The episode starts with Pragya and Aryan alone together as Shahana had gone inside to get refreshments. Pragya enters in a state of shock after hearing Bulbul’s name from Aryan’s mouth. For a moment her memory takes her 30 years back, when she, Bulbul and their mother used to stay with the income received by running their KUMKUM BHAGYA marriage hall and how both the sister’s destiny made them meet Abhi and Purab. She then slowly recollects how she had lost her sister when the latter tried to save her in an accident and sacrificed her life instead. Pragya soon feels uneasy and starts sweating bullets. Aryan notices her changed state and gets worried, “Ma’am, are you alright? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you at all!” Pragya asks him, “How did you come to know about Bulbul and why do you want to learn about her?” Aryan reminisces of having eavesdropped his parents’ conversation when his DAD mentioned BULBUL to be HIS FIRST LOVE. He tries to ward away Pragya’s doubts by cooking up a lie that, “Actually, after Mamu revealed about yours, his, Prachi and Rhea’s relationship, I was just curious to know more about you, so when I asked Dasi, she said that you are four sisters altogether : Yourself, Preeta Luthra, Bulbul and Shristi Luthra, right? I also learnt from Dasi that Preeta and Shristi are married to Mr. Rishabh and Sameer Luthra and settled in the Luthra House. But, unfortunately, you lost Bulbul in an accident!” Pragya’s eyes fill with tears on reminiscing how she had lost Bulbul. She nods sadly. Aryan continues, “And she was also Dad’s FIRST LOVE, right?” Pragya is shocked to hear that from Aryan, while he says, “I know that you are bewildered of me knowing this FACT! And it is the same fact which made me curious to learn more about your sister, so could you please brief me more about her?” Pragya reluctant at first, eventually agrees on listening to Aryan’s pleas. Pragya says, “Bulbul used to be the complete opposite of me! A very cheerful girl, who had lots of dreams and aspirations of her life and her LIFE PARTNER! And when she finally met the man of her DREAMS, which was your Dad, she fell madly in love with HIM, so did he! But before meeting Bulbul, Purab was already engaged to your mother, Aliyah, so when Bulbul came to know about it, she herself stepped aside instead of coming in between your Mom and DAD, however their LOVE was really strong that Bulbul and Purab united in the end” Aryan’s curiosity increases on hearing that and he demands, “Then how did you all lose her, when everything was alright?” Pragya reminisces the night of Bulbul and Purab’s reception and narrates the events to Aryan, “On that day, the chandelier was supposed to fall on me, but Bulbul pushed me and took the disaster on herself, because of which she lost her whole beauty and identity, so IN ORDER NOT TO BECOME A BURDEN IN PURAB’S LIFE, she took her own life by jumping off the CLIFF!” and on saying that, Pragya breaks down into tears, while Aryan is shocked, still pondering in thoughts. He consoles Pragya and asks her, “Ma’am, was THE CHANDELIER INCIDENT, JUST AN ACCIDENT or A PLOY….” When Pragya tearfully points out, “I don’t know, Aryan, but after that incident, I lost someone with whom I spent most of my life, while for your Dad, an empty SPACE remained in his HEART, until Di…” Pragya stops herself from taking out Disha’s name, however Aryan comprehends whom she had meant. Nevertheless, something else bothered him even more, in his mind, he kept reflecting “Whatever, Pragya Ma’am just said, is it all TRUE? Or was that a plan made by someone?” Aliyah’s face flashes in Aryan’s mind but he tries to ward it off saying, “No no no it’s not possible, My Mom’s love may be OBSESSION, but she can never take someone’s life for her love!” he starts trembling in fear in the same thoughts unbeknownst to Pragya, when Shahana comes there and noticing his broken state asks him the matter. Aryan ignores her, takes leave from Pragya and quickly goes out of their house. Shahana is surprised and looks on at him from behind.
