Sunday 18 July 2021

Will you still prefer me? Part 8


Acha thoda rewind karo…
Episode starts with vansh and Riddhima seeing all the stuff in their rooms and sitting with aching heart.
She then went for washing her face,
Vansh moved to her.
Vansh: For how many times,will you wash your face.
He looked in her eyes,knew that,by this way,she is trying to hold her tears,
Riddhima: Now what are you staring?
Vansh: Don’t know,if this docile face,will return to me.
Riddhima : Ofcourse it will vansh,I swear.
They were to share a tight hug but,
They suddenly hear auto horn.
Vansh at a moment,glanced Riddhima in shock,
Vansh: You have called auto?
Riddhima: I…Vansh if you will take me there.I know that you won’t be able to leave me.That railway station has a lots of memories of ours,so its better,that you bid adieu me from here itself.
Vansh just glared her and then nodding slowly turned other side.She wished to,hug him tightly,and tell him that please don’t be sad,she was understanding that he is ,not happy with her decision to go alone,but ,sometimes life brings you in a situation ,where you have nothing in your hands other than to s ee it passing.
Riddhima lifted the handle of her suitcase,took her bag pack,and then there was,just the voice of wheels of suitcase being dragged,slowly,she turned to him,he still ,was looking other side,not towards her.She wished to pull him and cup his face,normally as she usually did,but it ,was not possible at the moment,there was an,imaginary wall ,preventing them to openly share their hearts,she smiled a bit and then ,again dragged her bag,glancing at all the things,as she moved to the main gate,she saw ,young Ridhima entering the house and Vansh with their bag on his back,the happiness on her face had no bound when they found that house,she turned back and looked at it once again,her eyes,were already wet ,she was blinking much,to prevent tears ,but they made their way down her cheeks,which she at a moment wiped and smiled,but in vain,Vansh was not there,he didn’t come out to leave her,so again tears came down,so she made her way fast to auto and sat in it .As the gate of car was shut,and Vansh inside heard the bang voice,his feet itself rushed him to outside,to his pleasure,she had still not left ,was still staring him from Auto’s window,
Flashback shows young Riddhima ,when she got lost in city ,as it was new for them,when Vansh found her,he hugged her that closely,scolding her,that she has no right to go away from him,continously pulling her closer,and she,just burying her head in his chest,
it ended.
Vansh still,wished to take her out from car,and hug her that closely,the way his heartbeats were fast that day ,they were still today,the way Riddhima found peace on Vansh’s chest that day,she was still dying for that peace,but it was,not that easy now.
Their eyelock was broken,
by Driver,: Should I start mam?
To which they both remained silent and then Riddhima said hmm,,,breaking the eyelock.
She looked back at Vansh,he was still,staring her,she smiled a bit,as if everything is fine,I will be here very soon,please…
She took her hand out,to give him a final handshake,a friendly handshake,he looked at her hand,and his mind was resisting,his anger,,his worry for her,everything was saying no,don’t hold it,but still,he held her hand tight,as driver moved on the auto,his grasp on her hand became tight,but ,her hand ,got free with a jerk,as he didn’t move on with auto,leaving a cut on his wrist.
In the auto,she wished to look outside ,back at him,but ended,crying hard ,with a drop of his blood on her nails,touching that to her lips.
Vansh was left there,with dust behind auto,as breeze was there,it remained for few moments but then ,settled down.
He then slowly turned,to move back ,inside his house,but saw ,Riddhima all around,somewhere,teasing him,somewhere hugging him,somewhere cookin,somewhere studying and teaching him,somewhere they were dancing,somewhere they were singing…playing…their laughs and cries were echoing in both Vansh’s and Riddhima’s ears.
Vansh ended sitting,on the iron gate ,it was ,slowly swinging in breeze,h was crying hard,ended in holding the iron spike hard,leaving blood on whole iron bar of gate.

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7/18/2021 05:49:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments