Tuesday 3 March 2020

Gudiya Humari Sabhi Pe Bhari 3rd March 2020 Written Episode Update: Gudiya decides to go to Palace

Gudiya Humari Sabhi Pe Bhari 3rd March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Radhe saying what has happened? Gudiya says I have become princess. Pappu asks if our Gudiya will leave us. Sarla cries. Radhe says I will not let Gudiya go and tells that if Menka is my daughter then Gudiya is also my daughter and I can take care of them both. Pappu says Gudiya is my sister. Sarla asks them to say that Gudiya will not go with them. Gudiya says she got a good chance to have good food and says I can’t leave this chance. Menka tells that she is born as Rajkumari, but now she came to know that she is not their child. Queen says you are still our daughter. Menka says I can’t stay here. Gudiya tells Sarla that she can’t stay without her and tells that she will go to palace and call everyone one by one. She says if I have become Rajkumari then you have become my Amma. Sweety says I have become Rajkumari’s bhabhi. Gudiya says if anyone asks you then you shall tell you have given birth to Menka by eating nariyal and misri, says nobody will taunt you now. Sarla cries and hugs Gudiya. Queen tells Menka that she is her princess always. King says our palace will always be open for you.

Menka says she can’t digest the fact that someone else will take her place. Queen says Gudiya is the princess of bharatpur. Menka says who am I then? King says you are the king of our heart. Menka says she can’t stay here. Gudiya says you shall think how to welcome Menka. Radhe says Menka shall not think that we are not happy to see her. Pappu says you are right. Jia says we shall take care of her. Sweety says all her work shall be done properly. Gudiya says she wants them to have peace. They laugh. Radhe says if they have given her birth then we have brought her up. He says I won’t let her go. Queen explains to Menka that they have to give their heir back to them if they are taking theirs. She says we will leave Servants, cars and luxuries her. She asks her not to feel weak and don’t let them be weak. Menka says I will lose everything because of Gudiya. She says if I make Gudiya move from my way then they will take her back to palace.

Radhe tells King that they will send Gudiya to bharat pur for her good future and bharatpur’s betterment. Pappu says but after a few days. Queen says we will take her after 5 days, till then our Servants will be here to take care of you all. Radhe says we will do our work ourselves and don’t need Servants. Queen says chefs and Servant will take care of menka’s needs. Jia says Menka shall adjust to us. King says chefs will stay in the nearest haveli and will come during the food time to make food. They call Gudiya near them. Queen shows her tiara. Gudiya asks what is it? King says it is raj mukut for you. Radhe and Pappu ask the Queen and King to take the tiara back and give her when she comes home. Queen says your samdhi is Police man and asks why they are worrying. King asks Queen to come and tells that he needs to go to bathroom. They leave. Gudiya asks why they left. Radhe says I know this problem since years. Sarla takes mukut from Gudiya. Menka gets upset and goes. They go to Menka. Menka says if anyone comes near me then I will hurt myself. Everyone goes from there.

Gudiya comes to Menka. Menka says I hate you, you are my enemy and asks her not to talk to her. Gudiya says we are sisters and tells that Amma and bau ji loves me a lot. She says if Amma and others come to know that you hate me then they will feel bad. Menka says I am not their daughter. She says my head is paining, Gudiya offers to massage her head. Menka gets angry and tries to harm herself. Everyone comes there. Menka stares at her angrily. Gudiya tells Sarla that she understands now why she is strong since childhood as she has royal blood in her. They laugh. Radhe asks Menka why she is worrying and says I am your babu ji and will solve all your problems. Menka brushes off his hand. Sarla tries to talk to her, but Menka doesn’t talk to her. The Servant hears her. Champa and Chameli call Servant at their house. Servant informs that Gudiya is the princess of Bharatpur.

Chameli and Champa are shocked and says this is destiny. They ask Ballu to come with them and asks Servant to sweep the floor. They again go to Servant. Ballu thinks to visit Radhe bhai saheb. Sweety makes Gudiya practice to walk etc. Jia praises Gudiya. Sarla says you are praising gudiya as she is rajkumari. Jia says she likes her. Gudiya falls on her. Sarla says she is from vanar vansh. Gudiya gets happy. Ballu comes there and meets Radhe. Sarla says his wives sent him. Gudiya says I will tell everything to bhabhi. Radhe asks Ballu if Rajkumari can stay in his house. Ballu says yes. Gudiya says I will stay here. Radhe says I am talking about Rajkumari Menka. Ballu says he will make all arrangements and asks him not to worry. Gudiya asks Sarla to see and says his wives haven’t sent him here. Sarla asks why are you telling me? Gudiya says you said this. Sarla says I will beat you. Jia says she is Rajkumari of bharat pur. Gudiya says she will plate golden slate for Jia. Everyone laughs. Menka gets upset.

Update in Progress

Update Credit to: H Hasan

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