Aryan is on his bike still haunted by Pragya’s words. Then, slowly, Sunny and Purab’s words start ringing in his head. He starts getting tensed, sweats profusely and loses focus from his driving that he doesn’t notice a car coming opposite him. However, at the right moment, he watches out for the vehicle and takes a swift turn and halts in front of a tree. The driver of the car too turns quickly without crashing anywhere. Only after pulling the brakes, Aryan realises his mistakes, he immediately gets off from his bike and apologizes to the driver of the car. The driver curses him saying, “PEOPLE LIKE YOU DON’T CARE FOR YOUR OWN LIFE NOR FOR OTHERS’ LIVES!”, after which the man leaves still annoyed for the trouble which Aryan caused him. On the contrary, for Aryan the man’s words echo in his head distressing him even more, he gets thinking, “So, is it A FACT THAT MOM NEVER CARED ABOUT HER OWN LIFE THAT MADE HER RUIN EVEN DAD’S LIFE AND THE ONES WHOM HE LOVED : BULBUL AUNTIE & DISHA MA! And now, Rhea too is following her FOOTSTEPS, does that mean that she too will WRECK HAVOC in RANBIR-PRACHI’S LIVES???” He sits down in the middle of the road catching his head, depressed with the SUDDEN REALIZATION OF HIS MOTHER’S PAST AND ITS INFLUENCE ON HIS TWO SISTERS (Prachi-Rhea) & FRIEND’S (RANBIR) LIVES, unaware of the disorder on the road caused by him and the sounds of sirens thrown on him.
Mehra Mansion, Purab and Aliyah’s bedroom
Purab is reflecting over Aryan-Mishti’s marriage proposal made by Vikram. Aliyah notices him being upset and asks him the matter. Purab says, “You know what, Aliyah, I was taken aback when Vikram came up with a PROPOSAL!” Aliyah curiously demands, “From which company Purab?” Purab shakes his head and continues, “Not a BUSINESS DEAL proposal, Aliyah, rather it’s a MARRIAGE PROPOSAL for our son!” Aliyah eyes widen in amazement.
Kohili House, Vikram and Pallavi’s bedroom
Vikram informs Pallavi and Beeji of having presented Mishti and Aryan’s proposal to Purab. Both of them are disappointed. Beeji asks, “Vikram! Mishti is not just your daughter, how can you even present her marriage proposal without asking US nor HER OPINION!” Pallavi continues in the same tone, “You are absolutely right Beeji! Vikram, you didn’t even bother to talk to me once about it, as if you are the only one who gave birth to her!” Vikram gets annoyed with their remarks and tries justifying himself, “Arrey ho, Saas-bahu ki anokhi Jodi! First tell me is there something WRONG in what I did? This morning, Abhi all of a sudden announced Prachi-Ranbir’s engagement when both of them are not ready yet. Moreover, isn’t it right to do the BIDAAI of GHAR KI LAKSHMI before bringing in ANOTHER LAKSHMI! So I just told Abhi that I want to marry off my daughter before my son and when he asked if I have someone in mind for Mishti, I told about Aryan……so that is why I presented the proposal to Purab because earlier once both Abhi and Purab brushed off the matter, now when I really do wish Mishti-Aryan’s proposal to go forward, shouldn’t I have presented it or what? And don’t you both think that Aryan will be PERFECT for Mishti?” Pallavi and Beeji look at each other and smile. Beeji says, “I feel for the first time you have done something right Vikram!” Pallavi continues, “Absolutely beeji! Even I feel Aryan would be the best MATCH for Mishti, he is a great guy and a great FRIEND OF our Ranbir, just like Purab is for Abhi and that is why he always protects and cares for Mishti! And it would be great if mishit marries him because she will not go far and continue to stay in front of our eyes! So, Vikram what did Purab say?”
Purab and Aliyah’s Bedroom
Aliyah exclaims at Purab, “What? You asked for time? Purab! Don’t you think it was great enough that Vikram, himself came to you, with the proposal of his daughter for our son which will BRING PROFIT FOR OUR BUISNESS?” Purab replies to her in a harsh voice, “Our SON’S LIFE is not a BUISNESS DEAL, Aliyah that we make decisions just like that without his consent for our own BENEFITS and I asked for time because I really want to know if Aryan is alright with accepting Mishti as his LIFE PARTNER or if there is SOMONE ELSE in his life!” Aliyah remembers Aryan’s closeness with Shahana and gets thinking, “Oh god, if Purab comes to know that there is something for that CHEAP MIDDLE-CLASS adoptive daughter of Pragya in Aryan’s heart, then he will never take Aryan-Mishti’s proposal forward!” Purab snaps at her and asks, “What are you thinking?” Aliyah smiles and replies, “Nothing! By the way, did you mention about this to Aryan?” Purab says, “No! That is why I asked for time, so that I personally get to know if OUR SON is alright with this RELATIONSHIP OR NOT!” Aliyah looks on anxiously.
