Friday 21 February 2020

“REBIRTH” Is It The for Reason For An Unfulfilled Union Or Not? – Episode 2

The episode starts with Radhika turning around and looking fearfully at her father, Bhanuprakash, who just gave a wild remark about Madhav being a TRANGENDER. Madhav is Radhika’s BEST-FRIEND since childhood.  He is two and half years younger than her but still they both study in the same grade, because Radhika purposefully dropped out two grades to stay in the same grade with her best-friend, Madhav. Bhanuprakash always HELD a strong DESPISE for Madhav. Madhav came from a FAMILY of poor background and social status. Madhav’s mother Mrs. Devika Rane is a widow, who lost her husband even before Madhav’s Birth. She was abandoned by her family members for having chosen and married a MAN against their wishes and since the death of Madhav’s father, Madhav has been the sole family for HER. However, Devika is a greatly skilled Kathak dancer, which gave her the source to run A SMALL DANCE SCHOOL, in their Dehna village, from where Madhav and Radhika’s friendship began, when Bhanuprakash brought his daughter for the first time to Devika’s dance school, when she was just three and Madhav a few months old baby. As they grew up, their friendship grew stronger and blossomed but Bhanuprakash detested Madhav because Madhav having taken on his mother is himself a greatly skilled dancer, but, the same skills also gave him the DRAWBACKS to have FEMININE WALKING STYLES AND CERTAIN SPEECH FORMS. He is often mocked by the boys of his own age because of these graces but every time, his BEST-FRIEND, Radhika stands with him as his STRENGTH AND SUPPORT.

Radhika gets tensed as her father walks towards her and stands in front of her with infuriated eyes. Her hands begin to tremble and she clenches tightly the sides of the skirt of her uniform into her fists. Bhanuprakash asks her in a rough tone, “Are those two parathas for that…” before Bhanuprakash could pronounce the word transgender, Radhika cuts in a loud tone saying, “MADHAV!!!”, Bhanuprakash is taken aback while Radhika continues, “He has a name Pa and don’t INSULT him addressing him with such abusive words!!!” Bhanuprakash gets exasperated and asks her, “I’m INSULTING HIM??? The whole VILLAGE addresses him with that word!!! And you??? You are fighting with your father for that BOY????” Radhika replies him sternly, “Madhav is MY BEST-FRIEND Pa and he is as DEAR TO ME as you and MA!!! So, I can’t bear a SINGLE WORD of INSULT against him AND WILL FIGHT ALL THE PEOPLE WHO LURE INSULTS ON HIM STANDING AS HIS SUPPORT ALWAYS!!!” on saying that Radhika takes her bag and leaves her home while Bhanuprakash and Kirtida keep looking at her.


Shamli reaches her college and greets her friends. One of them places her wedding greeting card on Shamli’s hands and invites her for her marriage. She asks her, “Shamli, your parents too are searching for a suitable groom for you, since LONG, but there seems to be NOONE who has all the QUALITIES OF YOUR PRINCE CHARMING, Arrey, Shamli, when will you place YOUR WEDDING INVITATION IN OUR HANDS??? WHEN WILL YOU FIND THAT MAN WITH ALL YOUR DESIRED QUALITIES???” Just then, all of them get distracted by a sweet music of FLUTE. Shamli gets mesmerized by the music and asks her friends, “Wow, who is playing such a lovely tune???” Her friends inform her that the college’s biggest MUSIC FEST is happening for that complete week, so maybe some participant is playing. Shamli tells her friends, “Lets go and check out!!!” They all go near the stage from where the music was heard. As they near it, they hear people cheering, “GOPAL!! GOPAL!! GOPAL!!”, Shamli gets surprised to hear the name, she remembers her conversation with her mother that morning and gets thinking, “Gopal, doesn’t that mean KRISHNA??? But then all of a sudden, she realises what she ha been thinking and tries to shoo away the thoughts from her mind saying, “Oh god, what am I thinking??? How can I compare someone whom I hardly know to be my……just leave it!!!”  She then looks towards the stage and tries to look at the person who is playing the flute. But then, she is unable to see his face, as the crowd in front is constantly moving, but then she gets a glimpse of his eyes through the crowd!!!” unknowingly she gets captivated by the charm of his eyes along with his music. Soon, Gopal’s turn comes to an end and he tuns towards the judges for his results. The judges discuss with each other and inform him that he is selected for the final round. All cheer loudly while Shamli smiles. Soon, Gopal moves out of the stage. Shamli gets disappointed as she was unable to see his face completely. She tells her friends that she will come in a moment and soon starts following Gopal, who is moving outwards. She continues to follow while watching him getting felicitated for his performance by his friends. After a while, Gopal feels doubtful that he is being followed by someone turns around to check out. But then, Shamli quickly hides herself, she catches her breath when Gopal comes near to check out. On finding no one, he continues to move forward. Shamli, having narrowly escaped from getting caught, decides not to follow Gopal anymore and turns to leave, when all of a sudden, she hears someone stopping Gopal in a nasty tone. She turns around and gets shocked to see Gopal with his back turned towards her, surrounded by a group of nasty looking men. One of the men asks him, “Arrey ho, HERO from the slums, do you think you will win this music fest by defeating us??? Let us see how you WILL DO THAT???” on saying that, he punches hard on Gopal’s face, who retaliates and soon it becomes a huge brawl between them. Shamli looks around to call for help, but she finds no one, then when she turns towards them, she notices Gopal’s flute falling out of his pocket. But before, he could get it back, one of the men takes it and breaks it into TWO. Gopal’s eyes widen in shock and pain, while Shamli cups her mouth in astonishment. Gopal falls on her knees seeing his flute broken, unable to retaliate anymore with the men. The men take advantage of the opportunity and try to attack him, when all of a sudden, they are attacked by a stick. Shamli hits all of them hard with the stick saying “Don’t you try hurting him anymore YOU SCOUNDRELS!!!”, while them even after being men and many are unable to fight her thrashings. They run for their lives from there. After they leave, Shamli looks towards Gopal turned still with his back towards her, is in a heartbroken state. She catches his shoulder and tells, “Gopal, let’s leave from here!!!”, he remains inert still in shock. Next, Shamli raises her voice and pulls him upward, that is when he turns and their eyes meet each other for the first time. Both are mesmerized and have an intense eye lock. (Radhe Radhe radhe…Radhakrishn theme song plays)


Madhav is running towards the school gate as he had been late. He shouts out, “Dada, please don’t close the gate, the security guard listens to him and lets him in. But as he walks in, he is tripped down by one of the naughty boys of his age. He looks up towards and frowns who shouts out, “Arrey ho HIJRA!!! Where are you off to……” But before the boy could complete his phrase, he feels a hard punch of his face. The boy falls down. All are surprised and looks towards the person who had hit him. When Radhika comes and stands in front of Madhav. Everyone is left astounded.

(Radhe Radhe radhe…Radhakrishn theme song plays)

Krishn’s DIALOGUE from the first trailer mentioned in Character Sketches is heard

“Roop badla, Log Badla, na badla toh hai prem. Prem ke bin Jeevan hai aadha. Dharthi par aaye KRISHN aur RADHA”.


To be continued.

(Next update will be on 28-02-2020)

The post “REBIRTH” Is It The for Reason For An Unfulfilled Union Or Not? – Episode 2 appeared first on Telly Updates.

2/21/2020 10:24:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments