn’t you recognize me? Why did you behave differently? I have lost you once, but I won’t lose you again. I must find out everything. And I know who will have those answers.



Yash was getting ready in his room when Shreya comes there. She was thinking about how to ask Yash about Om, but she did not understand. Yash saw her lost somewhere and called her.

Yash: Shreya, where are you lost?
Shreya: Yash, I… Actually I wanted to ask you something.
Yash: Then what are you thinking; ask whatever you want to ask?
Shreya: Wo….Yesterday we met them. Do you know who they were?
Yash: Oh, them, they were the Oberois. You know Shivaay Singh Oberoi (Shreya nods her head); they were his brothers Omkara Singh Oberoi and Rudra Singh Oberoi. And she was his wife, Anika Singh Oberoi.
Shreya (thinking): So he is Omkara Singh Oberoi. But how will I meet him?
Yash: Shreya, why are you asking about them?
Shreya: Nothing, actually I felt that I know them from before but I couldn’t remember anything.
Yash: Maybe you have met them before your accident. That’s why you felt like you know them. But don’t stress yourself, you’ll remember everything.
Shreya: Don’t worry Yash; I know that I don’t have to think about all that.
Yash: Good. Acha now I’ll get late, I should leave.
Shreya: Bye and take care.

Yash nods and leaves.

Shreya: Now, I have to find out more about him and then I’ll meet him.

She takes out her phone and searches about “Omkara Singh Oberoi”.


Shivaay was reading a file when Om comes there.

Omkara: Shivaay…
Shivaay: Are, Om, why are you standing there, come in.
Omkara: Shivaay, I wanted to ask you something.
Shivaay: Om, ask whatever you want.
Omkara: Shivaay, yesterday, we met…
Shivaay: Om, I know what you are thinking. Even we were surprised seeing Shreya; I know how hard it must have been for you, seeing her. She looks like Ishana.
Omkara: I know Shivaay, maybe you are right that she looks like Ishana but I want to just once meet her and talk to her, maybe she is my Ishu.
Anika: If you think so, then you should definitely meet her.

ShivOm turn around and see Anika standing at the door.

Shivaay: But Anika….
Anika: I understand your concern Shivaay but at least if Om meets her himself, all his questions will be answered and then he can live in peace.
Omkara: Thank you so much Anika for understanding.
Shivaay: Okay, if you feel so, we’ll invite them here and then you can talk to her.
Omkara: No Shivaay, not like this, I’ll meet her myself. I don’t want the family to be worried because of this.
Anika: I think you are right Om. Shivaay let him meet by himself.
Omkara: Okay, don’t tell about this to anyone and I’ll tell you both everything after I meet her.
Shivaay: As you say.


The post ADHURE HUM, ADHURE TUM – FEW SHOTS – SHOT 2 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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