Vikram and Pallavi’s bedroom
Pallavi says, “I think Purab is right by asking for time because if we present just like that our OPINION to children, they may accept it coming under pressure to keep our hearts. Nevertheless, I think that our Mishti will surely accept this proposal because, I feel she has a CRUSH on Aryan by the way her attitude towards him has changed recently, on the contrary, I really don’t know about Aryan!” Beeji tells, “Don’t worry Pallavi, I guess Aryan too will accept because our Mishti is one in a BILLION and after all she is ALSO HIS BEST-FRIEND’S SISTER, so let’s hope for the best!” Vikram and Pallavi nod and smile cheerfully.
Sunny’s workshop in the garage near his house
Both Sunny and Sanju are holding cue sticks near the billiards table. Sunny is concentrating to hit the cue ball into its pit, while Sanju uninterestedly watches, with the cue stick pointed on his face. He looks around and finds Sunny’s various collection including a punching bag. Sanju says, “Bhai no matter you are so STRONG and so INTELLIGENT! On one side, you practice every day on this punching bag and on the other side, you play billiards to increase your concentration and INTELLIGENCE. By the way, why did you ask Aryan to come here when he called you? Do you think, you will able to GIVE HIM THE PAIN BY SEPARATING HIM FROM HIS LOVE? I don’t think so, that is not going to happen!” Just then Aryan enters and Sunny hits the cue ball into the pit. Sunny without looking upwards and concentrating on the next cue ball says in a loud voice, “So what is it that brings my LITTLE BROTHER here, when he knows clearly that his ELDER BROTHER wants to DESTROY HIM at any cost!” Aryan takes a deep long breath and calls, “BHAI!” Sunny stops himself on hearing that, while Aryan continues, “I need YOUR HELP!” Sanju thinks wistfully, “This Aryan is foolishly putting himself into LION’S MOUTH!” Sunny asks Aryan roughly, “What is it that I can give you when you already have EVERYTHING which would have been MINE!” Aryan feels dejected; however, he continues, “Bhai, I want you to help Pragya Ma’am and bring out in front of everyone the REAL CULPRIT who caused the WHOLE MESS on Fashion Event night!” Both Sunny and Sanju are astonished to hear that and look pointedly at him. Aryan continues, “I know that you both know THE REAL CULPRIT behind all that scuffle because without knowing that person or that person’s PLAN, you would never have warned me!” Sunny asks him, “But why do you want me help Pragya maasi?” Aryan replies, “Because I’m sure she is ONLY PERSON who can take Rhea in the RIGHT PATH, otherwise Rhea will turn SO EVIL that she will create HAVOC in her own sister and Ranbir’s lives just like……” Sunny and Sanju continue to grasp his words attentively, at the same time, Aryan becomes more conscious and does not disclose anything about his mother. Soon, Sunny leaves his cue stick, comes near Aryan and start walking around him in a circle wickedly pronouncing, “Well, I just promised Prachi this morning that I will help her get all the proofs to get Shahana justice and you too know that all the proofs will be against Rhea, then how can I help you?” Aryan without looking at him tells, “Bhai, if the real culprit is not Rhea, then I’m sure that you can bring the proofs exposing the REAL CULPRIT!” Sunny smirks and says, “That’s right! But what will I get, Aryan?” Sanju’s eyes widen in fear. Aryan gets confused and asks him, “What do you want?” Sunny still circling around Aryan grins, “Not now my little brother, but YOU HAVE TO PROMISE ME THAT WHEN I ASK YOU SOMETHING YOU WILL OBEY ME WITHOUT HESITATION NO MATTER WHAT IT IS!” Just then, Aryan gets Shahana’s call in his phone, Sunny notices it, smirks evilly, goes near the billiards table and tries to hit the cue ball. Both Aryan and Sanju are lost in their thoughts. Sanju repeatedly tells in his mind. “Don’t say YES Aryan, don’t say YES….”, while Aryan closes his eyes and reminisces everything which is haunting him for the past few days. He opens his eyes, disconnects Shahana’s call, breathes heavily and says, “Fine!” just when Sunny smiling beamingly hits the cue ball into the pit while Sanju bangs his forehead with his palm.
To be continued.
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