First of all thanks to Ninika, Saniya, Khushi and LCharish for their precious comment on last chapter. Thank you and keep sharing your views as this really encourages me.
That stalker move toward an isolated dark place. “Drishya, that stubborn girl is getting on my nerves Boss.” He said while removing his hoodie. His long hairs get scattered over his face. “Calm down Daksh, What did she say?” A man asked in a hoarse voice. His face is not clearly seen because of the dim light. “She is saying that she has nothing. I am sure she is planning against us” Daksh said controlling his anger. “Let’s play our final Card. Do inform Anika that she is not her sister” He said while Daksh nods his head and dialled a number. “Di, It’s time to use our final card.” He said. “Hmm…I am ready to do that” Swetlana said from the other said while smirking.
Drishya was still standing there in the basement. She was shocked and whatnot. Suddenly something strikes in her mind, she immediately moves toward her Car. She starts searching for her Car. “They probably have a camera hidden if they know about our every move,” She thought while searching under seats and sighed in frustration after not getting anything. “Where the hell they hide it?” She thought after looking here and there. She suddenly swiped her fingers beside the mirror in order to search and get it. She took out the camera from there and keep her in a purse. She drives her car toward mansion while lost in her thoughts. Getting down from her Car, She immediately moves toward the garage to check Anika’s Car. She found a hidden camera in the same place in her car.
It was getting out of control, someone is stalking them. She takes out the card from her purse and dialled a number. “Hello? Who is speaking?” Vishaal asked after picking up the call. “Drishya Malhotra, I want to meet Detective Kashyap” She replied while Vishaal pass phone to him. “Yes Miss Malhotra, You can come to the agency,” Kshitij said to her.
She moves inside after cutting the call. She tried to find Anika but then she decided to not involve her. She transfers video from her phone to her new one. “Be careful and Take care of Anika” She warned security guard before leaving.
Detective Agency-
“I didn’t expect you here this much early. Did you get remember anything?” Kshitij asked to her after seeing her sitting. “No I, didn’t come for that. Somebody is stalking me and my sister. I found this hidden camera in our cars” She said while keeping the camera on the table. Kshitij picked it up and looks on. “Then you should report to police or hire some other detective as I am working on Juhi’s case,” He said to her. “But this is related to Juhi’s case” She replied. “How?” He asked sitting on a chair in front of her while taking an interest. She shows him the video. “This is my mother. They kidnapped her” She said. “Hmm, How it is related to this case?” He asked.
“Can you see this bracelet ?” She asks while pausing the video and zoom it. That lady’s hand is only shown in the video which was roughly holding Janavi’s face for shooting that video. “So what?” He asks confusedly. “This is the same bracelet which Juhi was wearing in that pic which you showed me” She replied while he looks toward the board where that picture is pinned. He notices the same colourful bracelet in that. He and Vishaal both are shocked that she catches up a clue from that pic which she looks once.
“Miss Malhotra, We will find about it. I have a thing to ask How do you get such a good memory? ” Kshitij asked, looking at her doubtingly. Before she replies, a voice interrupted her. “I will tell you about that” Swayam said while entering. Kshitij turned toward him and get reminded that he only calls him here for talking about Shivay’s condition. “Sorry, I will answer you tomorrow. Anika is alone and I don’t want that she get in any trouble” Drishya said picking her bag. “You can return this tomorrow.” She said signing toward her new phone. “Be careful” Swayam muttered in concern while she nods her head. “Don’t tell him about me and Shivaay” She whispered before leaving.
Kshitij looks toward Swayam for an explanation. “Ishu has hyperthymesia. A special type of condition in which she is able to remember every minute details of incidents which happen with her.” Swayam said while they both look on confusedly. “You can understand she is able to visualize her past. She is intelligent on noticing things especially those things which she faced in past” He explained on realising their confusion. “You mean she is able to rewind her memories,” Vishaal asked while getting amazed and he nods his head. “You can say like that too” Swayam replied.
“Hmm….Interesting. What about Shivaay? Dr Drishya told that he is schizophrenic. Can you explain that?” Kshitij asked to him. “Schizophrenia is a mental condition in which a person lost his touch to reality. They start living in an illusionary world where they can hear voices, see people who never exist in reality. Gradually they start deforming themselves from the real world and this affects their behaviour and thinking as well” He explained. “But what was Shivay’s case?” Kshitij asked. “Shivay’s mind creates his own world and an imaginary friend because of loneliness. He starts living in that world which disturbs his behaviour and life.” He replied. “There is anything which can develop this,” He asked. “Hmm… The environment contributes a lot to this. In Shivaay case, negligence of his parents led to loneliness and then this condition.” Swayam said while he nods his head. “Any other information…” He looks toward Vishaal who was writing everything on a notepad. “No, Complication with Shivay’s case is that he never cooperate with me. He never used to share anything that’s why I don’t know much things about him” Swayam replied while getting lost somewhere. “Thank you for the information. We will call you if we need any other help” Kshitij replied while doing a handshake.
