Saturday, 21 March 2020

Zindaan – The Golden cage Chapter 25 (The Connecting dots – Part 3)

Thank you Shona, Prajakta, Ninika, Khushi, LCharish, Saniya, Dheepu for your beautiful comments. It means a lot. Keep enjoying and Be safe❤❤

“How can it be open by own,” Kshitij asked confusedly while opening the door. “Someone smart like him can’t be this much foolish,” Kshitij think while entering. “You checked on the terrace. I will check here and basement” He said while he runs toward stairs. Vishal tried to open the gate of the terrace but it is locked. He tried to push it but it didn’t open. “Terrace door is not opening.” He said to him while getting down while he looks on. Kshitij moves toward the main door but unfortunately, it is also locked. “It was a trap” He muttered while banging the door. He took out his phone but found no network. “You have a walkie-talkie,” He asked while Vishal gives him. “What’s happening? Why it is not connecting?” He asked in frustration. “Seems like that there is some kind of electromagnetic jammer,” He said.

Drishya stops her car in front of the penthouse. Anika see her from the distance and tears start forming in her eyes. “Ishu….” She shouts while her other words died in her mouth because of his tight grip. Drishya turns toward because of the ability to sense small sounds. She looks at her in shock and the person beside him. Advik sees her and sighed before pushing Anika inside the car. “Advik, Don’t do this….” She shouts while running toward them but he already drove away. Kshitij breaks the door and enters inside the basement. He notices the tracker watch and then computer setup. “Try to crack this system,” He said to Vishal while he looks at the computers. “These all are controlled by another source. Even that jammer too” Vishal said while trying to understand things. “But I will try to do something,” He said while looking at the screen.

Drishya starts following his car with her car. She turns but gets stopped with a jerk when she sees his car. She gets down and looked inside but it was empty. “Ani…” Her voice echoed while she looks here and there. “It’s done,” Vishal said to him while pressing the button and all the gates get unlocked. “Check the information inside this. I will make sure to find Anika” He ordered while running outside. He can hear the sirens of police jeeps. He signed them to follow him before entering his car. Drishya runs inside that dense forest while searching here and there. After getting tired, She dialled a number of Advik but he didn’t pick up.

Vishal tried to hack the information that locked system and get successful in it. He can see the list of names, he can recognise some of them get murdered. He tried to delve a little deep for knowing the controller name but before he could proceed, that man pressed a button and the whole computer gets exploded making his hand injured. “I allowed only those in my world which I want” He mumbled while looking at footage.

Kshitij told all the officers to split and search the nearby areas including forest. He starts searching with a torch. “Where are you Ani? Please, God, don’t let anything happen to my sister” She thought while running and on the other second she gets fall down by hurting her elbows. Kshitij moves his torch toward the direction of the sound. “How did you get free from those handcuffs?” He asked forwarding hand while she looks on angrily. “Detective, You should stop caring about that,” She said dusting her dress after standing. “Advik took my sister. What did you say to me that I will rescue Anika for sure? Such a liar…” She shouts.

“Do you want to come along for search or want to fall down like this again and again?” He said while she starts walking. “Anika..” He shouts her name. “Can’t you do anything with your ability? ” He asked while she turns toward him. “Excuse me, I am not a fortune teller. I just remember those things which I already watch” She replied while something gets under her shoe. She bends down and picked up the earring. They both run in the direction and get shocked to see the scenario.

“Don’t come near or else I will kill her” Advik shout while putting a knife on her throat. “Calm down, We are not going to arrest you. Do leave her” Kshitij request while he looks on. “Did you understand me a fool? You let me go after this much efforts….not possible” He said. “I thought you as my friend. If you want then take me as a hostage. I beg you to leave Anika. Don’t drag Anika in this, she already went through a lot before” Drishya said in pleading voice. Anika looks on and wondered what she had gone through in past? Her life was pretty perfect according to her until this case. What was Ishu talking about? She didn’t get that she was standing as a hostage of a serial killer. The thing which is making her worried that everyone knows about her but she doesn’t remember an experience. Her life’s pages are turning slowly in front of her and she is not ready to accept these much fast changes.

“Why did you come here? Didn’t this detective was enough to rescue her?” Advik asked in a dilemma. “If you ever consider me as your friend, please let her go. I will do everything which you want even I can make you escape too” She said bending down on her knees. “Don’t do this. Tell her to go from here or else I will kill her” He said signing toward Drishya. “I told you not to come. Leave from here” Kshitij said. “You used my ability for this whole plan. How did you get to know about this? I trust you but you betrayed me. Why?” She shouts. “Is this any time for blaming?” Kshitij asked sarcastically while she glared him.

