Monday, 17 February 2020

Kartik Purnima 17th February 2020 Written Episode Update: Kartik calls Purnima

Kartik Purnima 17th February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Purnima prays to lord and says why do people differentiate between humans? I wish I could change the perception of people. She sees diya not lit up and starts to do that. Soni enters the mandir and gets angry seeing someone litting up the diya. She says to the priest that how did you let someone else enter the mandir before me? Purnima says don’t scold him, it was my fault. Sonia says how dare you enter this mandir before me? I own this mandir. Purnima says this mata have made this world, she doesn’t differentiate between humans on the basis of their skin color. If Mata tells me that I am wrong then I will leave from here. She prays to Mata and leaves. Chachi says she is a servant then how dare she talk like this? The priest says we can’t doze off her diya so Soni will have to lit another diya.

Shanaya talks to Bina and says Soni wants me to not enter the beauty pageant? I will take part in it as it’s my dream. Bina says once you marry Sumrit then you can do anything you want. Shanaya says I want to marry Kartik only, I don’t like Sumrit. She leaves.

Scene 2
Kartik recalls praising Purnima’s eyes and how she scolded him that he was a liar. Kartik recalls that she filled a form and calls Tannu to send her file.
Purnima says I have met Soni two times and both were not good meetings, I shouldn’t have said so much to her. She is not the first one to taunt my complexion. She shouldn’t break the proposal because of me. I should do something.
Soni recalls Purnima’s words and says she has crossed all lines, I will make her beg to me.
In the morning, Sumrit is eating butter but Soni asks him to avoid oily food as his wife is a model. His sister says that we should get them engaged as she will give me dieting tips. Soni says why wait? We will do engagement tomorrow in our mansion. Sumrit smiles. The servant brings the file for Kartik. Soni takes it but Kartik comes and takes the file from her. He says I have some work. He leaves.
Kartik comes to his room and checks Purnima’s file. He calls her but Shanaya takes the call. Kartik asks if she is Purnima? She says no but who are you? Shanaya cuts the call and asks Purnima if she has some boy? Purnima says I don’t know what you are talking about.
Kartik tries to check the address in Purnima’s file but it’s missing.
Shanaya tells Bina that a boy was calling Purnima, she has a boyfriend that she is hiding. Bina scolds Purnima and says you are being characterless. Purnima says enough, you can tell me anything but don’t malign my character.

PRECAP- Kartik sees Purnima and she ties his bracelet. He recalls how same thing happened in their childhood.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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