Malhotra Mansion –
“Did you had your dinner Ani?” Drishya asked her who was working on a laptop. “Ani, I am asking something, ” She asked again but she ignores her. “Why are you not saying anything?” She asked while Anika turned her neck toward her. “Did you went to report about Mumma’s Kidnapping?” Anika asked standing while closing her laptop. “How do you get to know?” Drishya muttered. “That does not matter. Why did you go? You know that kidnapper warned if we tried to inform the police, they will kill Mumma.” Anika ask. “Because that was important. If I didn’t inform, then how are we going to find her” She replied. “We can get her if you give the thing which they want. I know there is something which you hide. You are keeping Mumma’s life at stake for this” Anika said angrily.
“Please, I don’t have anything….” Drishya starts saying but she interrupts her in between. “You don’t care because you are not her daughter that’s why you are putting her life in danger” Anika interrupt her furiously. “What rubbish you are saying? You have any idea what are you saying. I am a doctor, we took a Hippocratic oath for saving people. We can’t kill anyone even we hate that person” Drishya said. “Who are you?” She asked while she looks on. “Ani, What are you asking? I am your sister” Drishya said to her while caressing her face and she jerked her hand. “You are not. Why did you lie?” Anika said .”Who the hell told you this? What’s wrong with you?” She asked while Anika pick some papers from her table and keep on her hand. Drishya looked at them and get shocked to see DNA reports. “What were you saying Ishu? You betray me, you lied to me.” Anika asks while shedding tears.
“Ani, I am not your biological sister but it doesn’t mean that I am not your sister. We might be not connected by blood but we are connected by hearts” She said wiping her tears. “Just stay away from me. You are here for something then probably you have some mission. You are planning something against Daddy and me” Anika said while a slap land on her face. “Have you gone mad? How can you say that? I was the one who takes care of you from childhood when your so-called mother leaves you here and your so-called father was busy in his professional life. You are telling me that I am planning against you.” She replied furiously. “I don’t wanna talk to you. Just get out of my room.” She said in rage and shut the door on her face. “Ani, Listen to me. Open the damn door” Drishya said while banging the door. Swetlana see this and smirked. “The first attack is successful” She typed and send a message. “Go away ” Anika shout from inside. “Ishu, Why the hell you lie with me? Why are you not giving what they want for releasing Mumma?” She blabbered while sitting on her knees leaning back to the door. Tears rolled down from her eyes. Drishya was like a shield for her since childhood, Anika is more hurt from the fact that she never trusts her and tells truth to her than she is not her real sister. It doesn’t matter to her whether she is her biological sister or not, the only thing matters the trust which she always keeps on her but she never trusts her that’s why she hides the truth. Drishya definitely protects her from starting but forget to teach her fighting for herself. She becomes her shield but she forgets to make her the shield of herself. Drishya’s possessiveness toward Anika was the main reason behind her carefree attitude. She always thought that she will solve Anika’s problems unaware of the fact that she is making her weak and dependant on herself. Indeed ‘Anything in excess is a poison ‘ whether it’s care or love.
Oberoi Textiles-
Sitting there in her cabin, Anika was lost in her thoughts. This is her routine to inform Drishya about her departure but today she nor inform her neither talk to her. She comes to work without doing breakfast. “Anika, Shivay sir is calling you,” Aditi said to her, breaking her chain of thoughts. She nods her head and motioned toward the direction of his cabin. “I am sorry that I went yesterday without informing. But I must say you handle clients very well. Thank you!” Shivay said to her but she couldn’t able to smile well in reply.
Shivaay looks on for not getting a response as he knows that she will surely go to reply something. Shivay notices her behaviour was different from usual days. She was silent and lost today instead of being chirpy and talkative. He then notices puffiness around her eyes. “Is everything fine? You are not looking fine” Shivay asked her on which she looks him surprisingly. “How do you get to know?” She asked. “From your eyes” He replied making her speechless. “You are mistaken. I am fine” She smiles.
“You can tell me if you want to share anything” He insisted. “Can I ask something from you ” Anika ask while sitting on the chair in front while he nods his head. “Whom you will choose if you have to choose anyone between your real family and the one who care for you from starting. What if you get to know that the person you loved most is telling lie and hiding things from you?” She asked looking in his eyes. Shivay looks on and he felt that she is in the same situation as him. Her statements remind him of his own life. “Sometimes people are not related to us, care for us the most. Feelings matter more than blood. Just choose that person who makes you feel secure” He replied. “He is saying right. I want to save my mother but I can’t ignore that Ishu took care of me in the absence of her, “She thought while Shivay snapped his fingers. “Where are you lost?” He asked. “Nowhere, I have some work” She replied while standing from her chair. Shivay nods his head in disbelief after listening again that she has some work. Why this girl always have important work? Anika dialled her number after walking out from there but it was unreachable.