“It’s you who betrayed me. Why didn’t you come back to me?” Advik said in rage. “Wait, When did I break your trust,” She asked confusedly. “Don’t you remember anything or you are pretending? Did you forget your promise? He said while she looks on. ” Like seriously, you are connected with serial killer too,” Kshitij said rolling his eyes. “I don’t know what he is saying?” She replied while reading emotions in his eyes and she gets successful somewhere.

“If you dare to do anything to my sister, then I will also die by jumping from here” She threatened him adamantly while Kshitij and Anika both mentally patted themselves. “Ishu, Have you lost your mind? You better stop uttering nonsense” Anika shout for knocking some sense inside her. “I will kill myself if you won’t leave Anika,” She said while moving toward the cliff. “Don’t…I will leave her” Advik said panicking while pushing Anika aside. Anika and Kshitij become shocked. Little did they know that Drishya played with his mind using his weakness. Drishya runs toward Anika and dusted her clothes. “Ani, you alright,” She asked hugging her. “Yes, Don’t worry” She replied ignoring the wounds on her knees and some scratches on her neck. Anika knows that if she tells her about the hurt, she probably gets madder. Drishya looks on when a dragging sound of foot hit her ears.

Kshitij sighed in relief while taking out handcuffs. “Advik Mehta, You are under arrest in charges of chain murders, kidnapping and assault,” He said moving toward him while the next scene freezes him. He smirked and intentionally jump from the cliff. He thought that he again lose him like Swetlana. “Ishu, Leave my hand. Let me die and pay for my crimes”  Advik shout that’s when he realised that she was fast enough to hold him. “I won’t let you go. Don’t pay for your crimes in hell but here in this world” She muttered while trying to pull him upward. “Why are you stopping me now? Why didn’t you come back and made us free from that hell? The reason I grew up as a monster is you” He said while tears flow down from his eyes.

“Are you from smile foundation?” She stammered while holding his hand tightly. “Yes,” He replied making her drown in guilt. “Drishya, Hold him carefully,” Kshitij said trying to help her in pulling him up. He didn’t do those efforts for losing a serial killer. Kshitij tried to hold his other hand but he was adamant not to give it and instead he was trying to remove the hold of Drishya. Anika also runs toward for helping him not caring about that he was the same person who wants to kill her a few minutes before. “Don’t do this with yourself. Give your another hand” Drishya request worriedly assuring him by his eyes and he holds Kshitij’s hand from another one. They both pulled him upward and sighed in relief.

“What a terrible day! ” Kshitij mumbled picking up handcuffs. Before he can proceed, she took out his revolver and point on him. “Don’t try to arrest him or else I will shoot you?” Drishya said turning the table while Anika and Kshitij both taken aback by this move. “Are you going nuts? Are you stupid, you are protecting a serial killer? ” He asked gritting his teeth. “What’s wrong with you. He killed so many people” Anika said startled on her sister’s behaviour. “They deserved to die” She replied while they both get flabbergasted. “How dare you to justify murders?” He shouts controlling his anger on her words. “Don’t do this or else you get in trouble” Anika request with concern. “Let them arrest me. Don’t do it” Advik who was behind her whispered. “No, I didn’t keep my promise that time. But I am not going to step back this time. Run from here before it gets impossible to hold these people back” She replied while he looks on. “Just make those children free. I don’t want them to go through the same as us. Police are not going to do anything for those children.” She added in a determined voice while he nods his head.

Anika looks on with hurt, she don’t want her sister to walk on that same path. Nobody can change that he is a murderer despite his intention was right. “Put that gun down,” Anika said moving forward while she points on her. “Ani, Don’t come in between” She warned. “If you have guts, then do pull the trigger,” Anika said looking in her eyes while playing the move which is definitely can knock her down. Drishya didn’t expect this immense courage from her. “I can’t shoot you” She sighed and on the other second put the revolver on herself. “But I can shoot myself” She added. “

Precap – Anika’s past….The reason behind Drishya of behaving like Maya

Next update is going to bring a lot of revelation, especially from Shivika’s side.

What do you think that Advik gets successful in escaping?

Do you justify Drishya’s move of protecting Advik?

What was the unidentified connection between Shivay and Anika?

Who is the main killer if Advik is an accomplice?

(Author’s note – I know you all are confused but please be patient. Everything fold slowly in the next updates. Nothing is unnecessary in these books , every character and situation connected with each other. Every character has some dark shades here. Maybe you felt that Anika’s character is too innocent. But believe me, her character is way complicated and dimensional. Shivay and Anika both have grey shades which you get to know when their past unveils. Drishya is absolutely manipulative one here)

Kindly Ignore grammatical and spelling errors. Do votes and comments. Keep smiling and Take care❤❤.



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