Friday 6 March 2020

Faasley – A Twinj FF Chapter 2 (Is this ‘the perfect life’)

Thanks to all people who commented on last chapter. It means a lot❤๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

When the car stop in front of a huge mansion, she walks inside while getting down. Security guard open gate for her while she enters in a big hall decorated by a chandelier and few fancy showpieces. “Twinkle, you are back,” Mahi asked to her who couldn’t able to smile to her because she was angry on the tender. Mahi called her Twinkle instead of ‘Bhabhi’, Don’t know how many times her brother told her to call her ‘Bhabhi’ but she is too adamant. “Didn’t you went to the clinic today?” Twinkle asked to her. “Actually today I have fewer appointments that’s why I come back” She replied smiling while she nods her head. Twinkle seated herself on the couch and hold her head. “What happen to you?” Mahi asks worriedly. “Nothing just pressure of work” She replied while Mahi gives her glass of water.

Twinkle moves upstairs and walked toward her room. She can’t believe it till now that she lose the tender. Though she only shares that tender but it is nothing less than losing for her. “Yuvraj, Why did you come back without informing? ” She asked to him who was busy in sculpting something. “You were going to handle the tender. What can I do there?” He replied with a smile but still his full concentration on engraving fine details on that sculpted heart. “You own that place ” She replied while putting down her stud earrings. “I was never interested in business. You deserved that position of C.E.O” He replied turning toward her. “What are you making?” Twinkle asks while moving toward her. “Umm….It is for you. I know it’s not perfect.” He said giving her a sculpted heart on which their both name engraved. “It’s beautiful” She replied admiring it.

“How was your meeting?” He asked while she looks on. “It was pathetic” She replied while putting the heart on a nearby table. “What’s wrong? Why are you this much angry?” He asked cupping her face. “Nothing that tender get divide between our and Sarnas” She replied annoyedly. “It is good though. Kunj is going to be the son-in-law of our family. You should be happy while sharing this tender with him” He replied not getting the reason behind her anger. He knows she is very professional but there are more shades of her. She can be sweet and tough at the same time.

“Look Yuvraj, I have no personal problem with him. It’s just that I just want that tender only for our company. You know, I can’t mix professional and personal lives ” She tried to keep her view. “Fine, Let it go. Maybe we get more profit while working with Sarnas” He replied. She smiles and shook her head in disbelief. She knows that he is optimistic to this much extent that he only positivity around him. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door. “Dinner is ready. Come downstairs” Mahi said to them. “I will come after changing clothes” Twinkle replied while they both nod their heads and move downstairs.

“Did you get successful in solving their fight?” Kunj asks to Kabir. They all were sitting on the dining table. “You can see” Kabir replied signing toward Karan and Kriya who was sitting there with the annoying face. “It is quite impossible to solve their fight without you,” Kabir said. “What about the tender, Kunj?” Manohar asked to him. “Papa, We got that. We are going to work with Luthras” He replied while he nods his head.

“What’s wrong with you both. Why are you still fighting?” Kunj asked. “Bhaiya, Do tell him to keep my things properly,” Kriya said. “Look Bhaiya, She intentionally didn’t put her things for this” Karan replied. “Why would I clean again? ” She frowns. “Ok guys, stop it. I will do that.” Kunj said to them. “No Bhaiya, Why would you do that. I will do” Both Kriya and Karan said in unison while Kabir smile. “You both got the habit of making him solving your childish issues. You can do that before without argument” Kabir nods his head in disbelief.

“Why are you getting jealous? ” Both asked raising their eyebrows while Kabir looks toward who shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t want one more fight. I have so much work to do” Kunj smile while taking Kabir in a hug and Karan too joined it. Kriya looks at all three brothers annoyedly. “You guys missed me, ” She asked crossing her hands against her chest while they three chuckled at her expression. “You have a special place, Gudiya” Kunj said while pulling her in a hug.