Lifeline Hospital
“I get to know that someone is stalking you. Please take care Dr Drishya” Advik said to her while she nods her head. “Are you alright? Don’t worry now they are not able to stalk you, as you report that. ” He said to her. Before she could reply, a nurse interrupts them. “Dr Drishya, this is for you,” She said giving a white envelope. Drishya opens it and gets shocked. “Thank you for your concern. I will talk to you later” She replied moving toward her cabin. She is not able to believe that Is this happening in reality? She is losing everything one by one…First Ani and now her job. She thought while glancing the termination letter.
Suddenly her cabin’s door flung open. She sees Swayam and the letter fall from her hand. “Come with me,” He said holding her hand. “Where are you taking me?” She asked while trying to remove her grip. “What did you think that I won’t get to know if you don’t tell me. Dad can’t terminate you like this” He replied while picking up the letter from the ground and tear it in pieces. “What the hell you did?” She asked shockingly. “You are not going anywhere Ishu….Get it. I will talk to Dad, Come” He said while dragging her. “Swayam, I don’t want to explain anything to him. He is right that the hospital’s environment is getting disturbed because of this investigation.” She replied making him angry. He tightly holds her arm and pulled her closer. “Shut up! Fix it in your mind that you are not alone, I am with you” He said.
“Please, I don’t want to create a rift between you both. Let it be, he is doing this because of the hospital’s reputation. Maybe he will hire me again when this investigation gets stop” She replied while he looks her in disbelief. “How can someone be so stubborn? Wait, you don’t need my help that’s why you are saying this. Do tell Tej uncle to talk with Dad” He replied calming himself. “He won’t do anything for me” She replied. “When you did take care of them, then Why won’t he help you? You are not a blo*dy caretaker of his daughter.” He shouts on her. “Mind your language! Don’t say anything about Ani” She said. “Fine, Go to hell with your sister” He pushed her and walked out from the cabin.
Detective Agency-
On hearing the ring of the phone, Kshitij looks here and there. He gets reminded that Drishya leaves her phone yesterday. He picked up and receive it. “Thank God, You finally picked up Ishu,” Anika said in relief. “Sorry, Miss Malhotra leave her phone with me ” Anika gets stunned after listening manly voice. “Who are you talking? I will inform her about your call” Kshitij said after not getting a response from another side. “Anika, Can you tell me Why did Ishu leave your phone with you” She replied. “Anika, You are her sister,” He asked remembering her name while she muttered ‘Yes’. “I am Detective Kashyap and she leaves her phone for investigation.” He replied.
“You are investigating my mother’s case,” She asked. “Yeah, Can you send me the number from which you get messages. We need to trace it” He asked. “Sure, When Ishu come back for taking her mobile, tell her to call me once,” She said and forward a number on Drishya’s phone. ” Juhi was seen last time in a cafe ‘Coffe time’ before disappearing. I asked from the owner and he give this footage” Vishaal said to him. “Play it ” He replied. “Sir, Why are you this much sure that she is alive only? I mean it can happen that video gets shoot before her death ” He asked playing the video. “There is a chance that she is alive. We can’t miss anything” He replied.
Anika’s Pov –
“Everything is getting tangled and our relationship is getting trapped in this web. I don’t know What’s wrong and right? Life is complicated and we do things which we feel like to do and that those excuses which we give for doing that are also complicated. You should tell me what are you hiding. Your silence messing our relation more. I don’t know why Mumma leaves me alone and still, I can’t hate her. From starting, everyone hides things from me – you, Daddy and Mumma. I get tired from this, I used to the thought that one day you all will tell everything by yourself but I was wrong. You always understand that I don’t deserve to know the truth. Ishu, I want to be with you and solve your problems like you always solve mine.
**Pov ends**
She was starting her and Drshya’s picture on her mobile screen. Her head starts aching because of stress. A teardrop falls down from her eyes. Shivay who passes beside her cabin notice this because of the glass door. He knocked on the door while she turns toward him after wiping her tears. ” Umm…Actually, I want to ask How are you now?” He said stuttering. “I hope your problem gets solved” He added while she looks on. “I am fine. Do you have any work?” She asked. “I am going home. So, please handle everything” He said while she sees that sun start setting through the glass wall of her cabin.
She knows that he always went in the evening, it’s his daily routine but why? “I will” She replied while coming out of her thoughts. She wants to tell him that she doesn’t want to work as she is feeling upset. But she knows that he will never break his rule. She thinks while looking at his face but her head starts spinning. She holds a chair for support. She is not getting what is happening and then everything went black. Shivaay notices this and holds her before she touches the floor. “Anika, What happen to you?” He pats her cheek worriedly.
Precap – Detective Kshitij get a clue…Anika finds her Chaand bracelet with Shivay…Drishya asks from Anika about how she gets DNA reports.
What happens to Anika suddenly?
What do you feel that Juhi is alive or not?
How is Drishya related to Shivay?
Whom do you think as mastermind?
Kindly Ignore grammatical and spelling errors. Keep smiling and please share your view. Do press that like button. Get ready to experience mysteries and unexpected twist from the next update. It is going to blow your mind.
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