Twinkle comes out from washroom after changing clothes and moves toward the mirror. She donned a simple braid in her hairs. She looks at the sculpted heart and smile after picking it up. Yuvraj and her story is not a fairy tale, it was a normal journey from friends to lovers. She touched the engraved letters on it while admiring them. She got a new family and life in his family. She never knew that family can be this much beautiful thing until she met his family. She binds this family with love and that’s why she is overprotective for them. She cares for them a lot even this much that she can harm anyone for them.

That happens when you never experience any relation from childhood and when you get any relation in your life, you become possessive for that. Same goes to her, she experiences a new light in the form of these relations in her dark world. “Do you have any plan of coming for dinner?” Mahi asked while she gets startled on sudden voice. “You want us to starve with hunger. You know that we won’t start without you” She frowns while she smiles while moving toward her after placing it there.

Kunj was going to open his laptop when Karan stopped him. “This is looking like the office to you,” He asked annoyedly while he shook his head. “Kabir, you only make him understand that this time for not working” Karan complain and frowns after looking him who was busy with his canvas. “Why did everyone need to work now only?” He said dramatically. “You think everyone is free like you,” Kunj said while Karan looks on while frowning. “You can take it as a compliment” Kabir chuckled making Kunj giggled too.

“I will not talk with you both,” Karan said while pouting. “As you wish,” Kabir said while he narrowed his eyes. “I will go from here if you keep pulling my leg” He threatens them childishly. “What a relief! Door is there. Please Go! ” Kunj said signing toward the door and open his laptop. Karan picks cushions and throws at them. ” Idiot, you just ruined my painting, ” Kabir said to him whose brush get budge because of the cushion. Kabir picked up the same cushion and throws back on him.

“Bhaiya, let’s cook something, ” Karan said while dragging him. “We already had our dinner. There is no need” Kabir said while Kunj agrees with him. “Let’s make hot chocolate,” Karan said excitedly while they both rolled their eyes. “Not at all,  You never help us and instead of helping us, you messed up everything,” Kabir said while he glares him annoyedly. “Now, Don’t make this type of face. Let’s go” Kunj said while pulling his cheek.

Twinkle was sitting there with a file. She was still thinking about tender only. This is her only problem, she never forgets things and keeps grudges until she gets the win. “What are you doing ?” Mahi asked her who was highlighting some files. “How many time I told you not to bring office work on the home,” She said annoyedly while snatching it from her hand while she glared her. “Don’t show me your big eyes. I am not going to scared from you” She said while she nods her head in disbelief.

“Stop being childish, It is very important. Give it back” Twinkle tries to take the file.  “First you promise that you are not going to open it,” She said hiding it behind her back. “You are so stubborn.” Twinkle frowns while she runs while showing file to her. “Mahi, You are such a child. Give it to me” Twinkle asked running behind her while she climbs on the bed while giggling. She was running here and there while Twinkle was following her. Suddenly she gets collided with the table and as a result, that sculpted heart falls down and get a break into pieces.

She turns toward it while Twinkle looks on. “Sorry , It gets fall down by mistake,” Mahi said to her who was looking at the pieces. “Yuvraj just made that for me,” She said while picking pieces. “Oh God!Now, Bhaiya will kill me for sure” Mahi looks on horrified. “Twinkle, he is talking with Dad. Please don’t tell him” She said. ” What will I say to him? He gets to know it by himself ” She replied while gathering all the pieces.

“We can still fix it,” Mahi said. “We can’t fixed, once it gets broken. It will leave cracks after fixing it too” Twinkle replied while touching the broken pieces of it. She was happily admiring that some time ago and now it is shattered in pieces. She is only like this, she gets happy and upset on little things. More than that she was upset on the fact that Yuvraj made that with love and he is going to feel sad after looking it broken. “Twinkle Really Sorry. It happens because of me” Mahi said. “Maybe, It is written to get broken like this.” She sighed while putting the pieces in order.

Precap – Is Twinkleband Kunj’s different ideas regarding tender  going to create trouble?

Kindly Ignore grammatical and spelling errors. Keep smiling.


Niyu ❤

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